Friday, November 21, 2014

Accepting God's Friend Request

Networking is the current goal.  In doing so, I expanded and engaged into more social media.  There should be a college course on navigation and how to best utilize these sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).  Thankfully I live with an expert on the three media sources I currently use.  It seems the way to go when trying to spread any information with others.  Good Christian messages, uplifting thoughts and encouragement finds its way into the pages of media each day.  The Internet is today’s way of reaching others and spreading the Good News. 

I decided to send a message to a dear friend via Facebook.  The process made easy due to the setup of the site.  To the right, pictures appear of those recently visiting the site and even places a time next to them to inform viewers of how long it has been since they were using the site.  One simple click and options pop up to send a message straight to receiver’s computer.  So, I sent a message which then took me to another screen only displaying the current conversation.  Immediately, my friend’s profile picture appeared in the corner under the message with a dialogue balloon filled by an eclipse (. . .) to show she was responding.  I was excited to catch her at just the right time so our conversation could flow back and forth.  The indication allows receiver to know a response is on its way!

Cool part about Facebook though; if the receiver is currently away from the site, an alert sound will indicate when a message comes back to you.  Therefore, you can be anywhere with the device and respond when hearing the alert.  You can go on with business as usual instead of waiting to see the message. 

What if God was one of your Facebook friends?  Just think about it. . .you could wake up, grab a cup of coffee and visit His profile to see “What’s on His mind?”  Scrolling through the past posts you will discover all the great accomplishments He performed, you know, like helping David beat Goliath, remaining with Paul while in prison, healing the sick, bringing sight to the blind, helping the deaf hear, creating good out of Joseph’s situation, guiding Israel to the Promised Land despite their uncooperative nature, etc.  Scanning His photos, you may see the construction project performed in the beginning of time. . .creating the World and all that is in it.  You may come across and album created just for you.  The album may describe how He touched each fiber of your being while in the womb creating you beautiful and wonderful.  You will see His friend list includes thousands, but still needs more.  You could help by suggesting, reposting His Promises and spreading the Good News to others on Facebook. 

But, think about the coolest part of being His friend on Facebook; seeing when He is available to talk and even knowing the moment He will respond.  Also, His profile photo would confirm that it is indeed Him responding to your message.  And if you became busy with life, an alert would tell you He is responding to the message.  How convenient.  But, does this require faith, build a relationship or strengthen the spirit?  No, not really!

We need to take time and sit with God.  Not through a computer screen or device; just a Bible and Him!  He remains available 24/7 and though answers do not return immediately, He works diligently on the requests given in prayer.  He holds our future and knows the best solutions to each struggle, trial or tribulation presented in this world.  Go to Him in prayer, have faith in a response, build a relationship with our Creator through conversation and time and your spirit will strengthen more than you can imagine. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig          

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