Monday, December 30, 2013

Get Your Lifetime License

Oh, the joy of holding a plastic 3 x 2 inch card with personal information and a hideous self-portrait.  Sitting behind a steering wheel, gear shift in D, feet in place and seat belt on sends an unexplained rush throughout a sixteen year old’s body.  The time arrived for you to be in control.  No more passengers watching over your shoulder, critiquing every move or threatening to cease any opportunity for obtaining a license.  The time arrived for you to sit in the driver’s seat.  Push aside all the video games of virtual driving and hit the pavement joining all others in authentic driving. 

As an amateur, you believe to know everything pertaining to driving.  Any situation can be handled successfully.  Neither help nor advice needed at any time.  Just hand over the keys, dish out a little gas money and send me on my way!  If parents are lucky, you will return by curfew, right?  What is curfew anyway and who came up with the concept?  Laying your head on a pillow before sunrise should be sufficient, right? 

Curfew provides protection.  Nothing good happens late at night.  Drivers become tired, may be returning from a place where not-so-safe decisions occurred and road/weather conditions may turn dangerous.  Curfew does not mean you are a bad driver, but others and the environment work against the safety of returning home.  Some children push limits, staying at location until last minute allowing for the exact amount of time to return at the door on the dot.  Also, some ignore forecasts and drive despite warning from educated individuals.  CONFESSION:  I fit into both the categories just described.  RESULT:  I sped home numerous times taking curves at record speed; I faced roads covered in snow, ice or puddles of rain.  These decisions found me in a ditch countless times.  A few memories remain vivid. . .one time I took a curve WAY too fast in order to get home in time and my little Ranger took over, ending the chaos face forward in a ditch perpendicular to the road.  Items flew all over the vehicle.  The only damage – my pride.  My phone had no charge, leaving me stranded at 2:00 AM in the middle of nowhere.  I began walking, ended up hitching a ride from a postman and headed to a gas station to wake my dad with a phone call in need of rescue.  Sad thing is. . .he wasn't surprised, this scenario occurred before.  Another time, I was a few feet from home, took a curve normal speed BUT the road covered in snow completely took over the direction of my vehicle.  This time was a gradual slide into the ditch.  AGAIN, called upon my dad to come and rescue. 

Never did I damage a vehicle beyond what dad could easily fix.  You could say my driving record looks pretty ugly.  I never lost my license, dad never denied me the vehicle and I continued to drive the roads to my best ability coming out of each ditch a stronger driver.  Another record of mine looks pretty ugly. . .decisions made found me in countless ditches.  There exists a time when I felt the power to sit in the driver’s seat and pushed aside the Spirit’s guidance while joining others in worldly driving.  Immaturity, pride and pain blocked any nudging from my Father.  “I got this,” I proclaimed.  Neither help nor advice needed at this time.  Just lay the path and send me on my way!  I will be safe, returning to You when I need a prayer.  Sitting in a pew on Sunday should be sufficient, right? 

WRONG!  I never accounted for environmental factors, surrounded myself with those making not-so-safe decisions and followed in the footsteps of lethargic spirits.  I sped through curves in life, drove full force through storms and ignored any warning from my Omniscient Father.  But, every ditch I found myself in, no matter the depth or severity, He rescued me.  Looking back, I see my Omnipresent Father arrived every time.  He wasn't surprised, He knew this would occur; yet, He loved me anyway, pulled me from the ditch, fixed any damage and set me on my way.  Maturing in Christ slowed me down.  I moved from the driver’s to passenger’s seat.  I now place it in His Hands.  From time to time a curve still sends me in a ditch or a storm takes over my clear vision.  Oh, but I know just Who to call for rescue.  Quickly, I turn to Him and He pulls me out, strengthening me with each occurrence. 

Can you relate?  God waits for your call.  He wishes to sit in the driver’s seat.  He will guide, protect and place you exactly where needed at just the right time.  Don’t rush ahead of Him.  Listen to your Omniscient Father in times of storm.  Choose Him as your Lord and Savior.  No matter the past driving record. . .as you accept Him and follow Him; He will provide a lifetime license as a Christian and use you as a vehicle for His light!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig        

Thursday, December 26, 2013

All Because She Said YES!

The gifts lay opened, blood sugar crashed, clothes washed and worn, parties attended and work resumed.  The break commenced with Christmas now in the past.  Anticipation of receiving the perfect gift no longer exists.  Lines extend in stores across the nation for returns of the unwanted gifts.  Gifts may be exchanged for a better item or some may pocket the money.  Gift certificates pile on the counter and one by one diminish each time you leave the house.  The big man himself rests peacefully alongside his reindeer after the exhausting, long night of work (it’s true, my Santa tracker says so!).  It is all over. . .OR has it just begun?

Every year, the Christmas story enters my path numerous times; you know, the TRUE Christmas story.  Not the one about the big red guy bearing gifts for all.  No, the one about the One who came bearing the Gift for all – it is free, you need not be perfect/good every single moment, no naughty list exist to deny anyone, you can pout and cry and still receive!  This gift wrapped in swaddling clothes lay in a manger, not under a tree wrapped in cheap paper with some pattern all over it!  One step is required to receive the gift. . .acceptance.  Run to the cross, lay all the mess at His feet and praise Him for sending this glorious Gift to us sinners.  Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and begin a new life filled with indescribable joy.

Christmas marks the beginning.  Each year, a different portion sticks out stronger than the others for me.  This year Mary went directly to my heart.  Think about it. . .an ordinary woman, engaged to be married, excited about landing a husband she loved dearly, forecasting their future together and following the plans of society.  The whole plan alters with one visit from an angel.  Mary heard the angel, processed for a moment and wondered how this could happen.  The angel explained in greater detail the steps, assured her to not fear for this message is from God.  Mary said YES!  In her day, saying yes placed her at risk for death by stone at worst and shunning at best.  Mary said YES despite the risk.  Joseph rejected the idea at first. . .but then received word via an angel of the plan given from God.  Joseph said YES! 

Hardship continued as the birth of our Lord near.  Mary and Joseph, forced to return home, searched for a safe place to give birth to their miracle.  If only Bethlehem realized with each door slammed in Joseph’s face, they were denying Jesus.  If only they would have said YES!  Jesus would enter this world in comfort, warmth and with treatment He deserved.  But then, I think the emphasis and point of God’s plan would be thwarted.  God chose His only Son to come to earth and dwell among men. . .beginning as a baby!  Mary labored and delivered the Gift to the world.  She quickly wrapped Him, kept Him protected and warm.  I imagine her softly kissing His head knowing nothing of the great miracles He will perform in His life.  She knew nothing of the end to this story.  God asked and she stepped in faith into the unknown.

CLIFF NOTES:  A virgin, soon to be married, became pregnant in a generation that stoned those bearing children outside of marriage.  Her soon to be husband stood by her side month by month and diligently sought a place for the birth.  Denied a room, he accepted a place outside and created a manger of hay for our Savior.  They loved, accepted and protected our Savior.  They said YES despite all the odds against them, glares from others and unacceptance from society.  They stepped boldly into the unknown. . .the result of such radical obedience – the pleasure of holding our Savior and being a part of God’s plan to save the world.

Are you willing to say YES while society continues to say NO?  Stepping into the unknown may bring glares, shunning or denied help.  God holds a special plan for your life, Trust Him!  You may feel like some ordinary individual unable to imagine any use for God.  He uses willing hearts, trusting souls and available hands.  We are His temple, mere vessels created to shine Him to all.  The Perfect Gift has come, no need to continue searching.  Accept the Gift and say YES. . .the result of such radical obedience – pleasure of holding tightly to your Savior, building a relationship that surpasses any here on Earth and being part of God’s plan to save this world! 

I just stand in awe of Mary’s obedience, feel proud of her for doing as God asked and smile thinking of her privilege to hold our Savior!  What a fantastic example to follow. . .radical obedience despite the risks of society and not knowing the end of the plan. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig           

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

One Decision You Will Not Regret!

My first Christmas gift appeared early. . .an afternoon filled with “me time” (selfish?  Yes, just a bit).  I decided to sit down and watch a Christmas movie in peace and quiet.  Not one of the popular, classic movies; one of those created by television and aired on ABC family or Hallmark Channel.  I found one on the guide and nestled into the couch to relax and enjoy. 

The movie title screamed love story (winning my heart immediately), “The Twelve Dates of Christmas”.  A young, single woman desired to reconnect to an ex-boyfriend.  It was in HER plan that they come together and get married by a specific date.  She lived by schedules met in entirety.  Problem being others don’t follow her timeline nor do they agree with the set plans.  Her closed mind creates havoc and heartache.  Missed opportunities surround her holiday.  A blind date, set up by her stepmom, is the plan for Christmas Eve.  She has not accepted her stepmom into her heart due to the pain of her mom dying.  So, this fact already sets up the blind date for disaster; why would she give a guy chosen by a woman she does not appreciate a chance?  The girl reaches out to the ex, tries to set up a visit with him and buys a sweater worth more than I have to my name.  As she shops, a perfume spritzer sprays her in the face and she goes down.  When she awakens, all seems well and her day continues.  WELL, come midnight, the day rolls back to when she passed out at the store and repeats itself TWELVE times.  Each time allowing this woman to try and get it right; each time resulting in some failure and screwing up the blind date due to it not included in HER plan.  By the twelfth day of Christmas Eve, she realized that not all goes according to HER plan, she cannot control other’s actions and when embracing opportunities love can happen.  She learns to give others a chance, enjoy the moment without hoping for unrealistic future and hearts can be mended.

Can you think of a time in the past when getting another chance, let alone twelve, could have saved heartache and havoc?  My list would fill the thickest notebook on the market.  In looking back, I see times when pushing MY plan aside may have brought maturity in Christ much quicker. . .

The day I decided to turn to an Eating disorder for help rather than God!
The day I chose “worldly” items as gods rather than my One True God!
The day I walked away from my true love out of fear of getting hurt!
Each day I ran from relationships when I revealed too much of myself to avoid rejection!
Each day I quit something for fear of failure!
Each day I miss an opportunity due to closed mind!

Oh, my friend, too often we succumb to society’s pressure to be more and do more that we miss opportunity to serve our God.  Our feet hit the floor and the ‘to do’ list begins, careful to remain in line not veering an inch from the schedule.  Without accepting Jesus into our hearts due to pain so severe, our eyes close, hearts harden, fears dictate and we run from emotions.  Failure to appreciate our Creator causes us to avoid taking any chances on His plan.  We remain in our past, seeing it as unacceptable, a failure or unfair.  Then, Satan comes in to play with emotions, leaving us feeling unworthy of joy.  So, day in and day out we strive to control life, create a timeline and live with sights set on keeping us happy.  Everything revolves around avoiding pain, screwing up and any negative emotions.  We go to extremes, reaching for ‘worldly’ items for comfort.

What comes of this mindset?  Continuous disappointment, wishing for a ‘redo’, hopeless outlook followed with roller coaster emotions.  WELL, we cannot change the past nor get a second chance to ‘do it right’; but, we have a forgiving God who will put every single moment of our past to good use for furthering His Kingdom.  Grace. . .the best gift every received and done so through the death of Jesus.  He paid the price and set the way for us to live.  He holds the plans for our lives. . .NOT US!  Avoid conforming to any pattern in this world, trash your itinerary and let go of past mistakes.  Open eyes to the wonderful plan for today, embrace each moment with joyful attitude and lead others to know our Savior by example of what grace looks like.  God’s grace took this broken, screwed up girl and saved her, showing her what true joy looked like. . .He will do that for you and everyone else as well.  Accept this gift.  It will be one move you will never regret or wish to go back and ‘redo’!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Let Go. . .Let God!

When observing a brand new baby you will notice clinched fists.  The reflex remains for a couple months and the baby never reaches or grasps objects purposely.  Slowly, the baby begins to open and close intentionally and examine this mighty tool available to them.  Realizing the meaning and purpose of hands, they begin to grasp soft objects and even move to get something.  Having open hands allows for all kinds of fun and senses to be stimulated.  This discovery amazes the infant and seems to consume most of the day.  Later in infancy, these wonderful hands begin to grasp food and bottles bringing much pleasure to the child.  Table foods and various drinks eventually follow the soft foods and formula/milk.  The child finds hands aide in use of utensils to move to better tasting foods, holding hands of loved ones to walk step by step, hugging tightly onto comfort items and expand the options of toys.  At the moment an infant opens the clinched hands. . .life proves meaningful and joyful.

Parents may stimulate the grasping reflex and encourage an infant to open clinched fists, explore the world by reaching, touching and holding various items.  Colorful objects in a short distance may entice the infant to reach out and experience joy from holding on to the item.  Frustration may occur if the object sits too far away, so careful not to place out of complete reach for the infant.  Objects they can hold easily help in strengthening the grasp and developing skills needed to advance.  The infant transitions into a toddler while reaching skills proving maturity.  As a parent, joy and pride arise with each milestone. 

And so, life continues, we mature in many ways, advancing each day to accomplish new skills.  But, do we really mature in every way needed to survive, function and enjoy the life provided.  In the same way a child cannot use clinched hands, God cannot use our clinched hands.  As we hold tightly to ‘things’ of this world, we lose pleasure, purpose and positions along our spiritual journey.  Never reaching beyond comfortable to serve our God or grasping the knob of the door intended for our next move leaves us stagnant in spiritual development. 

Beginning the journey as a Christian, claiming Jesus as your Lord and Savior may find many still clinching hands.  I know that after coming to know Jesus, accepting Him into my life, I still held tight to numerous ‘things’ of this world.  My flesh desired comfort; emotions yearned for a quick fix and clinched hands held tight to the past.  Slowly, one finger at a time, I let go.  God, my Father, encouraged me to let go, explore who I was in Him, touch lives by sharing my story and hold His Hand along the journey specifically laid for Sheree.  Once I handed over the ‘things’, I found God provided numerous tools for use to further His Kingdom.  In His Word, we find meaning, joy and move from ‘milk to solid foods’; training to distinguish good from evil. 

God, our Father will never place these tools out of reach, never lead where His grace does not cover and never leave your side.  Open your clinched fist today; let go of the past, addictions, fleshly desires and anything else preventing progression in spiritual maturity.  Trust our Father; He will celebrate with each milestone.  Let go and Let God!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Little Angel's Example!

My daughter absolutely loves her teachers and all adults involved in her every day care at school.  Vacation days, snow days and weekends do not go well with this child as she yearns to be with her teachers again.  She speaks highly of each one, makes coloring sheets to add to their collection and smiles from ear to ear in their presence. 

One day, the children received warning that a substitute taking the place of their regular teacher for part of the next day.  As my child relayed the message, worry stirred inside her little mind.  Quite a few tears shed that evening in thoughts of facing the next morning without her teacher.  She braved it and continued the next day at school (as if she had a choice!).  At pickup, the stories shared described a pretty good time with the substitute; although, the day just wasn’t the same without her regular teacher.  Come to find out, my daughter had to go through the same situation the next day, but this one seemed to go a smoother emotionally.  She survived and came through even stronger and met another great person within the school system.

Well, here comes the point to the story. . .a couple days later, my daughter and I were in the van together after dropping my son at drums.  She proceeds to describe the whole substitute experience.  “Mommy, when the substitute came in the other day I had tears in my eyes and some even came down my face because I wanted you and my teacher.  I sat there for a little bit and then remembered that God is on my side.  The tears stopped and I did not cry.”  I asked her if the second experience with the substitute was easier because she knew of God’s presence. . . “Yep, because I knew God was on my side and you and dad are on my side.”

Talk about melting my heart!  This girl never ceases to amaze me. . .God sent this child to be an angel to so many people, starting with me!

What childlike faith that we silly adults tend to lose over the years.  Let us gain that back. . .God IS on our side!  His character proves Him to be omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. 

Omnipotent - able to do anything, having unlimited power.  Whatever our day may bring, God can bring you through and strengthen your faith.  “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”  (Ephesians 3:20-21) 

Omniscient - knowing everything!  He holds the plans for our lives and will not lead us where His grace cannot cover us!  He goes before us, paves the way, protects the path and provides the tools needed to accomplish what lay ahead.  “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.”  (Psalm 33:11)  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  (Jeremiah 29:11)  We may not always understand what has occurred in the past, what surrounds us currently, or what appears to be ahead; but, relying on the One who knows how all the pieces fit will bring assurance, strength and peace even though times have, can and will be tough.  Rest assured, by friend, He will not leave you helpless, hopeless or hurting.

Omnipresent - everywhere at ALL times.  He will never leave nor forsake you.  He cares for each of His children and extends His arms every day for you to run.  His presence appears through various means.  Recognizing Him is key in strengthening faith and confidence in the plans laid before you.  Extend thanks at each time His presence appears.  He remains for the smallest of events to the largest of events.  Everything to do with your life ranks high in importance to Him.  He loves being invited into every moment of the day!  “God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”  So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.  What can mere mortals do to me?”  (Hebrews 13:5-6)

Though my daughter cannot read nor memorize Scripture at this point in time. . .I believe wholeheartedly that God whispered these words from Hebrews 13 to her that day.  She walked boldly, assured that God will see her through and she is loved by Him.  She is His princess and He will not let her fall. . .my friend, the same stands true for you!  Soak in His promises today and walk boldly whatever may come your way.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig              

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Stop the Madness!

Okay, time to sit and make THE LIST.  You know, the one filled with loved ones to receive a gift which expresses the joy you feel due to their presence in your life.  Christmas provides prime opportunity to express such joy through gift giving.  The names fill up the lines on your paper and the money needed to complete the shopping widens your eyes.  How in the world can one afford all of this ‘stuff’?

You look to edit the names, but cannot find it in your heart to flip the pencil around and erase.  Life would not be the same without each and every one listed.  So, there you sit frustrated, torn and broke!  Sounds like a wonderful spirit for the holidays, right?  You haven’t even faced the traffic, lines, people and disappointments in the shopping experience yet.  Oh, and the traveling here and there, baking, hosting, gift wrapping, facing ‘those’ relatives and forcing a happy face the whole time.  Stress accumulates each day during a season that holds such special, dire meaning.  Why does each year have to be like this?  How does all this stress begin?

Oh, my dear friends, it all begins with one fleshly body struggling for approval. . . “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”  Galatians 1:10

We believe material gift giving equates love.  Faking friendships amongst family keeps the problems at a distance.  Becoming a part of the hustle and bustle society concocted over the years keeps us up to par with the Jones’!  All for what? . . .Exhaustion, Frustration, Hatred and just Wishing the holidays would end. 

Does this sound familiar to anyone?  Well, I want to share a small message to relieve all of these emotions, replacing them with joy, peace and the True Meaning of the holiday.  It is quite simple really. . .get a permanent marker (really, go get one!), gather THE LIST created and write this across all the names – ACTS 2:38-41!  You see, all these material items mean nothing if the one true Gift is not received.  Bring the focus back on the True Meaning by leading all those on your list toward Jesus.  Providing an example, walking in the way of love, just as God so loved us and gave His only Son to die so we may live will be the best gift you could give anyone.  Shining His light to all you meet, keeping the conversations about Him, appreciating each Manger scene displayed, sharing the good news of His birth and welcoming others into your home with loving arms will keep the meaning of Christmas alive.

Society works diligently year after year to steal the attention from Jesus.  Take a stand and do not allow the world to forget the reason for the season.  Without the birth of Jesus, we would have no example to follow and the mighty gift He gave to each of us would not exist.  God so loved us that He gave His only Son on Christmas morning to live an extraordinary life here among men and then die for us while we were still sinners.  Sit for a minute and let that statement penetrate your soul. 

Travel here and there this season to spread the Gospel as Jesus did.  Bake with praise to the One who provides as Jesus did.  Host wholeheartedly, offering invitation to all no matter their lifestyle just as Jesus did.  Seek and offer forgiveness to those who broke your heart just as Jesus forgave/forgives you.  Wrap and give the Gift worth giving just as Jesus did.  Push aside society’s way of celebrating and embrace the shopping experience with a different attitude. . .it is not the material items that express love to others; it is the one true Gift that never quits giving that matters (best part – IT IS FREE).  Each day opens new opportunities, blessings and joy!  Will you join me in sharing the Good News this season?  Guess what, my friend; if you have not received such a Gift yourself. . .the offer stands for you as well.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Monday, December 9, 2013

Never a Busy Signal!

For sixteen weeks I assisted two other nursing students in completing a community project.  Lots of details filled each week’s endeavors.  Assignments piled up, paperwork consumed and planning took over my thoughts.  The project impacted individuals in various ways; one being awareness to violence occurring in the community.  Often times we walk around with tunnel vision, unable to imagine anything ‘bad’ happening near our home.  Those are events heard on the news, taking place elsewhere, right?

Well, not so much.  While working diligently on the project, we saw need to get the word out of existing resources waiting to help.  Why hide these from our community?  A business card evolved containing emergency numbers to call for help.  We dispersed those to various community members whom may encounter individuals in need of this information.  This condensed, organized and handy card takes away the search for help when hurt enters one’s life.  It empowers one to step forward and begin the road to healing.  It also provides a way for others to help those hurting by offering a hand of hope.  These sources exist and many hurting people do not even realize it!

Do you know another Source exists at our fingertips for hurting people?  Many walk around daily without awareness to the evil surrounding each moment.  Evil finds us wandering through life trying to heal, find joy and feel loved.  Why hide the One Source from others?  Christians play a significant role in dispersing such information, offering a hand of Hope to hurting people.  God placed all we need in an organized and handy Book.  His Word empowers us to step forward in faith and begin healing from any hurt. 

Do you have emergency numbers in line to call upon?  Remove the tunnel vision and realize that in this world there will be trial and tribulation.  We cannot run from it.  BUT, we can prepare and call to the One Who knows exactly what we need to survive.  Take some time to create a condensed, organized and handy list of emergency numbers to call upon in need. . .

God created each of His children, touching every fiber of our being.  During our creation, specific talents, skills and characteristics were placed in order to fulfill the job assigned for this life here.  Embracing what He provided us, accepting others for whom they were created to be and working with them to accomplish the one purpose for our lives (building His Kingdom) will result in an indescribable prize.  When struggling to get along with others, call upon Romans 12!

Seasons in life may bring violent storms.  Satan loves to catch us in a storm, weak and depressed.  After receiving numerous blows daily, we may feel like giving up.  Sorrow overtakes every thought, creating darkened lives.  Guess what my friend; I have a number to call at just this time. . .John 14!

People disappoint, discourage and damage our spirit.  They are human and imperfect.  God sent His only Son, perfect and holy to die so that we may live filled with His Spirit.  Keeping our eyes on the Perfect One will grow our spirit and protect it from this imperfect world.  When others fail you, call upon Psalm 27!

Letting go of worldly hurts and working toward healing requires forgiveness.  Once given, an overwhelming peace enters and hurt seems so distant.  Recall the One Who continually forgives and even died for us while we were still sinners.  Follow Jesus’ example and release the pain by forgiving one another.  Call on Him for the steps needed to do such a thing. . .Colossians 3!

These numbers provide only a few existing in our Master Phonebook.  Guess what, my friend, when dialing any number in the Book; you will NEVER hear a busy tone.  The line waits to hear from you and ALWAYS provides the needed help.  Will you make the call today?  Create a list of emergency numbers unique to your situation.  Utilize it daily and update the list as time passes.  Use your list to help others as well.  Why hide such a great Resource?

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig       

Friday, December 6, 2013

Washed Clean

My daughter ventured out in new, bright pink, beautiful pants one day.  She walked in confidence and pride while sporting these new pants.  The moment she stepped out the door the fabric experienced the typical beating received from any five year old.  The use of markers alters the design from plain bright pink to random stripes of various colors.  Hitting the ground numerous times during recess weakens the threading; at times, leaving dinged marking.  During lunch, the pants transform into a napkin and potential stains appear down the sides of each leg.  To top off the day, after school play leads to grass and mud colored knees.  At first encounter, I think someone stole her pants and replaced them with used, dingy, stained yet still comfy ones.  First thought of this incompetent mother. . . “How in the world will I ever clean this up?”

With the first step in the door, I ask that she change pants and hand me the damaged ones.  I reach for any pretreatment product found, drench the pants and leave it to work miracles.  Leaving to soak for hours, I think to myself, “no way is this one coming clean”.  Well, at least we now have a pair of ‘play’ pants, right?  I throw in the pants with corresponding colors, add detergent and with the push of the start button hope for the best. . .

The mixture of pretreatment, detergent and water begin to work vigorously to clean the blue marker, green grass, brown mud and ketchup streaks down the sides.  These pants are at their worst but I cling to hope that the products will do as promised in the description. . .one wash = cleaner, brighter clothes!

Pulling out of the dryer confirmed the promise.  No signs of stain whatsoever.  I could not tell you what she had for lunch, where she played after school or what projects she completed during art class.  The pants washed cleaned, folded nicely and ready to go the next day she wears them.  The assurance given from a washer, detergent and pretreatment brings peace to this mother as I approach my child covered in dirty clothes.

Another assurance I possess each day creating overwhelming peace is that my God promises cleansing of my dirty, stained and tainted soul.  We begin life as a child, innocent, new, beautiful inside and out and filled with peace in the care of parents meeting all needs.  In growing, confidence appears along with self-satisfaction.  Nothing alters our thoughts, cleanliness remains. 

Then, the five year mark comes around and we venture outside of the protection known thus far.  The moment entering into society without constant supervision, love, encouragement and care finds us within society’s beating.  Words spoken, opinions given or glaring looks place indelible marks on our hearts.  The shine inside lessens. . .dingy appearance begins.  During the years, we may become a stomping ground in relationships.  With each encounter our soul feels the blow, receiving potential stains.  Job loss, addiction, depression, death of loved one and more knock us to the ground.  Spirits weaken diminishing any motivation to continue.  To top all this off, we then come home to a place without peace, joy, love or comfort.  Years pass, each feeling worse than the prior one. . .eventually finding us lower than ever before.  My friends, at our lowest, Satan moves in to attack.  He has us exactly where he desires. . .backed against a wall without a way out.  Or is there?

After 40 days of fasting, Jesus experienced weakness and hunger. . .guess who came in to attack?  The attack did not occur only once. . .three times Satan attacked.  My friends open your Bibles to Matthew 4:1-11 to read for yourselves how Jesus answered.  Weak, tired and probably more than over this fasting period; Jesus responded, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”  You want to know what happened next. . . ‘Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.’

We have a God bigger than anything in this world.  Our faith may be shaken daily, but it CANNOT be taken.  We may feel like dingy, stained, damaged and useless due to the past and the opinions placed upon us by society.  Guess what, my friend, Hope exists.  The promise remains throughout each generation. . .one death = clean, brighter, everlasting life!  Serving only God will protect from the damage of Satan’s attacks.  Though trials and tribulations surround our lives, joy can remain inside our soul.  No matter the past, His promise holds true for every one of His children.  That includes YOU!  The past is washed away. . .God cannot see the mistakes, wrong turns, failures or years of damage.  He washes you clean and paves the way for each day to follow.  Will you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, be washed clean and walk confidently with Him?

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Spiritual Stretching

Recently, my daughter came to me in pain.  It was before bed and the suggestion for relief included lying beside me while I rub the pain away.  Immediately I question the severity of such a pain.  Was this a ploy to lay with mommy?  A compromise arose with her lying in her bed; I rub her leg for 5 minutes and provide an ice pack.  The moment passed. . .

The same scenario repeated itself sporadically for months.  Then, increased in frequency and eventually the pain struck my daughter throughout the daytime as well.  She struggled in gym class, begging not to go with tears running down her cheeks.  Walking for long distance increased the pains and cramps.  We pushed it aside for a while as “growing pains”.  Come to find out, “growing pains” do not have to interfere with activities.  We sought help from a local chiropractic practice and began the path to healing. 

My daughter apparently suffers from the same structural concern I found in myself years ago.  Her hips do not align properly, causing one leg to extend past the other.  The muscles in the shorter leg remain tight, restricting growth.  With each step, she pulls those muscles beyond what they can handle and over the course of the day; they wear out and cause pain.  The pain acts as a stop sign, warning that they cannot go on anymore.

Since going to the chiropractor, we stretch daily and increase activity slowly.  Gradual stretching and exercise increase allow these muscles to grow in length at a pace they can handle.  If we jerked on them, forcing growth, tears and permanent damage would occur.  DAILY commitment, GENTLE care and FAITH in the unseen progress will lead to a day when my daughter can walk around the zoo without ending in pain. 

Muscular tissue consumes 35-40% of our body weight.  Muscles provide strength to function, movement and vitality.  Can you name one of the most important muscles needed to sustain life?  In my opinion, our spiritual muscle ranks right next to the heart!  Think of having a tight spiritual muscle. . .the tightness would lead to misalignment, effecting every aspect in life.  Growth restriction, stagnant living and pain will occur.  This leaves us to suffer and miss out on the plan laid for our life.  Often times, we will push it aside as a phase; it will all be better when. . .I will relax and enjoy life after. . .or I have no control over my pain.  Oh, my friend, you are correct in saying you don’t have control, that relaxation and enjoyment is still to come and there is better than the here and now.  BUT, when looking to this world for control, blaming others for the trials surrounding us and striving to find contentment here IN this world; our spiritual muscle tightens and shrinks all the more. 

Our Physician knows just how to handle such a problem.  Take the first step into the unknown.  Seek out the door waiting wide open revealing fleshly discomfort.  Others may not stand next to you when entering such a door, but reaching out and moving in the right direction stretches your spirit.  With each stretch, faith grows.  God hears your prayers for relief, comfort, joy and a way out; but, if He simply removed you from the situation and pulled you where you wish to be, permanent damage to the spiritual muscle occurs.  We must gradually step, stretching a bit farther with each decision advancing down the path God intended.  The spiritual muscle will grow at a pace which it can handle.  The strength and endurance gained will allow for you to become a personal trainer, teaching others by example just how to grow their spiritual muscle. 

Once stretched, it takes DAILY commitment to His Word and living His example.  It takes GENTLE care to protect our hearts from this world and the evil which prowls waiting to steal our spirit.  And most of all it takes FAITH in the unseen to progress down the path laid for our lives. 

You may be sore for a while, but press forward, keep your eyes on the prize.  Before you know it, you will be boldly walking upon this Earth with full confidence in God.  Anything coming in your path will be handled with Truth, Protection and Trust in the One True God!

Start today, my friend, it is never too late to stretch the spiritual muscle.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig        

Monday, November 18, 2013

Coincidence. . .I Think NOT!

Coincidence. . . a situation in which events happen at the same time in a way that is not planned or expected; the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection.

Believe in coincidence?  I don’t!  This life, moment in time, season faced and decisions for this day hold enormous meaning.  Think about it. . .

I could sit here and provide example after example to disprove coincidence.  The events appearing in our lives may feel way out of character or impossible, so we claim it coincidence.  Guess what my friends; these moments in time are bigger than us. . . 

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”  Luke 18:27

God can take any situation and work it out for the good of those who love Him.  I hold various roles in life.  Many days, my ‘to do’ list informs that no hour will be left for rest.  Come to find out, all of it gets done, peace overwhelms the day and I even have time to play a game or two with the kids.  You see, putting God as your guide each day reveals what our fleshly minds deem as impossible.  Man chalks the days up to coincidence, God says, “Nope, had that day planned all along for you.” 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  Jeremiah 29:11-12

How great it is to know our Coach strategically planned the game of life for each of His children.  No day exist without purpose.  Every moment in time packs meaning and when looked at closely, offers strength and growth.  We may not prosper by the world’s definition, but trusting in His plans will bring greater riches in life.  He will provide joy, peace and safety in storms.  Man chalks it up as fate, God says, “Nope, I analyzed and protected the path laid for your life before guiding each step.” 

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.  Ephesians 3:20-21

Too often the world receives glory for things only God could provide.  He exceeds our prayers, leaves us standing in awe and not a day goes by that He does not hear our hearts desires.  Man cannot come close to providing what God provides.  The works of man remain temporary, unpredictable, disappointing and leaves us just short of happy.  The works of God provide stability, endurance each day, satisfy any need and leave us overflowing with blessing.  Man chalks any joy up to being in the right place at the right time, God says, “Nope, I decided that one a long time ago and take joy in seeing my child smile.”

Now, I know times get tough and these Scriptures may seem so far away from thought.  But, my dear friends; He remains at your side waiting to hold your hand and guide you through any storm in life.  He cannot stop the evil in this world.  The Bible warns of trials and tribulations faced while in the flesh.  BUT, He promises to bring us through, increasing our strength!  Healing is possible with Him.  Plans in the future hold huge meaning for His Kingdom and prosperity cannot happen without Him.  He holds power to go beyond what our fleshly minds can concoct.  His plan prevails. . .nothing is coincidence.  To Him be the glory for this day and the adventure which lay ahead.  His Hands are all over this day.  Should a storm hit, He will bring or carry us through.  Should blessing overflow, He desires to accompany and enjoy each one with you.  Take Him with you today and stand in confidence that He planned this day, connected each event and is not surprised by the outcome. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  Sheree Craig

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Vital Organ

What organ maintains life?  Its size compares to a fist.  Weakness of such an organ presents with difficulty in breathing, less endurance, pain, dizziness, nausea, profuse sweating, swelling and struggle to continue in daily activities.  In order to keep in shape, the doctor may suggest some lifestyle changes: low sodium diet, decrease cholesterol intake, increase activity, throw away the cigarettes, take medications as prescribed and maintain hydration daily.  All these habits may be difficult to begin if already set in your ways.  But, change must come to protect this vital organ and sustain life. 

Know the organ yet?  THE HEART!  Without a functioning heart, no blood can travel through the body to keep other organs oxygenated and working as they should.  Any weakness of the heart affects the rest of the body systems.  You must protect it!  Substances ingested or inhaled play a major role in health of your heart.  Be aware of such knowledge and stay in tune with your body’s needs.  A healthy heart provides a healthy life. . .

My son, pay attention to what I say;
    turn your ear to my words.
 Do not let them out of your sight,
    keep them within your heart;
for they are life to those who find them
    and health to one’s whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it.  (Proverbs 4:20-23)

Just so, we must protect our hearts from spiritual disease or infection.  Weakness presents with difficulty in coping, less joy, pain, destruction, unclear thoughts, swelling of pride and profuse stress.  Continuing in daily activities seems nearly impossible at times.  In order to keep in shape our Physician must be visited daily.  He provides Truth, guidance, love, support, joy and peace.  His plan on our lives requires a few lifestyle adjustments: replace negative thoughts with Truth, alter habits to coincide with Truth, remove destructive situations/environments, increase the study of His Word, throw away pride, begin weekly regimen of attendance to Bible believing church and maintain a life filled with discipleship.  All these may feel awkward or difficult to begin due to the habits/lifestyle we currently lead.  But, I am witness that changes made to protect your heart provide indescribable joy, peace and love.  All the elements your heart requires to sustain life!

Will you take at least one of the steps toward a healthy heart today?  Pick up His Word, begin reading it and listening to the teaching He desires for you during this season of life.  Don’t let His Truth escape your thoughts, place them in your heart and begin revival of your heart.  Any weakness of spirit affects everyone around you and places risk for the enemy to bring you down.  Stand firm on His Word today, guard your heart from this world and the enemy.  Stay in tune with the plan and purpose God holds for you!  Make an appointment with your Physician today. . .He always has an open slot in His schedule.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Monday, October 21, 2013

In Need of a Physician? I Know a Great One!

THAT time of year has rolled around again.  Sickness lurks outside everyone’s door.  Buy the tissues, stock up on the cough drops, begin the Ester-C regimen and try to avoid the swarming pathogens.  Hand washing becomes top priority, followed by covering any coughs or sneezes.  We hope for immunity.  Our immune system needs to buckle down and get ready for the storm. 

Often, regardless of our efforts, the pathogen enters without acknowledgement.  Once inside a host, a pathogen seeks a susceptible cell, one for it to overpower and weaken.  After searching throughout, it finds that one little entrance.  Upon entering, the work begins.  Often the process goes slowly, wreaking havoc one symptom at a time.  The pathogen sets up shop and you may not feel any different at first.  Then, as it replicates, invades more and more cells and goes to town. . .an achy body dominates the day.  Progress reveals a slight fever, cough, sneeze, etc.  Denial sets in:  “I don’t have time for this,” “I am fine,” “This soon shall pass.”

It will not go away until you surrender and call the doc!  The invasion of such a pathogen requires the proper antibiotic to kill it and then create a slight immunity to the same pathogen next time it should try to take over you.  Let it go, face the facts and get the medicine, take it until completed and begin to feel better.  Don’t quit mid-prescription or some bacteria remains, only to return with a vengeance.  Go all in and get the pathogen out of your life. 

Enough medical jargon. . .every feel spiritual sickness lurks outside your door?  We buy the self-help books, stock up on a comforting vice, begin searching the internet for prevention tips to avoid this emotional pathogen waiting to overtake your life.  Looking the other way becomes top priority, followed by building walls around your heart.  We hope for it to go away.  Avoidance is key, right?  Suck it up, ignore the feelings and move on, right?

Speaking from experience, I can confidently tell you that avoidance and ignoring do not work.  Actually, both do the exact opposite of healing or protecting.  The sickness remains, the walls grow in strength and emotions take over.  So, why avoid facing our struggles head on, going to the root and begin healing?

My friends, when we buckle down and take one brick at a time from the walls around our heart, that little pathogen releases and searches for a susceptible moment, a weakness in our thoughts.  The pathogen works diligently to overpower our lives.  In our weakness, it takes hold of any possible avenue to bring us down, tear us to pieces so we will quit.  The pathogen desires for us to place those bricks back around our heart one at a time and give it that quiet little place it lived in our hearts.  It was comfortable in our lives, let it go back and remain infecting our spirit. 

The pathogen reveals itself as our worst enemy.  Once released, he goes to town, working diligently to tear you down.  Any weakness, he takes advantage of and grabs tight to the slightest entrance into your thoughts.  So, let’s medicate ourselves with worldly things to get by.  Let’s numb these thoughts and emotions until maybe they will just go away or the season will pass, right?

It will not go away or truly heal until you surrender and call the Great Physician!  He writes one prescription: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  (Matthew 11:28-30)  Truth by Truth, healing takes place.  And though, it does not go away overnight, completing His prescription for your life will bring peace, joy and love.  The past will remain there, the present will bring pleasant times and you will be confident that your future is fixed.  Healing comes: It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”  The strength gained from releasing such a pathogen is indescribable.  God will use this moment in time to build your ministry which then builds His Kingdom.  Stand strong, times will be rough as the past is released and medicated with Truth, but know full well that the battle has already been won!  You can do this with His medication.  Call the Physician today!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig    

Monday, October 14, 2013

Removing the Plank

Our church sends a weekly email on Wednesday to provide information concerning Sunday’s message and a few other announcements.  The subject for the message jumps off the screen.  Oh, I cannot wait for my husband to hear this one.  God I pray You speak loud and clear to him through this message, guide him in the right direction and provide strength needed to change.  I keep the prayer to myself, but chime in a few hints throughout the week to set the tone for my husband in preparation to hear the message. 
Sunday comes and the chaotic morning reveals itself once again.  Finally out the door, I remember the subject soon to be taught.  Again, God I pray You speak loud and clear to my husband through this message.  I sit down, knowing this week does not really apply to me, but I want to hear all the ways to help my husband change.  I move closer to my husband, elbow ready to nudge him should he begin to drift away in thought.  I just don’t want him to miss a thing.  I am looking out for him, right?  I am concerned about his well-being and only want the best for him, right?
As we leave the church, my husband rubs his arm to ease the pain of countless elbow jabbing received during the past hour.  Despite the bruise forming, I am thrilled he heard today’s sermon.  It came in just the right timing.  He needed this. 
I will say it for you. . .WOW, REALLY?
C’mon, I think we all have experienced these thoughts a time or two.  We sit in church listening intently to the message and think, “I wish so-and-so were here for this”, or our eyes continually look to the person next to us while nudging a bit, insinuating to tune in, this pertains to them.
Well, my friend, one Scripture provides the eye opening experience we ALL need. . .“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?  How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3-4)
God provides messages daily. . .not for us to rebuke others, judge His children based on opinions and attitudes or nudge the one sitting next to us.  These messages are for US!  All Scripture pertains to each of His children and applies specifically to the current season.  Too often (I am guilty as well) we want to apply the Scripture to someone else’s life.  We use Scripture as a weapon to change our spouse or loved one.  Scripture is useful to teach US in our own lives, correcting our walk and providing the strength needed to take the next step the path laid for US.  Cool thing about our God. . .once we learn from the Scriptures, He uses us as a vessel.  Not to go and condemn others and make them change to conform to our ideas and thoughts.  But, He uses us as an example.  We when grow closer to God by removing every plank from our eye, we exemplify a true Christian, a follower of Christ and therefore love others towards growth.  No condemnation, no nudging, no prayers wishing a person to change and no judgment.  As children of God, we love, provide grace, encourage others to seek Scripture for themselves and listen to what God wants for their lives.  We are not interpreters for God, we are merely vessels which to shine His light.
Love others each step of the way.  Encourage them to look to God for guidance.  Listen for the lessons He desires in your own life.  Give each plank to Him, one at a time, and He will build a life beyond your imagination.  Dive into His Word today and see how to remove each plank.    
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig    

Monday, October 7, 2013

There is Power in His Name!

The day begins with one of the most annoying sounds created.  The tempting option to hit snooze tempts exists as I lean over to stop the noise.  Events, appointments, work and life outnumber the hours of this day.  Then, I realize without hitting feet to the floor, nothing will get done.  I lose precious time while debating to rise.  Can I just call in sick for the day?


Okay, up and at it, the coffee pot quits working, the kids refuse to move the morning along and the van sits on E!  Time becomes my enemy, refusing to cooperate during such a time as this.  Chores need be completed before this family steps foot out the door:  dishes in the dishwasher, laundry folded, beds made and lunches packed.  Yet, one child remains in pajamas snuggled tightly in a blanket and the other sits nose in gaming system.  Somehow in the middle of the night both children lost the ability to hear because my voice directs without any action following.  Can I just gain some control here?


Somehow kids arrived at their destination on time.  All is well, for a moment.  News comes via a phone call that illness struck a loved one.  Another call informs of tragedy affecting a loved one.  As I drive along, I notice a homeless, struggling mother.  The radio announces another shooting, drug bust and robbery of an innocent family.  In all this, I recall the suffering of a dear friend.  Each event weighs heavily on my heart.  Can I just take all the pain away?


The day continues in continuous prayer.  My momentary troubles pale in comparison to the sufferings unveiled this morning.  While driving home, I recall the day’s events and count each blessing one by one.  Then, I enter my home and clock in for the evening shift.  Homework awaits, dinner hasn’t even began, showers need taken, laundry accumulated AGAIN, dishes reappeared by the sink and the coffee pot still in need of repair.  Bedtime cannot come quick enough.  Can I retire yet?


Head hits the pillow a few hours later than desired.  Thoughts race and relaxation feels so distant.  My mouth opens, but no words come.  I cannot find the words to pray.  Be it exhaustion or escalating emotions; the heaviness of my heart cannot be expressed.  The minor struggles of the day matter nothing; yet, while in the moment, I allowed them to overtake and cause anxiety.  If only my eyes could remain open all day long to see every single blessing – they would outnumber any trial faced. . .

Continuous prayer keeps eyes open.  The weight of this world can be heavy; thankfully, we have a Savior that carried it ALL to His grave.  He rose from the dead and made a trip here to share the goodness awaiting us in Heaven.  Through our lives, He desires to complete a good work within you to further His Kingdom.  Then, once all is complete, trust remained throughout, faith strengthened each day and a relationship matured to desired level. . .He brings you Home.  Call to Him Who protects, saves, loves, guides and heals.  Just one Name is strong enough. . .


Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Monday, September 30, 2013

Deep Cleaning Anyone?

During the school year, the weeks pass with a blink of an eye.  Routine and maxed out schedules keep each family member busy.  We complete daily tasks only to receive the same to do list the next day.  Mundane chores make for no rest time. 

But then, I walk around my home and notice imperfection.  While folding laundry, I notice a cobweb forming in the hard to reach corner.  I open cabinets only to find dust under the contents.  My children’s growth leaves the closet filled with useless clothes.  I don’t even want to begin moving furniture to see the collection of dust bunnies.  Handprints of two little angels smear my front door.  I feel like I clean every possible minute; yet, chores remain incomplete. 

So, I continue on my way, completing high priority items daily.  I look the other way, avoid the space needing attention, keep the furniture in place and grab needed items quickly while shoving useless items to the back.  It works!  My house “appears” clean on the surface and presentable to guests.  I can’t do anymore.  I can’t handle another item on my list.  I need help to spruce up this home! 

Maybe the cleaning fairy will visit, leaving my house to shine.  Oh, I know, mom visits this week, maybe she will complete the chores.  How about I wish it all away?  Nah, I will continue to ignore and avoid.  That plan sounds much easier and feasible.

Ever feel incomplete or spiritually weak?  We attend church, sing loudly in worship, pray daily and invite God into each moment.  Yet, some ‘thing’ halts spiritual maturity.  Moving to the next level, taking the required step seems too difficult.  Our house “appears” clean on the surface and presentable; yet, desired growth remains. 

We see it and our thoughts remind us almost daily.  The one sin, unforgiving thought, angry emotion, haunting hurt, etc.  The wall surrounding our hearts keeps them hidden.  When giving our life to Christ, growth spurts continuously occur; yet, the deepest hurts and emotions hide in the corners of our soul.  We feel no more can be done.  We can’t handle all this and while continuing in daily trials.  We want to ignore and avoid.  We need help sprucing up our home!

Help is on the way!  He waits at the cross for us to lay it all down.  Break down the walls, visit the corners of your soul and bring God along.  No wish will erase.  No fairy will help.  No one else can complete the work for you.  This is a cleaning only you and God can complete. 

It can be difficult to face the buried past.  The emotions shoved aside before now multiplied.  Take each one to Him. . .deep clean one item at a time.  Don’t miss a corner.  Reach to the back, move the wall built around your heart and give attention to every piece of your soul.  God will bless you, allowing a spiritual growth spurt.  A deeper relationship, stronger ministry, overwhelming peace and freedom result with a clean house. 

You are worth it and He will take the worst of pasts in His Hands, using each for His good.  Much of the past, you did not deserve, some came as a result of wrong decisions and few just happened due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  His grace covers ALL!  Find peace and spiritual growth in His Word.  Let Him deep clean your soul. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Monday, September 23, 2013

Piece Producing Peace

COMFORT. . .such a challenging word to define.  The definition depends on the audience in question.  The process to reach such a state depends on the severity of a situation.  The feeling may be an unattainable goal for many.  But, one thing rings true across the board. . .ALL yearn for comfort.

As a child, crying causes those in the environment to run to rescue.  A pacifier, bottle, blanket, toy, hug or kiss flood the child in comfort.  Very few options exist to provide a safe, calm and hopeful environment for a child.  The simple presence of a caregiver often stops the anxiety or negative emotion in its tracks.  Time moves on and a bottle does not do the trick, a pacifier falls short in bringing comfort and even the presence of a caregiver may not bring the comfort needed.  The egocentric child looks to the world for instant gratification and whatever makes them happy at that particular moment in that particular state of emotion.  This is normal behavior and it is okay.  Food, toys, repetitive actions, exploring in places they should not, hiding under the covers to nap, watching television to bring laughter, etc. all bring comfort to a child.  So, what does a child do?  The minute emotions enter of sadness or anxiety; they reach for one of these to enter a state of peace. 

I compare these ‘things’ to pain medication.  If you read the bottle, instructions clearly state the frequency of a dose.  The pain WILL come back; it is only a matter of time.  The pain numbs for a period to allow rest, temporary comfort.  This is all good when talking about physical pain.  But, when talking about emotions, the past or daily decisions; temporary does not cut it.  We must move from our egocentric child to His submissive daughter/son.  He created our inmost being and touched each and every fiber during formation in our mother’s womb.  He left one space empty.  One desire unmet.  One piece set aside, which He holds in His Hand. 

Lacking, we search this world for completeness.  Some ‘thing’ of this world must fit the empty space, right?  So, each day we grab various foods to fill the space, repeat compulsive actions to fulfill a desire, explore places our hearts should not to feel love, hide under the covers to avoid the emptiness, watch television to fill the space with crude humor or escape or we feed addictions.  We strive for comfort!  At the end of each day, we need more of the ‘thing’ and frequency increases.  The pain comes back.  Temporary comfort allows for rest but only for a moment.

Not until Comfort is recognized, accepted and placed in the empty space will permanent relief appear.  Any emotion entering your path, Comfort will come in and process it safely with you.  No desire remains unmet.  Completeness comes when Comfort places His piece perfectly in place.  His hand sits open for all to grab the piece producing peace.  This leads to the true definition of comfort: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint; consolation for grief or anxiety.

He offers freedom, easement, consolation, joy and completeness.  Go to Him, the offer stands for all no matter past or present circumstances.  Give Him the pieces which you tried to shove into the empty space inside and He will place the only piece which fits perfectly.  Then, an amazing thing happens with all those pieces laid at the cross. . .He takes each and every one, using it for His glory, creating your ministry.    

Will you go to Him today?  Will you put aside ‘things’ of this world and quit with temporary comfort?

Pay attention today and see where you go for comfort.  It may be that very place or ‘thing’ that needs to be taken to the cross.  His presence is enough!  He is comfort!  Turn to His Word and be filled today with Comfort! 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig 

Monday, September 16, 2013

THAT Day. . .Be Prepared

School has, is and will present trials and tribulations in my life.  The workload seems near impossible to complete, knowledge too much to process and sleep yet to be desired.  On top of the day to day steps taken toward graduation, one thing remains the worst for this woman. . .test day!  Anxiety hits like a ton of bricks.  The unknown of which questions will be chosen from an endless NCLEX bank increases the pressure.  I study for hours, read, type, read, process information and did I mention read!  Still, never feel prepared for THAT day. 

I decided to approach the mountain differently this semester.  I altered study habits, enhanced listening skills and took advantage of electronic devices.  While examining the reason I choose the wrong answers, I noticed a common denominator.  My gut told me one thing, while my head reasoned and talk me into another choice.  Guess who was right? 

My gut. . .yet, I went with my head; therefore, learned to avoid second guessing myself and choose the one answer that comes first to mind.  It is true.  My grades would increase by at least 5% if I went with my gut.  How can we develop a gut feeling?

Reading builds knowledge.  Observation provides examples.  Listening gives guidance.  Doing enhances skills.

Reading the book, Power Points and materials provided builds the foundation needed to analyze questions and bring the answer to the forefront.  Reading strengthens the feeling in our gut to choose correctly.  Observation provides examples to apply when THAT day comes.  We can take the actions and words observed by an experienced individual and apply it to the question asked.  Listening in class gives guidance in choosing correctly.  Doing a task enhances the skill and plants a concrete gut feeling with firsthand experience to lead to a correct answer.

Maybe the test faced does not come in paper form or require a No.2 pencil to fill in those annoying little rectangles.  A syllabus may not exist to warn you of such a test.  No preparation could come due to the ‘pop quiz’ which blindsided your day.  Or COULD preparation be made?  How can we develop a gut feeling to help us in life’s toughest tests?

Reading builds knowledge.  Observation provides examples.  Listening gives guidance.  Doing enhances skills.

Pick up a copy today of the greatest Book, filled with Truth to build the foundation needed to answer correctly.  Place Truth in the forefront.  Cool thing. . .only One Source exists for life’s answers.  It does not cost hundreds of dollars, can be found at a nearby store and spells out answers clearly.  Reading His Word strengthens gut feelings and overpowers our mind.  Observation provides examples to follow and apply to any test.  God uses people all around you as vessels to teach and guide.  Pray for a mentor to come and provide an example worth following.  Begin by observing the greatest example provided in the Book you just purchased and began reading. . .God’s only Son.  Remember with each question faced. . .the answer is whatever Jesus would do!  Listening to God’s Word and hearing His responses guides the day to day steps leading to completion.  Doing what He commands in the Book you purchased and began reading enhances your skills needed to answer any question faced.  Doing what Jesus would do, found in the Book you purchased and began reading, strengthens our gut feeling when That day comes.

And THAT day will come.  In this world we will have trials and tribulation. . .but take heart, He has overcome this world.  He answered all the questions, completed the test and passed with flying colors.  So, need an answer key?. . .turn to His Word.  Need a gut feeling to override the reasoning of your thoughts.  Turn to His Word and fill that gut with knowledge, examples, guidance and skills to pass with flying colors.  The enemy prowls around, plays with your thoughts and works diligently to convince you of the wrong answer.  Well, get behind us Satan, you are but a stumbling block. . .

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig