Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Spiritual Stretching

Recently, my daughter came to me in pain.  It was before bed and the suggestion for relief included lying beside me while I rub the pain away.  Immediately I question the severity of such a pain.  Was this a ploy to lay with mommy?  A compromise arose with her lying in her bed; I rub her leg for 5 minutes and provide an ice pack.  The moment passed. . .

The same scenario repeated itself sporadically for months.  Then, increased in frequency and eventually the pain struck my daughter throughout the daytime as well.  She struggled in gym class, begging not to go with tears running down her cheeks.  Walking for long distance increased the pains and cramps.  We pushed it aside for a while as “growing pains”.  Come to find out, “growing pains” do not have to interfere with activities.  We sought help from a local chiropractic practice and began the path to healing. 

My daughter apparently suffers from the same structural concern I found in myself years ago.  Her hips do not align properly, causing one leg to extend past the other.  The muscles in the shorter leg remain tight, restricting growth.  With each step, she pulls those muscles beyond what they can handle and over the course of the day; they wear out and cause pain.  The pain acts as a stop sign, warning that they cannot go on anymore.

Since going to the chiropractor, we stretch daily and increase activity slowly.  Gradual stretching and exercise increase allow these muscles to grow in length at a pace they can handle.  If we jerked on them, forcing growth, tears and permanent damage would occur.  DAILY commitment, GENTLE care and FAITH in the unseen progress will lead to a day when my daughter can walk around the zoo without ending in pain. 

Muscular tissue consumes 35-40% of our body weight.  Muscles provide strength to function, movement and vitality.  Can you name one of the most important muscles needed to sustain life?  In my opinion, our spiritual muscle ranks right next to the heart!  Think of having a tight spiritual muscle. . .the tightness would lead to misalignment, effecting every aspect in life.  Growth restriction, stagnant living and pain will occur.  This leaves us to suffer and miss out on the plan laid for our life.  Often times, we will push it aside as a phase; it will all be better when. . .I will relax and enjoy life after. . .or I have no control over my pain.  Oh, my friend, you are correct in saying you don’t have control, that relaxation and enjoyment is still to come and there is better than the here and now.  BUT, when looking to this world for control, blaming others for the trials surrounding us and striving to find contentment here IN this world; our spiritual muscle tightens and shrinks all the more. 

Our Physician knows just how to handle such a problem.  Take the first step into the unknown.  Seek out the door waiting wide open revealing fleshly discomfort.  Others may not stand next to you when entering such a door, but reaching out and moving in the right direction stretches your spirit.  With each stretch, faith grows.  God hears your prayers for relief, comfort, joy and a way out; but, if He simply removed you from the situation and pulled you where you wish to be, permanent damage to the spiritual muscle occurs.  We must gradually step, stretching a bit farther with each decision advancing down the path God intended.  The spiritual muscle will grow at a pace which it can handle.  The strength and endurance gained will allow for you to become a personal trainer, teaching others by example just how to grow their spiritual muscle. 

Once stretched, it takes DAILY commitment to His Word and living His example.  It takes GENTLE care to protect our hearts from this world and the evil which prowls waiting to steal our spirit.  And most of all it takes FAITH in the unseen to progress down the path laid for our lives. 

You may be sore for a while, but press forward, keep your eyes on the prize.  Before you know it, you will be boldly walking upon this Earth with full confidence in God.  Anything coming in your path will be handled with Truth, Protection and Trust in the One True God!

Start today, my friend, it is never too late to stretch the spiritual muscle.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig        

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