Thursday, December 26, 2013

All Because She Said YES!

The gifts lay opened, blood sugar crashed, clothes washed and worn, parties attended and work resumed.  The break commenced with Christmas now in the past.  Anticipation of receiving the perfect gift no longer exists.  Lines extend in stores across the nation for returns of the unwanted gifts.  Gifts may be exchanged for a better item or some may pocket the money.  Gift certificates pile on the counter and one by one diminish each time you leave the house.  The big man himself rests peacefully alongside his reindeer after the exhausting, long night of work (it’s true, my Santa tracker says so!).  It is all over. . .OR has it just begun?

Every year, the Christmas story enters my path numerous times; you know, the TRUE Christmas story.  Not the one about the big red guy bearing gifts for all.  No, the one about the One who came bearing the Gift for all – it is free, you need not be perfect/good every single moment, no naughty list exist to deny anyone, you can pout and cry and still receive!  This gift wrapped in swaddling clothes lay in a manger, not under a tree wrapped in cheap paper with some pattern all over it!  One step is required to receive the gift. . .acceptance.  Run to the cross, lay all the mess at His feet and praise Him for sending this glorious Gift to us sinners.  Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and begin a new life filled with indescribable joy.

Christmas marks the beginning.  Each year, a different portion sticks out stronger than the others for me.  This year Mary went directly to my heart.  Think about it. . .an ordinary woman, engaged to be married, excited about landing a husband she loved dearly, forecasting their future together and following the plans of society.  The whole plan alters with one visit from an angel.  Mary heard the angel, processed for a moment and wondered how this could happen.  The angel explained in greater detail the steps, assured her to not fear for this message is from God.  Mary said YES!  In her day, saying yes placed her at risk for death by stone at worst and shunning at best.  Mary said YES despite the risk.  Joseph rejected the idea at first. . .but then received word via an angel of the plan given from God.  Joseph said YES! 

Hardship continued as the birth of our Lord near.  Mary and Joseph, forced to return home, searched for a safe place to give birth to their miracle.  If only Bethlehem realized with each door slammed in Joseph’s face, they were denying Jesus.  If only they would have said YES!  Jesus would enter this world in comfort, warmth and with treatment He deserved.  But then, I think the emphasis and point of God’s plan would be thwarted.  God chose His only Son to come to earth and dwell among men. . .beginning as a baby!  Mary labored and delivered the Gift to the world.  She quickly wrapped Him, kept Him protected and warm.  I imagine her softly kissing His head knowing nothing of the great miracles He will perform in His life.  She knew nothing of the end to this story.  God asked and she stepped in faith into the unknown.

CLIFF NOTES:  A virgin, soon to be married, became pregnant in a generation that stoned those bearing children outside of marriage.  Her soon to be husband stood by her side month by month and diligently sought a place for the birth.  Denied a room, he accepted a place outside and created a manger of hay for our Savior.  They loved, accepted and protected our Savior.  They said YES despite all the odds against them, glares from others and unacceptance from society.  They stepped boldly into the unknown. . .the result of such radical obedience – the pleasure of holding our Savior and being a part of God’s plan to save the world.

Are you willing to say YES while society continues to say NO?  Stepping into the unknown may bring glares, shunning or denied help.  God holds a special plan for your life, Trust Him!  You may feel like some ordinary individual unable to imagine any use for God.  He uses willing hearts, trusting souls and available hands.  We are His temple, mere vessels created to shine Him to all.  The Perfect Gift has come, no need to continue searching.  Accept the Gift and say YES. . .the result of such radical obedience – pleasure of holding tightly to your Savior, building a relationship that surpasses any here on Earth and being part of God’s plan to save this world! 

I just stand in awe of Mary’s obedience, feel proud of her for doing as God asked and smile thinking of her privilege to hold our Savior!  What a fantastic example to follow. . .radical obedience despite the risks of society and not knowing the end of the plan. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig           

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