Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Nothing Else Matters

Remember back when life meant sleeping in until your little heart desired, eating the cereal with the highest sugar count, leaving the house in the morning to play with neighborhood kids only to return at dinner and laying your head down at night without a care in the world.  Ahhhh. . .looking back, life seemed so easy.  Each day I walked confidently knowing love surrounded my every moment.  I felt protected as a child, never lacking for anything, encouraged by a mother’s word and strengthened by a father’s discipline.  Through the years, circumstances began to break my protection, creating an emptiness I did not know how to fill.  Words from the world began to quiet my mother’s and consume my heart.  My vulnerability and desire to fit in caused me to push aside any discipline from my father and do as others desired.  All I learned pushed to the wayside. . .and even worse, I walked insecurely feeling unaccepted, unloved and unworthy. 

Then came a feeling I never really felt before; an indescribable joy overflowing in my heart.  I met a guy.  The word love entered my vocabulary again.  He was handsome, caring, fun, smart and confident.  As I pursued a relationship with him, I found confidence again.  I felt protected under his care.  I never lacked for anything.  His words encouraged me to take care of myself, find joy in each day and be proud to be Sheree.  We walked through life hand in hand.  And guess what?  NOTHING else mattered.  I could have the hardest day one could imagine; yet, my heart continued to shine and my face smiled knowing I was loved.  Life was great. . .

I continued to feel loved by this guy and he held a place in my heart.  But, life began to get harder and harder and then even harder.  Although his love and encouragement continued, I changed due to the pressures of this world.  His love just wasn’t enough to heal the inner wounds I experienced.  I desired something more.  After trying worldly “things” to heal and numb the pain, I realized these were only temporary.  The pain kept returning; so, I reached for more “things” which only proved temporary as well.

Along the way, I failed to see all the angels God continually placed in my life to plant seeds.  One seed at a time, being watered here and there, began to grow with each experience.  Until one day, I realized what was missing, what would ultimately heal the wounds.  NOTHING OF this world could do the trick.  No matter how hard or long I tried, those “things” just would not work. 

Then came a feeling I never felt before; an indescribably joy and peace overflowing in my heart.  I met this Guy.  I learned the TRUE meaning of love.  I discovered His characteristics: Wonderful Counselor, Healer, Protector, Artist, Coach, Teacher and a Father.  As I pursued a relationship with Him, I found a different kind of confidence.  This confidence did not look to what I could do or how I looked to feel worthy or loved.  Nope, this confidence stood firm on Truth; Truth that I am a child of the one True King.  He created me wonderfully and exactly how He planned so I could carry out my purpose this side of Heaven.  I never lacked for anything.  Reading into His Word brought joy to my heart and I desired to take care of this body He provided.  After all, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, not our own and we should honor our Creator with our bodies.  I began to be proud to be Sheree.  Nothing else mattered as God and I walked hand in hand through this life.

That was the beginning of a NEW LIFE!  I continued to feel loved by this Guy.  And just when I thought life had thrown me every curve ball possible; life became even tougher.  The enemy stepped up his game.  I had a new Coach now and the enemy realized the power behind this team.  So, as I continued daily renewing my life and changing my old ways (or at least try really hard), the enemy kept throwing curve balls.  He would try to get me to go for his little schemes so to diminish my faith and give up. 

Even though I am further along the path, Satan still works each day to win.  I have realized my Coach already won the game for me.  What I must do is believe that no matter what comes in life, faith and the confidence found years ago will see me through.  I am not where I need to be: I continue to struggle with food, looks, worth, perfectionism, love and relaxing just to enjoy life.  BUT, I am not where I used to be.  My Father has me in His arms and grows me a little more each day.  His love never fails nor ceases. He teaches me the true meaning of love each and every day in various ways.  He replaces those worldly “things” with His Truth each time the enemy tries to sneak them back into my life.  Thank you God for the love you provide each day.  Nothing else matters!  I am Your Child. . .

You can have all this too.  See sin for what it is, go to God with all of it and lay it at the cross!  God’s arms remain open for you.  Put old self behind and allow a new life to begin.  All are welcome on His Team!  Come join me, I would love to walk through this life as your teammate!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig      

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