Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Help Exists

We sought out to advance the skills of our children a bit, requiring chores to be completed in order to earn allowance.  They dust, sweep, clean dishes, fold laundry and manage money received all while gaining skills needed in the future.  Both complete the chores successfully.  The first few weeks on the new job required training.  Neither could confidently take the tools given to clean and successfully complete the chore.  Folding laundry is an art which must be learned.  Our DNA makeup does not include a chromosome for such life skills as money management or house maintenance.  Both were great students and after week two, I no longer shadowed while they worked.  Along the way, they may find a way which works better for them yet still complete the required chore.  The chore becomes their chore, not mine.  That is fine, but at least they had a baseline to begin and should they ever forget, they have me around to ask for help.

Kids also play out real situations in life through toys.  Playing with baby dolls, building with blocks, using mini tool sets and learning basic driving skills while bike riding develops a thin base for all the knowledge needed when the ‘real’ thing comes in their journey.  Our children will seek help when they first sit behind the wheel, take another to a dance, apply for a job, experience heartache, receive a paycheck, find ‘the one’, bring home a child, etc.  No matter the age, life throws new experiences in our journey.  Often we have not the slightest clue how to react or where to turn.  Who better to reach for than someone who has been there, done that?  Those who have experience can inform others and share what worked, what did not work and how to handle all the emotions arising with this new adventure. No matter the age, the teaching/learning cycle never ends.  We must carefully guide our children and all who seek advice; for they will carry the torch forward and teach others how to accomplish specific skills or navigate through life.      

What about the skills needed in the toughest of trials in life?  Isn’t it nice to talk with another who understands, who knows how you feel?  Parents can take you so far, but sometimes others may come in to help along the way.  For example, illness can be treated by educated doctors and staff, but the emotional side needs more than a surgery or medicine.  Newlyweds start the journey filled with joy and love overflowing from their hearts, but when bumps begin appearing in the road traveled, it may be tough to dodge them.  Parenting appears smooth when all the child does is sleep, eat and need a diaper change; but, beyond that phase no book can help a parent through completely.  We need help!  We need guidance! 

Guess what. . .one Book contains all the help you will need to learn all the how, what, when and where’s in life (the why’s are not always answered immediately – you must trust).  Seek God in prayer and He will lead others to you for help.  He will send angels in the form of family, mentors, authors, church members, teachers and friends to guide you through His Truth and point you to Him.  Throughout His Word examples exist of how others persevered through, what actions they took in trials, when they knew to go/stay and where they turned at all times.  We may not experience identical situations, but we do experience the emotion turmoil and require strength and guidance to get through.  Well, my friend, it is all in One Source. 

Consult God first and listen closely to clearly hear who to turn to here on Earth for advice/help.  Confirm with God that what you see and hear all comes from His Truth.  Go to individuals here who have been there, done that and did so with God’s guidance.  They will help you see that God waits with open arms for you to run to in every situation faced.  No situation is too small that God will think it unimportant and no situation is too big that God will think it hopeless.  He is there at all times, loves at all times and comforts at all times.  Use His children and His Truth to guide through life.  Seek advice from those He built up to help, establish a baseline of knowledge from those individuals and then make the journey your own by listening to God and going the way He says.  Should you ever forget or feel at a loss, those individuals will still be around and God will quickly send them your way.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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