Wednesday, May 9, 2012

All Together Beautiful

The season for that dreaded piece of clothing lying in the back of the drawer/closet draws near.  You know, that thing showing the world what we try to hide as best we can or alter in a way which pleases the eyes of others.  No way exists around bringing it out from the depths of our closet/drawer and wearing it.  Well, I guess you could stay in all summer long and sit in the air condition.  No!; that would be boring.  Good times would be missed: laying poolside catching up on the latest gossip with a good friend, swimming/playing in the pool with the kiddos or becoming a kid again and riding the big water slide at the park!  So much fun lay ahead in the season of summer. . .

BUT our thoughts consume us and bring dread when thinking about placing that clothing on and actually going in public.  The mirror spews lies as we stand in front to make sure the thing still fits.  Each year, the mirror brings on a new lie to stack upon all the others already established.  We come to the point that we would rather be drenched in sweat than put that thing on to cool off in the pool.

Our summer shorts may bring the same dreadful feelings.  They display more of the areas which women struggle with accepting.  Satan loves to drag us down in this moment of weakness as we face the wardrobe created for summer. 

Well, ladies it is time to take a stand against our enemy.  Tell Satan to get behind you because God has so much joy waiting for you this summer and you intend to experience it fully.  God created you exactly how He imagined.  Each piece, curve, mole, freckle, wrinkle, etc. was placed just perfectly according to His plan.  He thought so much of us to create variety.  Variety is necessary in life or the joy and excitement would vanish.  He offered various taste buds to enjoy the foods of this land.  He offered various colors to keep our eyes entertained.  He created a variety of animals for companionship and food.  He created a variety of land to allow for options in habitation.  He created a variety of seasons to help the land grow crops and keep stable the Earth which He began.  Why then, would He do any differently when creating us?

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10) -(Emphasis mine)

We each hold various skills, characteristics, features and talents which play a dire part in serving Him.  If you were to change even one inch of your being, you would not be who God intended in the beginning.  You were created in His image by Him.  Love the body He provided, maintain the health He blesses you with daily and be confident in the life chosen for you.  He smiles back at you when looking in the mirror.  He sees beauty.  He loves every part of you.

So, when going to choose clothing for the summer season; seek God for guidance on what to wear.  He will help you find the clothing which fits just right, flatters the body He created and brings comfort to your thoughts so to enjoy this time of year.  Take His Word with you everywhere you travel and replace those lies Satan spews out.  Refuse to listen to the enemy and remember who you are in Christ. 

Avoid the comparison game when going out in public: "Well, I wish I looked like her" or "Doesn't she just have the most perfect body".  Guess what my sister; we ALL have the most perfect body.  We were all created in His image.  We have a perfect Creator who does not make junk or mistakes.  Embrace the life given to you, not the girl's that just walked by.  Do not compare the outward appearance of another to the inward thoughts you have of yourself.  This only leads to destruction.  Praise God for variety.  When going to an event that requires that thing to be worn, pray for help in focusing on the event, not the clothing or thoughts of self. 

It is not a dreaded piece of clothing.  It is a bathing suit which displays the beauty God created.  Embrace this season with the wardrobe that bests suits YOU.  Wear it with confidence, knowing you are a temple of God.  Honor your Creator by wearing the clothes He provides.  Seek Him for advice, love and Truth.  See yourself through His eyes and see beauty in His creation.

"You are altogether beautiful, my darling;
    there is no flaw in you."  (Song of Solomon 4:7)

You are beautiful my friend.  Do not let Satan tell you differently!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for variety in this world.  I pray for all reading this to find peace within their thoughts, comfort in the body given and see the blessings You provide.  I pray this season is one of joy, memories and peace.  Please guide me to the clothing that bests fit the body You have provided.  Thank You for restored health and Truth spoken to me.  Come into my summer and join me in the good times You have waiting ahead.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig 

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