Monday, September 23, 2013

Piece Producing Peace

COMFORT. . .such a challenging word to define.  The definition depends on the audience in question.  The process to reach such a state depends on the severity of a situation.  The feeling may be an unattainable goal for many.  But, one thing rings true across the board. . .ALL yearn for comfort.

As a child, crying causes those in the environment to run to rescue.  A pacifier, bottle, blanket, toy, hug or kiss flood the child in comfort.  Very few options exist to provide a safe, calm and hopeful environment for a child.  The simple presence of a caregiver often stops the anxiety or negative emotion in its tracks.  Time moves on and a bottle does not do the trick, a pacifier falls short in bringing comfort and even the presence of a caregiver may not bring the comfort needed.  The egocentric child looks to the world for instant gratification and whatever makes them happy at that particular moment in that particular state of emotion.  This is normal behavior and it is okay.  Food, toys, repetitive actions, exploring in places they should not, hiding under the covers to nap, watching television to bring laughter, etc. all bring comfort to a child.  So, what does a child do?  The minute emotions enter of sadness or anxiety; they reach for one of these to enter a state of peace. 

I compare these ‘things’ to pain medication.  If you read the bottle, instructions clearly state the frequency of a dose.  The pain WILL come back; it is only a matter of time.  The pain numbs for a period to allow rest, temporary comfort.  This is all good when talking about physical pain.  But, when talking about emotions, the past or daily decisions; temporary does not cut it.  We must move from our egocentric child to His submissive daughter/son.  He created our inmost being and touched each and every fiber during formation in our mother’s womb.  He left one space empty.  One desire unmet.  One piece set aside, which He holds in His Hand. 

Lacking, we search this world for completeness.  Some ‘thing’ of this world must fit the empty space, right?  So, each day we grab various foods to fill the space, repeat compulsive actions to fulfill a desire, explore places our hearts should not to feel love, hide under the covers to avoid the emptiness, watch television to fill the space with crude humor or escape or we feed addictions.  We strive for comfort!  At the end of each day, we need more of the ‘thing’ and frequency increases.  The pain comes back.  Temporary comfort allows for rest but only for a moment.

Not until Comfort is recognized, accepted and placed in the empty space will permanent relief appear.  Any emotion entering your path, Comfort will come in and process it safely with you.  No desire remains unmet.  Completeness comes when Comfort places His piece perfectly in place.  His hand sits open for all to grab the piece producing peace.  This leads to the true definition of comfort: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint; consolation for grief or anxiety.

He offers freedom, easement, consolation, joy and completeness.  Go to Him, the offer stands for all no matter past or present circumstances.  Give Him the pieces which you tried to shove into the empty space inside and He will place the only piece which fits perfectly.  Then, an amazing thing happens with all those pieces laid at the cross. . .He takes each and every one, using it for His glory, creating your ministry.    

Will you go to Him today?  Will you put aside ‘things’ of this world and quit with temporary comfort?

Pay attention today and see where you go for comfort.  It may be that very place or ‘thing’ that needs to be taken to the cross.  His presence is enough!  He is comfort!  Turn to His Word and be filled today with Comfort! 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig 

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