Friday, February 20, 2015

He Knows

As a young child, I watched my mother do crazy things to save a buck, dress in unapproved styles and perform unheard of beauty regimens.  I remember thinking that I will never do those when I am a mom – no offense mother!

We kids mocked her often.  My mother lived frugal.  She stayed home to care for us to avoid daycare costs.  She shopped once a week for needs not wants.  She reused grocery bags as trashcan liners.  On road trips, she planned by bringing blankets in case of breaking down on the side of the road.  She brought food to snack on, even on a trip lasting less than an hour.  Her purse weighed twenty pounds due to all the items shoved in there ‘just in case’. 

She rarely bought new clothes of her own due to spending budgeting money on our clothes.  Even then, she shopped thrifty, making every dollar stretch.  I never understood why I could not buy a toy every time our feet entered a store.  Isn’t that the whole reason for ‘shopping’?  I never understood why I shared a room with my sister.  I never understood the reasons given when I wanted to go and do what every other child in my class was doing.  I never understood my mom. . .

Until now. 

Come to find out, she is the most brilliant woman I know.  I now wear her shoes and wear them proudly.  I stayed home as long as possible to avoid daycares and spend time with my little ones.  This created a frugal lifestyle due to living on one income.  My husband and I plan out groceries based on nightly meals and work diligently to purchase nothing more than items appearing on the list.  Just the other day, I was caught reusing grocery bags as trashcan liners to avoid purchasing trash bags. 

I keep blankets in the vehicle ‘just in case’ along with gloves.  When leaving the house, drinks and snacks go with us regardless of distance traveled.  My purse is not the traditional, stylish one most carry.  My purse is an over-the-shoulder satchel holding miniature first aid kit, card games, and the essentials and still leaving room to cram items in when the kids say, “Mom, can you hold this?” 

The only new clothes purchased come as a gift from others.  We shop thrifty and live just fine.  Our clothes may not be magazine approved, but they are clean and match.  What more could you ask?  I constantly say no in stores because my kids hold the same mindset as I did when growing up: Entering a store means purchasing a ‘want’ item.  I have also been guilty of using the line, “Am I ______ parent?”  This indicates a child is doing something I will not allow for mine.  They will never understand. . .

Until they have kids.

As Christians, we often fail to understand the actions of our Father.  Discipline never sits well in our minds.  We may wonder why situations arise in life.  We may question the necessity of hardships.  We don’t understand this broken world.  We don’t understand why flesh comfort cannot be reached on Earth.  Just give us what we want when we want it and emotions will be pleasant, right?  Why must we share our hard earned money/items with others?  Why tithe money WE made by working countless hours?  We will never understand. . .

Until we meet our Father.

We must trust Him.  He knows what He is doing.  Come to find out, He is Wisdom.  He works diligently each day to carry out the plan and purpose created for us.  Without our part being done, He cannot work His part to completion.  With every situation, He provides the tools needed (He knows the ‘just in case’).   When leaving our home, we must carry His Word, Promise and Presence with us no matter the distance traveled.  Living without His guidance leaves us stranded without survival equipment.  Any burden encountered, simply ask Him, “God, can you hold this?”  He has plenty of room in His arms.  Trust Him.  He knows what He is doing.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.                

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