Monday, May 14, 2012

God Revealed His Answers

One day a year, women do not cook, clean or play referee.  They receive praise for a job well done and lots of hugs.  Flowers magically appear at the door, at work or on the kitchen counter to show appreciation.  Lines of men/children, carefully choosing a card, form in most stores (usually the night before or day of).  And we all know chocolate is a woman's best friend.

Whatever the gift, the purpose is to show appreciation to a lovely woman in their lives.  Their love is expressed perfectly in the eyes of the receiver.  Whether planned last minute or well thought out; the love and appreciation shines through the gift given.

While I love chocolate, flowers (when I can keep them alive) and jewelry; I yearn for a gift which will not break the bank.  Mine cannot be purchased at a store.  And guess what?  I received exactly what I desired on my day.

Of course, I am speaking of Mother's Day.  The weeks leading up to this day brought pure exhaustion both physically and mentally.  I could not see past my negative attitude and I wanted to throw in the towel.  I clung to Truth and sought out strength from Him to endure.  Though I felt defeated, I did not give up.  I learned so much in His Word and applied it to my life.  Patience (which I lack) was required.  My prayers lifted daily without a sign of answer.  Well, God WAS working wonders my eyes could not see due to hurt and anger. 

Then, it happened.  God answered my prayers on Mother's Day.  My eyes opened to see clearly His work, His blessings poured on me daily and His arms comforted all my hurt.  His grace covered all the nasty anger I held deep.  He answered so many prayers on that day.

I received two beautiful homemade cards.  I attended church with my three most favorite people.  I spent the whole afternoon in the presence of them as well.  We did nothing special; but, just having them around meant the world to me.  I caught up on conversation with my sister and ended the evening enjoying a dinner and laughs with those I most love.  What a beautiful day!

God not only answered my prayer through the Mother's Day I desired; but, I see the work and progress He brings in both my children.  Days exist as a mother when you feel failure.  Some days you feel rejection, criticism and that those precious little ones are learning nothing from you.  Well, God assured me that He hears my cry.  He holds their future in His hands.  I cannot change the plans by trying to control their thoughts and actions.  I am here to set an example, love, comfort and lead them to Him for guidance.  He will bring them where He planned.  So, I pray that I can merely be a vessel God uses to raise my two children.

God also made it clear how to communicate with my dear husband.  He brought peace, clarity and direction to my thoughts and I was slow to speak.  I prayed before speaking.  I sought His Truth and asked for the words needed to bring forth my feelings, while avoiding argument.  He brought compromise through our conversation.  I felt the walls break down which stood strong around my heart.  Pride left me.  Anger dissolved from my thoughts and understanding came.  Days exist as a wife when you feel failure.  Some days you feel rejection, criticism and that that lovely spouse of yours does not listen to any of your thoughts.  Well, God assured me that He will take care of my spouse.  It is not up to me to determine what path my husband chooses.  The steps taken are between him and God.  I am to pray for him, love him for who he is,  encourage, lead by example and let God take control of all situations.  So, I strive to be the wife God intended and pray for strength to speak in love, to comfort and seek to understand. 

Read Titus 2:7-8.  Read Philippians 4:8-9.

One day a year our efforts are recognized and appreciated.  Let us take the other 364 and strive to do an even greater job than the past 364.  Bring God into every decision, pray for discernment, words and actions needed to run your home as He intended.  Mistakes will be made, days will be frustrating, defeat will be felt and words received will hurt; but, His grace covers every last bit of it.  Turn to Him and seek His advice.  He knows your heart and will bless your perseverance. 

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for making me a wife and mother.  I am so proud of the family given to me and I pray I can lead by example.  Provide the words and actions needed to be the wife and mother You intend for Sheree.  I love my family, but do not always show it in the best manner.  Ease my daily anxieties which cause frustration to fill my thoughts and then come out in my actions.  Protect my family and bless my mothering for then next 364 days.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig     

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