Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Miracles. . .do you believe in them?  Tricky question if you ask me.  It appeared in a discussion amongst my family the other day.  We just finished reading about the Resurrection.  Jesus endured a torturous death (beating, stabbing, spitting, berating, etc.) for each of us.  He died so we could live.  God desired for each of His children to come and live with Him; therefore, sent His only Son to pay the price for our sins.  He received the sentence, beating and then carried His own cross to His death.  The scene leaves me speechless and filled with various emotions.

My daughter asked me why this happened.  Why would they kill Jesus?  My answer: He died so we could live.  He loves us so very much and desires a relationship with us.  As He endured the punishment for us, a place in Heaven could now be prepared for us.  Thing is, we must acknowledge this, believe in Him, activate the Holy Spirit in our lives, repent of our sins and follow our God each day.  It did not stop that day on the cross.  Three days later, something happened. . .

And so our lesson continued with the Resurrection.  Witnesses thought Him to be a ghost.  But, Jesus returned from Heaven with a specific task in mind. . .to build faith in others.  Had He not returned, the story would remain incomplete.  He provided proof that He was indeed alive.  He promised to return at a later date. . .He promised for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. . .He promised to make a way in Heaven for us.  He holds true to His promises.  Going back to the previous paragraph. . .we then must acknowledge Him, believe in His promises, repent of our wrongdoings, follow God each day as we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit keeps us on track and remains at all times.  This gift cannot be matched and supercedes the value of anything you will ever receive – a miraculous gift.

Okay, so back to my original question. . .do you believe in miracles?  Well, in 2013 the word miracle takes on various forms.  It could be said that a miracle occurs if I go 4 months without locking myself out of my house or car.  Another miracle may occur if the kids go a complete 24 hours without one argument.  Yet another appears when the local baseball team wins the World Series.  The word miracle diminishes in value as the world uses it loosely.  (My opinion), God performs miracles and none involve sports, AAA rescues or peace amongst children.  I believe a fine line exists between miracle and answered prayer.  God answers prayers daily, but qualifications for a miracle go a little deeper.  Defined by Merriam-Webster. . . an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs; an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing or accomplishment.  Divine intervention in human affairs, again in my opinion, would be an event with which no explanation appears but for God to have put forth His power.  So, let us look at just a few of His characteristics to understand – Healer, Counselor, Father, and Redeemer. 

Jesus performed countless miracles in His day.  Read up on some by diving into His Word.  Clearly, these events live up to the qualifications required of a miracle.  I described one above.  What about today?  Do we experience true miracles?  I believe so. . .think about the times when He shines brightly, proving His characteristics.  A patient returns from the doctor cancer free, a baby is born, a person comes to know Christ after spending years in rebellion, a heart mends after the loss of loved one or a person survives a fatal crash.  Countless miracles appear in our day as well.  Let us acknowledge His miracles, praise Him and spread the news to others.  “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. . .” (Matthew 28).  Let us also acknowledge answered prayers and avoid loosely using the word miracle. 

Keep praying harder than the devil work.

Sheree Craig        

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