Sunday, June 17, 2012

Resemble your Father

Disciple  Attend  Develop

Remember the day you first laid eyes on a squirming, crying, red, slimy little baby?  Yes, that day brought in a rush of multiple emotions.  At times, you may not have known whether to smile or cry!  Your life completely changed in a matter of minutes (in some cases hours). 

Questions fill the minds of fathers all around the world:  Will I be able to provide for this family?, How can I teach them the lessons in life?, What will they think of me?, How do I change a diaper, feed and hold this tiny baby correctly?!  The questions never end.  They may change overtime, but we never feel satisfied and confident in decisions because our kids are unpredictable.  They defy our teachings, give attitude and do not like our authority. 

Hang in there; you are not what your kids think of you.  They are learning so much throughout childhood and all of this may become overwhelming.  They begin navigating through the world on their own and may fall from time to time.  Be there to pick them up, forgive and teach them the way to go.  Nothing they do should destroy or decrease your love in any way.  Nothing they do should increase your love in any way.  Love them unconditionally.  They are blessings given from your Father above, entrusted to you for the life span here on Earth and they need you each and every day (whether they act like it or not).  Your children rely on you for comfort, survival, wisdom, safety and love.  Your Father presents this courageous job with confidence in you.  He commands that you reflect Him in actions and words.  Seek Him for counsel.  His Word will direct and rescue in every situation.  He covers all of it in His Book.

Three aspects I would like to focus on: discipleship, attention and development.  Children need the example of a disciple leading them each day.  Seek God and become a disciple by following His Word.  Many factors attribute to this way of living.  First and foremost; accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Become part of a church family and be surrounded by fellow believers.  Engage and plug into the chosen church.  Attend Bible studies, help in the children's program and go to retreats or events which feed you His Truths.  Spend daily time with the Lord.  Pray with your family, be real about the problems you encounter daily and listen to those your family encounter.  Place God in the center of your home. 

 ". . .But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)

Children need attention.  In the beginning it seems pretty simple: change diaper, hold for a little while, make silly faces to get a laugh (really, they just passed gas which brings the smile to their face), lay them down at night and place a kiss on their forehead.  As time moves on, the challenges of giving attention arises.  Life gets busier with work, extracurricular activities, school functions and homework.  But, they still need that one on one attention.  Sit with them while they do their homework, push them on the swing before supper, be front row at a sporting event, really examine the recent artwork created and then hang it on the fridge.  Congratulate them on a job well done in every challenge they tackle.  Turn off the cell phones, computers and TV; then, enjoy an evening of conversation to catch up on the latest.  Be your child's biggest fan!

Here comes the most difficult aspect of being a father; development!  Bringing a child from birth to adulthood seems impossible.  But, with God all things are possible.  Relying on God is a must in all areas of parenting, especially development.  Just as God disciplines, so should you.  Stand firm even through the crocodile tears.  Learning is not easy.  This is where the defiance comes in to play.  You become enemy #1 when discipline occurs.  That is okay, you are teaching them right from wrong.  There is a time and season for every activity under the heavens.  Sometimes we must be their enemy to help develop good morals, respect and safety.  You are loving them through discipline.  Then a time comes when parenting shifts to friendship.  They still come to you for advice, but now have all the lessons you taught them to help make decisions. 

Only one perfect Father exists.  Turn to Him!  Trust in Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight! (Proverbs 3:4-6)  He is there to lead your every step in parenting.  Get up each morning and give 100% to parenting and where you lack, He will provide. 

Parenting is the toughest job here.  Approach it with courage.  Feel honored that your Father trusts you with the task.  Love wholeheartedly, laugh loudly and live each day in effort to resemble your Father!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank you for providing Earthly fathers to help grow us up.  We know that we turn to You, our true Father at all times.  But, You have built up vessels here to be a father with skin on.  Thank You for providing a father for my children whom follows You each day and works to serve You in his parenting.  Thank You for providing a leader of my home to set the example for us to follow.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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