Girl meets boy. Girl begins to fall in love and then steals the heart of the boy. With each meeting, love grows and the two begin visualizing themselves becoming old together. They each see solid careers, joyous times, children, grandchildren, retirement, etc. In these times they each still live independent of one another, move about as each pleases and see no flaw in the other. Satan will throw a few daggers in there to try and keep a wedge big enough to prevent the carrying out of their visions. He tries to overpower the cleaving of two souls.
Well, as the bride enters the church, the groom waits excitedly at the end of the isle; Satan lost the battle and the wedge becomes minuscule. God's plan continues for boy and girl to leave home, announce the commitment of vows in front of Him and many witnesses and then exit the church as ONE. The night continues with dancing, celebration, food, fun and most importantly - wedding cake! The celebration may last longer with the couple taking a honeymoon somewhere far from home. While there, they remain away from "real" life and free from everyday trials. Their love radiates and God stands strong between the newlyweds.
Upon returning, life continues with work, daily responsibilities, adjusting to a new life and keeping up with friends. Satan begins working overtime, knowing the first few years of marriage are the most difficult. Why? The newness wears off, the visions had before do not play out as expected and selfish ways remain. No one really explains the difficulties newlyweds face when taking that commitment and striving to keep Christ as the center of the relationship. Christ does not just show up in the center or do all the work. You each must first place Christ in the center of your own lives and then come together and each day follow His Truths to keep Him in the center. Satan sits and waits for the perfect moments to step in and create conflict, increase the wedge and prevent the two from fulfilling the will of God.
God brings two together to form a complete, whole person and help further His Kingdom. When separated, the two are good servants; but, together they become GREAT servants. Each complements the other and encourage along the way. Should one fall, the other comes alongside and picks them up, feeding them with Truth to help them find strength through God. Coming together and seeking the same purpose (serving God) will bring a strong foundation built upon Christ that can withstand the worst of trials. Trials will come and if selfish ways, angry hearts or prideful spirits exist; Satan will gain a foothold. Upon leaving the church after saying "I Do", the two become one. Each dies to self and lives for the other.
I urge newlyweds to be in pray daily, seek His Truths to begin building a solid foundation between the two and find a way to proclaim your love each day. Satan works so hard to destroy marriages because he knows the power behind a Christ centered relationship. The two will boldly step each day for God and bring so many others to know Him. They will grow a family which then will extend His family even more. It does not work in sync with His plan without Him involved. Trust me on this one; we tried to manage our marriage alone and the wedge grew.
Place Him at the center, see your spouse as God sees them and know that each day the other is fighting a battle in the mind just as you. So, come together on His Word and let God fight those battles for you. Pray for one another and focus on the actions He asks you to take to encourage one another. Show your love daily through actions and words. Don't let the sun fade on a day with anger still stirring. Satan loves to come in and take advantage of sleeping, angry spirits. Resentment will build and give him a tool to use against you later. Communicate in love. Above all - seek to understand the other before being understood.
We each fall short of the glory of God daily. We are not to condemn another for this. Instead, pray for the other in their weaknesses and struggles. Come alongside your spouse and feed them with Truth. Love as He loves. Remember this every day of your marriage and persevere always. You cannot change your spouse to be as YOU want them to be, but you can pray them to become who GOD desires them to be. God will work all things out for His good and we have no say in the plans made. Simply, accept His plans with willing hearts and allow God to work in your spouse in His timing, not yours. Be patient. . . God has it all under control as you give it to Him. He knows what He is doing.
God, thank you for another day. Thank You for reminding me through trials that we each are a working progress. We each strive to be like Christ and serve You each day. Together, my husband and I will serve and do great things. I pray for my husband as he seeks You and follows Your commands. Give him strength to persevere and build his faith. I thank You for providing a wonderful man for me to love and serve alongside. Give me the actions and words needed to encourage, love, support and respect him daily. I love You.
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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