Monday, April 6, 2015

The Prize Inside

Remember when. . .

Anytime I begin a story with these two words it usually ends in laughter, disbelief or a ‘how did you survive in such conditions’ comment from the children.  Life ‘back in the day’ provided simplicity, peace, active lifestyles and fun conversations.  Regardless of how good the ‘ole days’ appears in memories, we must embrace the new generation of texting, Facebook, selfies, Apple products and such.  I agree to do so that I may keep a connection with my children.  But, I refuse to forget the childhood memories.

I would like to share one which brings a smile to my face.  Remember when (oh no, I can sense the eye rolling now from the younger generation) going to the grocery store was fun.  Yes, I know, hard to imagine due to the fact that we now are the ones fighting the crowds in the isles, paying the bill, searching for the vehicle upon leaving, loading, then unloading and finally putting away all the groceries.  But, there was a time when going to the store was the highlight of my week.  I tagged along with mom and grew in excitement to choose the favorite items from the shelf to fill the cabinets at home. 

My favorite isle – breakfast!  The cereal boxes lined from top to bottom, one end to the other, catching my eye with colorful characters and tasty flavors.  These were the days when sugar meant nothing; dyes had no effect on my body and nutrition labels not existing in vocabulary.  Entering the isle, my eyes scanned for the cereal of the week.  Typically, food choices come to surface based on preference of taste or nutritional value.  Well, neither entered this little child’s mind during the selection process.  Nope, I went for the best prize inside. 

Remember when cereal provided a prize inside the box.  None of this send off three UPC’s and shipping and handling fee to receive a prize.  The prize waited inside the box, buried amongst the delicious cereal (delicious because the box says so).  The prize determined which cereal I chose. 

Never did the prize fall out with the first bowl of cereal.  Mom would not allow me to reach in, dig through the cereal and grab out the prize prematurely.  Therefore, I must eat my way to the prize.  Every bowl, every bite and every morning excitement built to reach that prize which lay before me.  Jumping ahead and dumping the contents out just to get the prize would diminish the excitement.  Reaching in and scrounging around for the prize would reduce the joy of receiving.  Imagine how much goodness would be missed if I failed to feed my body prior to finding the prize.  All the cereal poured out and rummaged through would go to waste, serving no purpose but filler for the prize. 

Unfortunately, too often Christians desire the prize promised without willing to take the time to delve into the Word, attend church to receive nourishing messages or spend time with the One holding the prize.  We get caught up in the world and flesh comfort.  Yes, we want the prize and we know the prize with which to work towards; but, the world works diligently to redirect our focus.  The world presents itself to catch our eye, attention and instant gratification.  The world promises to offer empty nourishment, lasting only temporarily without any prize worth the sacrifices given. 

Let us work towards the everlasting prize offered freely to all who believe, trust, love and follow.  Every Word, every Promise and every morning builds the excitement leading to the prize.  If we jump ahead, avoiding the contents of His Book only desiring the prize offered, we diminish growth and development.  The contents of His Book provide needed strength to face this world and change it through our example – one person at a time.  Reaching in and scrounging for one Scripture here and there reduces meaning and purpose.  We must read Scripture as a whole, taking each Word and building wisdom to then make decisions and nourish our bodies. 

Take this day and begin utilizing His Word as it is written.  Know the ultimate prize came in the form of His buried Son who rose and ascended to Heaven.  It is in Heaven that Jesus went to create the perfect place for you and me.  Patience builds the excitement.  Obedience strengthens the relationship.  Faith allows us to be used to bring others to know the great prize which lay ahead and how to obtain it for FREE!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.      

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