Wednesday, February 4, 2015

In ALL Situations

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.   And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 4:6-7)

Can you imagine a day without anxiety?  Some confidently answer yes; while others find it difficult to fathom a moment without anxiety.  The point of the spectrum one lives varies and depends on numerous factors.  A calm environment will bring peace.  An open schedule will allow for room to breathe.  Physical health spills over to mental health, working in harmony when receiving great reports from the doctor. 

One may move across the spectrum often in life.  Storms approaching and consuming the day bring distress.  A period in life when schedules fill with tasks brings suffocation.  Our minds become overwhelmed with situations/stress and fight against physical health.  This, my friend, is when one cannot fathom a moment without anxiety.

But, look closely; Scripture describes every situation as anxiety free.  How is that possible?  God must not understand what we go through here, right?  Not the case, my friend.  Read further.  Through prayer, petition and thanksgiving let us present our requests/concerns/frustrations/situations to God.  He longs to hear from you.  He waits to be invited into every situation.  He cannot do His part if we work diligently to fix things through our own power.  Begin with prayer. . .lay it at the cross.

Be real with God.  Present the case to God with a solution.  I always tell my children to come with a solution, not just a problem.  If they are hungry, they come to me with a suggestion of a snack.  They do not simply describe their hunger in detail; yet, suggest an item they would like to satisfy hunger.  God wants to hear our side of the story.  He knows what is going on already.  He desires to work together and persevere through any situation.  Therefore, come to Him with a solution.  He may agree with the solution or have an even better idea in mind.  Either way, trust Him for He knows the plan ahead. 

My children do not always receive the suggested snack.  It may be too close to supper, we are getting ready to leave or a healthier chose may be available.  Either way, I know the plans for the evening; therefore they need to trust my decision.

Be thankful.  Yes, even in the storms of this life.  I began months ago to write one thing I am thankful to God for first thing in the morning.  I am trying to begin the day focused on positive and remember God’s blessings.  His hand is all over every situation; yet, if we fail to see it then we will fail to persevere through.  Beginning with thanks shows respect to our God and acknowledgement of how good He really is!  Present your case through prayer, beginning with thanksgiving for His presence.

Read further.  See the promise which follows?  His peace will come into the situation transcending all understanding.  You will stand in awe of the relief felt after laying it down at the cross.  Your heart will be guarded.  Hurtful situations will still arise, but God will remind you that the world is broken and people cannot be perfect.  Only through Him will you be healed and filled with love.  He will fill your thoughts with Truth to extinguish the fiery darts (lies) from the enemy. 

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.   Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:8-9)

Surrender the Situation – Trust the Teacher – Follow in Faith

In the storms, focus on the rainbow waiting ahead.  In the calm, focus on the strength received from each day lived in faith.  In all things/situations give thanks for the mighty plan and purpose God created for your life.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  
Sheree Craig 

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