I love cleaning.
Call me weird, but it feels fantastic to look back and see progress,
accomplishment and a job complete.
Cleaning and organizing allow visual results of success. I could do both tasks all day long and be as
happy as a lark (whatever that means).
The kids began a new adventure called school; so, I decided to organize
and clean without two little hoarders following my every move. Excitement arose at the thoughts of
completing such a chore. A purpose
appeared to fill time spent in an empty house.
So the plan began to organize, purge, sell, redecorate and clean. YEAH!
Come on, I know deep inside you feel excited just thinking about it!
I realized lots of junk crept into our home over the
years. The junk did not lie in the open
for all to see, but hid in closets, cabinets and corners. Well, this determined woman began scouring
every inch of the house, finding items to give away, take pictures in hopes to
sell or moving items straight to the dumpster.
I was on a role. It appeared easy
and refreshing to clean out the junk.
Then, something happened. . .the junk became personal. It moved from meaningless (everyone else’s
items) to memorable (my items). The
items told the story of my past. Okay,
parting with an item without a memory attached, I can do; but, letting go of
the napkin from my wedding day is just painful (as if there is not a picture to
remember it). Then I found the sleeve
which held our wedding night room key with the room number written on it (IKR,
packs lots of meaning). Oh yeah, then
the metal from back in my athletic years, a love note from my husband written
in high school (those were the days) or a shirt worn on a special occasion. Deciding to let these go took a long
time. I realized the items held no use
or meaning in the present. I unclenched each
fist and laid the items in the proper pile. . .
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
Corinthians 5:17)
Reminds me
of the day I gave my life to Christ. My spirit
contained numerous closets, cabinets and corners filled with items of no use to
my present. But, each item told the
story of my past. That is just it. . .my
PAST. When giving our lives to Christ,
new creation forms. Our past must remain
there, our baggage dropped off at the cross and our spirits cleansed. Often times our ‘junk’ does not lie in the
open for all to see, but hides deep in protected closets, cabinets and
corners. Sure, it was easy to clean up
my language, change the radio station, attend service regularly, participate in
service projects and even join various Bible groups; but, somewhere among all
the cleansing and change it moved from pleasant to painful. You mean, I need to let go of control (every
aspect of my eating disorder), humble myself in arguments with my husband,
forgive those who wronged me in the past, quit blaming people for my decisions
or emotions, run to God first for comfort (not alcohol or other fleshly pleasures)
and say yes to God when all I want to do is run the other way. Wow, this is tough.
Guess what,
my friend, it may be tough. . .BUT, it is the only way to freedom. Unclench the fists, lay all of the past in
the proper pile, at the cross! Let God heal,
renew and then use you in mighty ways.
All the past happened, it is gone.
Clenching tightly to the old, locking the cabinets, guarding the closets
and hiding in the corners allows the devil to creep in your thoughts. God cannot fully work in your life. Though it may be tough at first. . .it all
works out for your good. Letting go
lightens the load and allows energy to complete the plan and purpose God holds
for your future. Don’t let the past
steal the purpose of your present and plans of your future!
instances in the Bible when clenched hands held back progress. . .
on their journey to the Promised Land (Exodus)
refusing to go the way God asked (Jonah)
Paul and his
conversion (Acts)
examples only include a few. Read up on
some and gain inspiration to clean those closets, cabinets and corners. You will come to love cleaning as much as I
do. . .His Word promises!
Keep praying
harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig
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