Saturday, December 21, 2013

Let Go. . .Let God!

When observing a brand new baby you will notice clinched fists.  The reflex remains for a couple months and the baby never reaches or grasps objects purposely.  Slowly, the baby begins to open and close intentionally and examine this mighty tool available to them.  Realizing the meaning and purpose of hands, they begin to grasp soft objects and even move to get something.  Having open hands allows for all kinds of fun and senses to be stimulated.  This discovery amazes the infant and seems to consume most of the day.  Later in infancy, these wonderful hands begin to grasp food and bottles bringing much pleasure to the child.  Table foods and various drinks eventually follow the soft foods and formula/milk.  The child finds hands aide in use of utensils to move to better tasting foods, holding hands of loved ones to walk step by step, hugging tightly onto comfort items and expand the options of toys.  At the moment an infant opens the clinched hands. . .life proves meaningful and joyful.

Parents may stimulate the grasping reflex and encourage an infant to open clinched fists, explore the world by reaching, touching and holding various items.  Colorful objects in a short distance may entice the infant to reach out and experience joy from holding on to the item.  Frustration may occur if the object sits too far away, so careful not to place out of complete reach for the infant.  Objects they can hold easily help in strengthening the grasp and developing skills needed to advance.  The infant transitions into a toddler while reaching skills proving maturity.  As a parent, joy and pride arise with each milestone. 

And so, life continues, we mature in many ways, advancing each day to accomplish new skills.  But, do we really mature in every way needed to survive, function and enjoy the life provided.  In the same way a child cannot use clinched hands, God cannot use our clinched hands.  As we hold tightly to ‘things’ of this world, we lose pleasure, purpose and positions along our spiritual journey.  Never reaching beyond comfortable to serve our God or grasping the knob of the door intended for our next move leaves us stagnant in spiritual development. 

Beginning the journey as a Christian, claiming Jesus as your Lord and Savior may find many still clinching hands.  I know that after coming to know Jesus, accepting Him into my life, I still held tight to numerous ‘things’ of this world.  My flesh desired comfort; emotions yearned for a quick fix and clinched hands held tight to the past.  Slowly, one finger at a time, I let go.  God, my Father, encouraged me to let go, explore who I was in Him, touch lives by sharing my story and hold His Hand along the journey specifically laid for Sheree.  Once I handed over the ‘things’, I found God provided numerous tools for use to further His Kingdom.  In His Word, we find meaning, joy and move from ‘milk to solid foods’; training to distinguish good from evil. 

God, our Father will never place these tools out of reach, never lead where His grace does not cover and never leave your side.  Open your clinched fist today; let go of the past, addictions, fleshly desires and anything else preventing progression in spiritual maturity.  Trust our Father; He will celebrate with each milestone.  Let go and Let God!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

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