Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Decision that Changed it All

I know this girl. . .she began life perfectly.  Her thoughts contained no worries, her self-image positive, purpose in life apparent and each day filled with joy.  Love stayed by her side.  She never boarded the emotional roller-coaster.  Only one rule existed in life to follow.  Then, one day a sneaky, evil one met up with her.  One lie believed changed her path forever.  The evil one twisted words, convincing this girl that rules were made to be broken.  So, the one rule bent slightly.  She did not want to be alone in this decision and surely did not want to take on any form of punishment without accompaniment. 

She ran to this guy I know. . .he began life perfectly.  He held the coolest position, performing the most interesting tasks daily.  Food freely arrived to him daily.  Life presented no stress concerning household maintenance or financial support.  Only one rule existed in life to follow.  Then, on that day, he fell.  He fell for the words of that girl and went along with bending the rule. 

The evil one painted such a beautiful picture to come, should they believe him and commit to his way.  Well, the evil one could not have been more wrong.  Instantly, the two felt shame, guilt, fear and sadness.  The two ran off and hid in hopes to avoid consequences.  Despite their greatest efforts, they were found by the King.  Upon interrogation, the truth revealed the two went against the King’s only rule.  One simple rule and they could not follow.  Each blamed the other, but in reality all committed the sin. 

Death became the ultimate sentence but not before living out their original plan in life.  Both went on as companions to bear children (not without painful labor), cultivate the land in order to eat, cover their bodies to hide in shame of their original form and both banished from a beautiful area in the land.  They bore two sons, only to lose one later due to family conflict.  Jealousy drove one son to kill the other.  Turmoil existed within the family.  Difficulty occurred due to that one decision of disobedience. 

Oh yeah, and the evil one, he still scours the ground, continuing to deceive all who walk it.  He would not leave the girl and guy alone either.  Lies continued to pour into their thoughts trying to lead them away from the one True King.  Lies concerning self-worth, power, image, money, parenting, prestige, etc.  Thoughts filled with shame, guilt, helplessness, unworthiness, defeat, etc. 

Can you relate?

Since the beginning, the evil one has been playing the same sneaky schemes.  Times change over the years, but the lies remain the same.  In today’s life, some may include:
If you cannot fit into a particular size, you hold no value in society and no one will find you attractive.
If your bank account does not hold a specific figure, you will never be happy.
If you don’t buy the latest __________ no one will like you or care to be your friend.
If you do not climb the ladder of success within a specific time, you are a loser and hold no pride.

The lies continue daily with the evil one choosing words specific to you in hopes to lead away from the one True King.  The evil one wants nothing more than to see you lead a life full of sin.  Sin holds bondage over your life and happiness never more than temporary.  Joy only comes when the chains break and freedom is gained.  The evil one conforms to current times and uses the latest and greatest schemes known to man.

Cool thing about our True King. . .He never changes.  Since the beginning, He creates humans in His image, so to rule over the Earth below.  He loves each creation and desires a relationship just as He did with that girl and guy I know.  In response to lies of the evil one, our King offers one Truth. . .John 3:16.  Death turned to life.  He saved us.  The answer came and all we need to do is believe in Him.  Trust Him each and every day.  We then will clearly see the falsehood of the words spoken by the sneaky evil one.  Read up on His Word, so to gain ammo against the evil one’s words.  Stand firm on His Word and know that He will fill your thoughts with love, joy and peace.  He will pour blessings over your life.  You are worthy and He desires you. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig     

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