Saturday, February 21, 2015

You Know, THAT Moment. . .

The day begins as usual: that annoying sound persists until feet hit the floor; the mind remains dormant until a fabulous invention called coffee enters your system and the process begins to prepare for the day ahead.  With everybody ready to go, you hit the door running. 

Once arriving at the destination, work begins.  The morning flies by consumed with phone calls, errands, paperwork, emails, etc.  Time arrives for a break.  Back to work after enjoying a meal and some quiet time (yeah right, what is that?).  THEN, it happens. . .

You know, the moment that transformed the day into a terrible nightmare; a tragic, horrifying, very bad, no good moment that leaves an indelible mark in your thoughts.  It changes the anatomical structure of your body by transplanting the heart into the pit of the stomach.  All thoughts dwell on that moment.  It could be a mistake made, phone call received, health concern exacerbated or another event marking tragedy in your story. 

The moment already occurred and no eraser exists big enough to clear the page of this written story.  The more our thoughts dwell on the moment, the worse it seems and the more anxiety develops.  Anxiety begins driving the rest of our day; leading to possibly more mistakes, diminished attitudes, shame, guilt and an open door for the enemy to come and steal any positive left to the day.

The further removed from that moment, the clearer life appears.  We stand at the fork in the road and have an important decision; step right – hold God’s hand to heal from such a moment, or step left – allow the enemy to finish the story. 

Going right allows God to step in, hold our hand and begin the process of healing.  He will take captive every thought to then replace with Truth.  He holds us accountable for one simple task in the mist of it all; to turn our worry into worship.  Replace each negative emotion/word related to the moment with song.  Sing praises to the One who will see us through.  Dwelling on the mistake, tragedy or event only deepens the wound.  Healing occurs when proper ointment is applied to the wound.  He holds the Truth to heal any and every wound.

Going left allows the enemy to set up shop and begin playing evil games.  The enemy will captivate every thought to build a wall of negativity which crushes the spirit.  In the mist of the construction, our worry adds bricks to the mortar.  Each negative emotion/word begins decorating the wall with graffiti.  We then read this over and over until our thoughts truly believe each written comment.  The labels placed on us now guide and into a pit we fall.  The moment creates an open wound with no healing in sight.  The enemy holds ammunition to destroy.

Whatever the situation you may currently experience, God waits patiently with open arms.  Take a moment, send up a word of surrender and lay it down at the foot of the cross.  He will take you and keep you moving in the right direction.  The further removed from the situation, the less the memory can play a part in your story.  We will all make mistakes.  We will all wish that phone call never rang.  We will all experience health concerns, rather terminal, momentary or lifelong.  We will all face an event bringing tragedy into our story.  But, my dear friends, God holds just the perfect tools to take us through.  The situation will be too much for us to face ALONE.  Only through Him will our mistakes transform into knowledge, tragedies into strength, illnesses into deeper faith and experiences into closer relationships with our Father.

Which way will you choose?

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.                      

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