Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Changed Perspective

As you read this, it has occurred numerous times already.  It happens the moment you wake up.  It happens countless times before leaving the house.  It determines moods, facial expressions, itineraries and even worth.  One may think it stops after leaving the house; nope, it continues while driving, walking down the street and at your work station as well. 

We spend too many minutes of our day allowing such action to take place.  The results are used against us every time.  Yet we continue to arrive for such brutal punishment over and over and over again.  We pass such action down to the next generation.  Their reactions often mimic our example.

What in the world am I talking about?  And why do we not get rid of such an event which does so much harm daily?  Take a moment, walk into the nearest bathroom, stand at the sink and look straight ahead. . .go on, do it!

What happened?  How long did you take?  Do you feel different? 

The mirror: we allow it to hold power over our day.  Next time you glance at it, notice your facial expression.  Take a moment to focus on the opinions thrown at you.  Pay attention to the time taken away from the day due to fixing a perceived flaw or changing a piece of clothing.  Reflect on any difference in esteem compared to before looking into the mirror. 

My daughter and I have been writing posty notes to one another and placing them on each other’s bathroom mirror.  One in particular went straight to my heart.  She wrote: “Your smile makes me feel loved.  When you are happy, I am happy.”  A blow to the gut, I realized I rarely smile.  I spend most of my days spouting off commands, disciplining (in love), berating myself for failure and most importantly looking at a reflection finding flaws to fix each time.  Do I smile when I look in the mirror and give praise to my Creator?  Do I walk confidently, standing firm on His Truth that I am wonderfully and beautifully made?  Do I use the mirror for just the purpose of assuring no food on my face, getting ready in the morning and brushing crazy hair down?  Unfortunately, I answer no to each of these questions on too many accounts. 

I have caught myself over the past week going as far as to check reflection via black screen on cellphone, walking past a darkened window or while driving using the rear view mirror.  Really?  Is such action necessary?  NO!

Doing these things only gives leverage for the enemy to creep in and feed me lies.  Lies work to diminish worth, take away goodness of the day, demolish positive outlooks and tarnish radiance.  Thankfully, our God provides Truth to beat the enemy into the ground. 

Let us look less at our reflection and more to His Word to determine moods, facial expressions, itineraries and worth.  Let us honor Him with the bodies given and walk confidently for Him.  He made us beautiful and wonderful.  He made us with purpose.  Let us change our perspective.


Okay, now take another moment, walk into the nearest bathroom, stand at the sink and look straight ahead. . .go on, do it!  Only this time, look intently at the mirror and smile.  Speak Truth to you. . .

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”  (Psalm 139:14)

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. . . God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.  (Genesis 1:27; 31)

How did that feel?  I bet you smiled the whole time. . .what a beautiful reflection you have! 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

‘But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  (1 Samuel 16:7)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Fork in the Road

Upon boarding a flight, what ifs begin to flow throughout our minds.  From simple to complex what ifs: What if I forgot to lock the front door?  What if my luggage gets lost?  What if I lose my cellphone?  What if I get sick midair?  What if the pilot gets sick midair?  The list goes on and varies among individuals.  We try to sit patiently in seat as others jam bags into above compartments, gather all items to keep entertained throughout the flight and nestle into their seats as well.  The anticipation of takeoff builds along with slight anxiety. 

To make matter worse, a flight attendant stands in front prior to taxi and adds to the what if list.  The attendant explains scenarios along with proper reactions to ensure safety.  To sum it up, you are on your own should the plane go down!  Your seat will serve as a floating device, only two exits encompass the whole plane and oxygen will shoot down from the ceiling.  So, what ifs increase in complexity:  What if the seat does not detach?  What if exit door fails to open?  What if a mad rush to the exits leaves me trampled on the floor?  Okay, I think I need the supplemental oxygen NOW!

Deep breath, calm down and listen to instructions.  Failure to listen will lead to increased problems should an emergency occur.  The attendant gets to the oxygen portion and reminds the flight to place oxygen on self prior to helping anyone else.  Seems a little selfish, right?  It is, but failure to do so leave you unable to help the next person.  Lack of oxygen will eventually lead to physical weakness, mental fog and passing out.  What good would you be then?

What ifs pile into our daily routine.  These can overtake and destroy the joys of the moment.  Our minds fail to listen for instruction due to consumed worry.  Anxiety builds beyond control inevitably landing us in an emergency (which we are not prepared to handle).  Oxygen please!

Deep breath, calm down and listen to instructions.  Our Teacher shares countless instructions varying day to day.  He provides instruction neatly written down for all to pick up and have as a guide for life.  Turn around; it is that dusty Book which sits on the bookshelf.  Clear off the dust and open the pages to find instructions for any situation. 

His Truth will reveal that you must first fill up with Him, learn His character, believe in His free gift, trust Him to guide your feet and take that first step prior to helping anyone else.  Seem a little selfish?  See, we are mere vessels working on Earth to bring others to know Him.  We borrow these bodies which hold the Holy Spirit inside to be revealed to others.  Honor God with the body given: nourish the mind with Truth, soul with Love and the physical with proper nutrients for each day.  Activate the Holy Spirit with an invitation each morning. 

Filled up, you may now go and poor out.  Failure to do so each day leaves a body unable to function properly itself, let alone help another.  The example set forth by an unnourished body may even hinder the next person or veer them from Truth.  Eventually, the empty vessel will crash and burn: physically become weak/unhealthy, experience brain fog due to lies overtaking each thought and fall down in surrender.  Surrender to what?  Here in lies the fork in the road. . .

Throughout our journey we will hit these times when we forget or fail to fill up.  We eventually hit a fork in the road:  conform to the world’s way of healing or lay it all at the cross?  At the cross, you will gain strength, health, clarity and direction.  In the world, you will gain heartache, illness, addiction, lies, failure and dead end paths.  What good would you be to anyone around if consumed with this world?

Let us take this day and honor God with the bodies given to us.  Trust His instructions.  Use the tools given for times of emergency.  He will not fail you.  Therefore, rid yourselves of any what ifs and stand firm on His Truth.  The example you set will spill onto others and help them in ways never imagined.  It is then, purpose occurs!  Take this step with me and become selfish!  Take care of self to then take care of others!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.      

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Have you had a Workout Today?

I love our new home for various reasons.  The increase in square feet allows for all to have a personal space, but also leaving opportunity to come together and enjoy family time.  The yard provides grounds for baseball playing, running around with the puppy and less intense mowing conditions than our previous land.  Our flat driveway serves as a basketball court with which I dominate each family member.  ;-)  MY kitchen gives much space to cook to my heart’s desires and hear all about the children’s school day over afternoon snacks. 

On the flip side (you know, the half empty glass perspective). . .more square foot = more floors to mop/vacuum + stairs.  With the basement complete, much activity takes place downstairs.  Laundry chores begin in the basement and ultimately end up on the second floor (2 flights of stairs to carry loads of clothes).  The second fridge in the basement allows for extra storage and reason to walk the stairs to gather needed items.  The land setup requires push mowing. 

My legs and lungs disagree with such stair climbing and push mowing.  My arms and OCD mentality dislike the increase in square feet.  I find endurance through completion of work to be minimal.  The physical strength encompassed by my body remains obsolete. 

The endurance, strength and motivation continue to decrease.  I find it difficult to climb all the stairs while holding laundry.  I even stop midway to allow legs to rest and lungs to breathe.  When mowing for the first time this year, I stopped every other swipe to regain composure.  I know the facts and reason behind such moments.  My body needs strengthening, conditioning as well as rest.  Yet, I can run a 5K without difficulty or sore muscles post run.  What gives?

Well, a very smart lady explained it as such: ‘Your body is used to running and the muscles required for such intense exercise work well because of strength built upon use.  Endurance and resistant exercise/activity is foreign to your body explaining the difficulty experienced.  Change up exercise routine to build muscle, strength and endurance rather than aerobic activity.’   

Makes complete sense!  Along this journey (which continues until we meet our Maker) to health, I have found another area pretty weak due to stormy situations, stressful circumstances and steady chaotic schedule.  My spiritual health requires strengthening, conditioning as well as resting in the arms of Jesus. 

See, transitioning into a variety of roles throughout life can bring much joy.  Increase in authority at work brings in better income and new experiences.  Time off or retirement opens doors for rest and visiting more with loved ones.  Going back to school provides grounds for new paths to form.  Meeting new people allows for greater connections and opportunities.  Yet, all this good stuff can weaken our spiritual muscles.  Itineraries may take away from Bible study.  New situations may give the enemy leverage into our thoughts.  Or the path may have a few potholes with which to deter us and cause stumbling. 

In order to survive this life, we must stay on top of our spiritual workouts.  These require daily reading of His Word, prayer and reaching out to others when life pushes you around.  We need to fill our hearts with love from our Father.  We need to fill our minds with Truth.  And we need to keep our feet steady through obedience.  It is then endurance, strength and clear mindset will keep focused on the prize which lay ahead; regardless of what the world tries to push upon us. 

A very dear and smart friend spoke to my situation: ‘Healing from the inside-out makes a solid foundation with which to stand.’  If we only fix part of the problem (the physical body, worldly situation, current circumstance or busy schedule) and fail to strengthen our spirit, whatever joy or healing experienced will be temporary.  We need our Father in every situation to help strengthen, providing endurance to persevere.  Let us not grow weary in doing good and being faithful.  Let our spiritual workout continue daily and never become foreign. 

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Against the Grain

Viruses and infections knock us down for a few days.  Most come in quickly and leave at the same speed.  But, disease and illness often creep up slowly over extended periods of time.  The effects go unnoticed due to the gradual transition into unhealthy lifestyles.  Rushing through day to day events, we miss signs and symptoms warning of diminished health.  Habits form which feed the disease or illness. 

It does not phase us until the condition of health interferes with everyday routines.  Difficulty appears when climbing stairs, fatigue strikes which caffeine cannot cure, skin conditions worsen, pain arises with exercise, vision decreases, etc.  One day we decide to visit the physician.  Diagnosis: verge of diabetes, malnutrition, high cholesterol, deficiency in vitamins, etc.  Prescription: LIFESTYLE CHANGE. 

Whether it be quit smoking, increase activity, decrease fast food, eliminate pop, choose clean eating, supplement vitamins or rest the body; our old habits must go.  ‘They’ say (such smart people) that it takes twenty one days to break a habit.  Well, I would like to place an addition to such wisdom spread throughout the world: it takes a willing, persevering, faith-filled soul twenty one days to break a habit.  What is so magical about twenty one?  Not sure, but ‘they’ say so and everything ‘they’ say is correct, right?

Leaving the physician’s office, with head held high, we decide to begin anew and start walking a healthy path in life.  We throw out each unhealthy habit, going ‘cold turkey’ and swearing off the old lifestyle.  Works well for about one day (if lucky).  It is then we face temptation.  See, temptation works diligently to knock a strong soul off track.  Unfortunately, temptation lurks all around.  Temptation grows in strength and power the moment we decide to shift paths and live better, healthier and positive.

I have struggled for years with gut issues, fatigue, headaches and just plain not feeling well.  Since recovery, my body has gone through the gamut of regimens to refeed and experience full health.  It seems my body fights against every regimen tried.  It almost resembles the yo-yo dieting lifestyle most of society experiences year after year.  Success occurs for a small time frame and then symptoms rear their ugly head again.  Temptation to give up and just be ill occurs at that point.  Temptation to eat unhealthy, destroy the body and forget it all lurks into each day.  Society works diligently to veer everyone down the unhealthy path and give up.  Commercials entice to eat processed, manmade foods.  Infomercials promise quick and easy fixes to weight concerns (and still eat those foods appearing in commercials).  Environments tempt use of unhealthy substances in abundance to enhance the experiences of an event. 

Everyone else can live like this, why can’t we?  Everyone else gives into temptation, why can’t we?  If everyone chose to jump into a raging river for entertainment from an unknown height, would you?

Going against the grain comes with much difficulty.  Choosing healthy options in life and working to instill them into the next generation seems almost impossible.  Society goes with the flow.  It appears easier to continue in the same old lifestyles than to change.  It takes perseverance, willingness, faith and support to slowly change from unhealthy living to healthy living.  These habits did not occur overnight, so cannot be changed overnight.  Offer grace to yourself while shifting feet into the right direction and beginning the narrow path to health. 

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
(1 Corinthians 6:19-21)

In the process, strengthen spiritual health as well.  Feeding Truth into each day, finding strength in the One who created such wonderful vessels for which to live and treating the vessel the best possible.  He allowed us to borrow these bodies and intends for us to use them wisely so that He may work through them to build His Kingdom.  Wide is the path which lead to destruction (going with the flow), but narrow is the path which lead Home (going against the grain).  Join me in doing the very best possible each day to honor God through the bodies given – words, actions, health regimens, rest, etc.  Also join me in receiving grace when stumbling occurs along the path.  He offers that freely, picks us up and helps along the way.  Simply reach to Him and take His Hand for guidance.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Chip Off the Old Block

Parents often hear comments expressing how their child resembles them.  For example:
He is a chip off the old block.
She is a spitting image of you.
You cannot deny that one.
He gets that from his father.
She acts just like her mother.

I think you get the point.  Children conform to the patterns of their parents.  Whether inherited or learned, traits emerge as a child grows.  The parent plays a huge role in child development beyond their safety.  Daily influence impacts a child's decision making, attitude, character, confidence and future path.  Parents set the example in words AND actions.  Promises must be fulfilled or lack of trust may develop.  Kindness must be exemplified, logical thinking portrayed, support, comfort and love.  Parents have a tough job each day.

As a child, I hated hearing the above sayings.  My parents, at that time, were not cool.  They seemed to ruin all my fun, make me eat lots of green, yucky foods and fall off the fashion train from time to time.  I did not want to be compared to them.  As I grew, I realized how wonderful each parent was and I felt blessed to have received the best from both of them.  And now, as a parent, I love to hear these phrases about my children.  Pride comes over upon hearing that my children are similar to me.

Where am I going with all this???  Well, as we all know, a woman gives birth to us with the help of a man (don't make me explain this any further).  So, of course, we inherit genes from each; hence, we look similar to our parents.  But, how do we begin to act like our parents, talk like our parents or even walk like our parents?  Each and every day, exposure to our parents influences every detail of our living and being.  The pressure is on for our parents to walk the straight path.

Did you realize we all have different parents with 'skin on'; BUT, only one true Father?  And guess what is even better?  He always walks the straight path, exemplifies perfection, and provides support, love and comfort.  He fulfills every promise made.  He offers help daily and never leaves your side.  Our parents here on Earth have disappointed us numerous times and will continue to do so.  They stumble themselves, setting bad examples or may display unloving actions toward you.  Our Father never disappoints, remains stable and loves unconditionally.  As we mature in faith, let us continue to look to our Father for influence by renewing our minds daily with His Truth.  He holds our future in His palm and knows exactly which way to turn with each step.  Rely on Him for guidance.

Though, we physically look like our parents here; let us spiritual resemble our Father in Heaven.  Study His Word daily.  Walk, talk and act just as He did.  Activate Him into your every moment by asking Him to come into your life.  He can and will stand up to any pressure this world may bring your way.  He will provide the strength to persevere through all trials.  He will not stumble and will hold you up, should you begin to fall.  Let Him in your life.

Through life, strive to hear others say, "You're a chip off the old Block," or "You are a spitting image of your Father."  Smile and walk confidently with your Father holding your hand.  Exemplify His character everywhere so there is no denying you are a child of God.

"So God created mankind in his own image,
   in the image of God he created them;
   male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27)

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Our Savior came to be the sacrifice for our sins because one, young woman said YES!

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her. (Luke 1:38)

Our Savior dwelt among men and set the example intended because He said YES!

When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
 Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. (Luke 3:21-23)

Our Savior was tested; but, He remained sinless, pure and perfect because He said YES!

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry. (Luke 4:1-2)

Our Savior allowed God to shine through Him in every act because He said YES!

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
   because he has anointed me
   to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
   and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
   to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19)

Our Savior endured rejection, beatings, slander, false accusation and death upon a cross because He said YES!

It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two.  Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last.  (Luke 23:44-46)

Our Savior lay in a tomb for three days, appeared one last time to His disciples and then rose to Heaven because He said YES!

 While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. (Luke 24:51)

Our Savior never once denied His plan and purpose for being here on Earth.  He continually looked to our Father for guidance and strength.  God provided the power to perform miraculous acts and set the example for us to follow.  Our God gave us a Savior to wash away our sins.  We wake up today, better than blessed, because one man said YES!  Jesus, our Lord and Savior, completed His plan so we now may say YES!

Do you believe in Him?  Have you accepted what Jesus did for to live?

Jesus died on the cross, was buried and rose again to live with our Father.  He did this for you and for me.  He lives within us and yearns to be active in our lives.  Use the Holy Spirit in everything done here on Earth.  We took our first breath because God said YES to our creation.  He planned our days and waits for us to approach Him for guidance.  Trust in the promises made, believe in the Truth provided and live boldly for our Father.  He never leaves nor forsakes you.  He fulfills every promise made, comforts and heals with His mighty hand and equips each of us with His Word to spread to others so they may come to know Him.

Will you say YES to Him today?  Remember, He rose and is alive and well within you.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for saying YES to my life.  Thank You for planning every detail.  I reach to You for strength to fulfill life's plan.  Give me the words and actions needed to further Your Kingdom everywhere You lead.  Thank You for sacrificing Your only Son so I may live.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Invitation Sent

“It’s MY party and I will cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry if I want. . .YOU would cry to if it happened to you!”

You’re invited:
What – MY pity party
When – EVERY day

Would you come, oh please, oh please, would you come?  I need some attention, sympathy and advice.  Come ready to provide an “aww” and “oh, I am so sorry” and even a couple “I could not imagine going through such an event.”  Be my guest at this event.  You will leave depressed, poor attitude and with a negative outlook on life.  My actions, words and emotions display the worst example of a reaction to such a minor situation. 

Have you ever received or disbursed such an invitation?  How was the response?  Any RSVP?  Any last minute arrivals? 

My guess is few responded; no fight existed for a spot to attend and no need to add more seating due to reaching capacity.  Often, we wait in silence for others to attend such a party.  I mean, shouldn’t those caring individuals realize life’s daggers knocked YOU down?  Can’t others see the steam released out the ears due to a situation not going YOUR way?  As no one arrives, we take the party to them.  Reaching for the phone, we call the first person on the list.  Conversation becomes one sided as we spew out all troubles.  Upon hanging up the phone, the emotions remain with even greater magnitude.  So, on to the next person. . .

This charade continues until enough attention, sympathy and advice occurs.  We even go as far as to post it on Facebook and wait for responses.  Hourly, we check status and with each post confirm the importance of such a pity party. 

Think about the results gained as such event takes place.  Do we feel better?  Is the problem solved?  Typically, the answer is a big NO.  We spent the greater part of our day drowning in pity and missed out on the importance of the moment.  We missed the spiritual growth, lessons hiding in the moment and continue reaching for flesh contentment. 

I am not speaking about the true tragic events which warrant people to gather around and help through such sadness, confusion and emotion.  I am speaking of the everyday situations, the ‘things did not go MY way’ moments and the selfish mindsets we all experience.  This selfish girl experiences these moments too often.  As a mother, it seems the invitation arrives in the mail daily.  As a mother, one must die to self.  Never does a day go MY way.  Never does a situation go smoothly.  Poor, poor, pitiful me. . .

I have learned over the years and with the Holy Spirit’s help to recognize the envelope with which the invitation arrives.  It always appears glamorous, eye catching and screams ‘OPEN ME!’  There are times I give in, open it and begin the party.  Other times I peel back the corner of the envelope and just to peek inside.  But the greatest times occur when I take it directly to the shredder never to see it again.  For if I lay it on the counter, flesh may win and open it later in the day. 

How can we gain strength to avoid such silly parties?  How can we refuse the invite every time?  Aren’t our feelings valid?  Feelings are valid; it is what we do with them that matters.  Avoid taking them to the phone, Facebook, email or work.  One place exists to take any and all emotions. . .

 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  (Matthew 11:28-30)

There we will find strength, growth and gain true perspective on the matter!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Prize Inside

Remember when. . .

Anytime I begin a story with these two words it usually ends in laughter, disbelief or a ‘how did you survive in such conditions’ comment from the children.  Life ‘back in the day’ provided simplicity, peace, active lifestyles and fun conversations.  Regardless of how good the ‘ole days’ appears in memories, we must embrace the new generation of texting, Facebook, selfies, Apple products and such.  I agree to do so that I may keep a connection with my children.  But, I refuse to forget the childhood memories.

I would like to share one which brings a smile to my face.  Remember when (oh no, I can sense the eye rolling now from the younger generation) going to the grocery store was fun.  Yes, I know, hard to imagine due to the fact that we now are the ones fighting the crowds in the isles, paying the bill, searching for the vehicle upon leaving, loading, then unloading and finally putting away all the groceries.  But, there was a time when going to the store was the highlight of my week.  I tagged along with mom and grew in excitement to choose the favorite items from the shelf to fill the cabinets at home. 

My favorite isle – breakfast!  The cereal boxes lined from top to bottom, one end to the other, catching my eye with colorful characters and tasty flavors.  These were the days when sugar meant nothing; dyes had no effect on my body and nutrition labels not existing in vocabulary.  Entering the isle, my eyes scanned for the cereal of the week.  Typically, food choices come to surface based on preference of taste or nutritional value.  Well, neither entered this little child’s mind during the selection process.  Nope, I went for the best prize inside. 

Remember when cereal provided a prize inside the box.  None of this send off three UPC’s and shipping and handling fee to receive a prize.  The prize waited inside the box, buried amongst the delicious cereal (delicious because the box says so).  The prize determined which cereal I chose. 

Never did the prize fall out with the first bowl of cereal.  Mom would not allow me to reach in, dig through the cereal and grab out the prize prematurely.  Therefore, I must eat my way to the prize.  Every bowl, every bite and every morning excitement built to reach that prize which lay before me.  Jumping ahead and dumping the contents out just to get the prize would diminish the excitement.  Reaching in and scrounging around for the prize would reduce the joy of receiving.  Imagine how much goodness would be missed if I failed to feed my body prior to finding the prize.  All the cereal poured out and rummaged through would go to waste, serving no purpose but filler for the prize. 

Unfortunately, too often Christians desire the prize promised without willing to take the time to delve into the Word, attend church to receive nourishing messages or spend time with the One holding the prize.  We get caught up in the world and flesh comfort.  Yes, we want the prize and we know the prize with which to work towards; but, the world works diligently to redirect our focus.  The world presents itself to catch our eye, attention and instant gratification.  The world promises to offer empty nourishment, lasting only temporarily without any prize worth the sacrifices given. 

Let us work towards the everlasting prize offered freely to all who believe, trust, love and follow.  Every Word, every Promise and every morning builds the excitement leading to the prize.  If we jump ahead, avoiding the contents of His Book only desiring the prize offered, we diminish growth and development.  The contents of His Book provide needed strength to face this world and change it through our example – one person at a time.  Reaching in and scrounging for one Scripture here and there reduces meaning and purpose.  We must read Scripture as a whole, taking each Word and building wisdom to then make decisions and nourish our bodies. 

Take this day and begin utilizing His Word as it is written.  Know the ultimate prize came in the form of His buried Son who rose and ascended to Heaven.  It is in Heaven that Jesus went to create the perfect place for you and me.  Patience builds the excitement.  Obedience strengthens the relationship.  Faith allows us to be used to bring others to know the great prize which lay ahead and how to obtain it for FREE!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.      

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Don't Get Distracted

Did the Easter Bunny visit you?  Okay, so maybe we are a bit too old for that, but we sure do a great job of sneaking candy from the little ones' baskets.  C'mon, I am not the only one who does that, am I?

Wow, how Easter grew to be a day about hiding eggs, eating candy and buying a new dress to wear.  The holiday brings those into a church who have not stepped foot in one since Christmas.  But do those individuals really understand the meaning behind this glorious day?

"Jesus strictly warned them not to tell this to anyone.  And he said, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.”  Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."
(Luke 9:21-23)

"For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,  that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,"
(1 Corinthians 12:3-4)

“We are witnesses of everything he did in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They killed him by hanging him on a cross, but God raised him from the dead on the third day and caused him to be seen.  He was not seen by all the people, but by witnesses whom God had already chosen—by us who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead."
(Acts 10:39-41)

Forget the chocolate bunny.  Wait!  I am a woman, so EAT the bunny and enjoy the chance to have some chocolate, BUT don't forget what this day really means.  God gave His only son to die for us so we may have life.  An abundant life which we are to use to further God's Kingdom and love His Children.

God thank you for this glorious day.  Thank You for sacrificing Your only son to save my soul.  May those individuals who worship only a couple days a year be fed spiritually today so seeds may be planted.  Water those seeds and remove their blindness, so they may see You and know what You have done for them.  May I remember the true meaning of today and not be distracted by chocolate bunnies, eggs and marshmallow chicks!  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Handing the Enemy a Shovel

Being a minister’s wife holds advantages and disadvantages.  I sit absorbing the messages delivered and various emotions arise.  One being happiness for my husband to take on a role he enjoys.  I also feel proud of the man God has/is developing and using.  Another emotion includes thankfulness for answered prayers.  I spent hours praying for my husband to come to know Jesus and take Him as Lord and Savior.  God answered those prayers in ways beyond anything I could imagine. 

Along with above mentioned, one emotion sits deep in my heart while listening the weekly messages. . .FEAR!  Yes, fear is present each week pertaining to what personal story he may use to bring the message home.  I am by no means opposed to using real life situations to help relate a biblical story in the message.  We are called to use the Bible as a guide to navigate through this world and become more like Jesus along the way.  But, the fear stems from approval needs.  Feeling judged based on the dysfunction of our family.  Because every other family in the world is perfect, right?

I grew up hiding behind a perfect smile.  The dysfunctions occurring inside the home could not be spoke of when going in public or to anyone.  Smiles can cover up hardships placing a façade on your life.  There comes a time when the smile just cannot overpower the pain, sadness and dysfunction.  At that point the pit we dug measures in depth well beyond physical height.  Our eyes see nothing but darkness. 

One day my smile faded, pit dug and darkness overtook every piece of my life.  Eventually, I saw it: the light peeping through the tiniest of hole which led me out of my pit.  I learned that anything left in darkness provides strength for the enemy to dig the pit deeper.  Sharing life with others is how God intended life.  He builds others up to provide sound teaching, solid Truth and survival tips for life.  He uses their stories to reach those in need. 

“who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:4)

Without sharing our dysfunctions and how God brings us through, we deprive others of witness to His great Power.  We are not perfect and God knows this, yet still loves us through it all.  Those moments become our testimony with which He uses to find the lost.  Don’t hide behind a smile.  Allow God to use you!  Be real.  Be you.    

You see my husband is living real.  He is the same man at home, work, baseball and church.  That life is much better than handing the devil a shovel with which to dig my pit as I hide behind a smile.  I am learning to avoid worldly approval and live for God.  I am a working progress.  God provides much grace as I fall victim to the approval trap too often. 

Yes, the Craig family lives in dysfunction.  Yes, we fail to reach perfection each day.  Yes, we require much grace.  I would not have it any other way.  I pray our moments become our testimonies to reach the lost, hurting and those hiding behind a smile. 

A plaque on our living room wall sums up our house:
“In this house we do second chances, we do real, we do grace, we do mistakes, we do I’m sorry, we do loud really well, we do hugs, we do family, we do love!”

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Who Are You Dialing?

Where would you run upon receiving bad news?  If you lost your job?  If your goals shifted out of your control?  If a friend said hurtful words?  If you just had a down-right awful day?

One answer may fit all these questions for most people - THE PHONE.  We often pick up the phone and call the one person we know will be on our side and provide much sympathy about our experiences.  Others may run to A DRINK (not chocolate milk), THE GYM, FOOD, SELF-HARM or HIDE UNDER THE COVERS and ISOLATE.

NONE of these will ease the pain, redirect our attitude or heal the wound.  All these are only temporary fixes.  Trust me, I tried all these and more to console myself.  I see clearly now, the only way to reach a peace about any situation is to run to God.  He cares so much for you and will provide the only solution.

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
   I will counsel you with my loving eye on you."  (Psalm 32:8)

Calling on another person may be helpful because God works through His Children here on Earth.  The problem with running to the phone comes when we choose the person we know will agree with us and give pity.  We need to call upon someone who will weed through satan's lies and help us replace them with God's Truth.  This may result in being in the wrong or the finding that some pain must occur for us to learn and grow stronger in faith.

"Rejoice in the LORD and be glad, you righteous;
   sing, all you who are upright in heart!"   (Psalm 32:11)

During trials our heart must remain joyous, for God is working.  God brings strength through trials.  Rejoice and be glad to see Him working in your life.  Call upon Him, not the phone.  (see Jeremiah 33:3)  In The Message, Psalm 32:11 instructs all honest hearts to raise the roof with joy!  I picture my daughter singing part of a popular song, "I throw my hands up in the air sometimes" (Dynamite by Taio Cruz).  We need to throw our hands up in the air in surrender to God on every trial and then again to praise Him through it all.

God thank you for today.  I know You have my every move already planned, thank you.  May I see clearly Your Path and follow diligently.  My heart sings in celebration that You would bless little ole me.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

One Step at a Time

A final exam requires one to study all the information presented throughout the whole semester.  The exam will cover many topics, not just one.  The thought of studying so much creates anxiety.  Unaware of which questions will appear on the exam may be overwhelming.

A vacation to Florida sounds awesome; but, traveling there creates a dreadful feeling.  The list of preparation may be overwhelming; maintenance to the vehicle, packing the family, leaving on time, having enough money, etc.  As the road trip begins, the miles feel endless and arrival so far away.  With each exit passed a reminder appears of how much longer the journey lasts.

After being hired at a new establishment, one must learn the way this particular place functions.  Yes, one may have a degree and understand the line of work completely, but each employer runs the business a bit different.  The first day may seem overwhelming with new information; the location of the break room, lunch time, deadlines, operation of different machines, organization of the files, etc.  After eight hours of training, it may feel like fitting in and comfortable will never come.

So, what if a person in these situations just gives up?  After the first day of studying for the exam, the student throws up their hands and quits.  After passing the first exit while traveling to Florida, the family turns around and says, "Well, home is closer than Florida, so let's go back."  After the first day of training, the employee does not return because too much is required to learn the job.

Does giving up make sense in any of these scenarios?
Would the desired outcome ever be reached?

"Glory in his holy name;
   let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.
Look to the LORD and his strength;
   seek his face always." (1 Chronicles 16:10-11)
"However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.  For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?"
(1 Peter 4:16-17)

Around this time of year, we look to see what changes need made in our life.  Whatever the new decision, it takes strength, courage and a desired heart.  Change does not come easy.  Our flesh wants comfort and to remain in the known.

Well, my friends, God is calling us to a higher standard.  He wants you to look to Him for strength.  The circumstances and patterns of life you lead did not appear overnight.  Therefore, the desired result will not come with the snap of a finger.  A student must dedicate time to studying each day leading to a final exam.  A family must remain patient in the vehicle and enjoy the ride to the destination.  A new employee must take a deep breath and learn to know the ins and outs of the new place.

He is our strength.  Take each day at a time, each decision at a time and pray through every difficulty.  Soon, you will look back and think, "Wow, I am where God desired me to be."  Try not to overwhelm yourself with the end result, but look to Him every day to guide your steps towards the path He laid for you!  Obey His commands, though trial and trouble may come.  Remember, He is the only way to peace.  Do not give up when times get tough or the flesh feels uncomfortable; rather, focus on Him and the results He plans for the future.  Praise Him with each progressive step.  Keep taking one step at a time!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for providing strength each day to eat the menu created by You, exercise in a healthy manner, persevere in doing what is good, seeking You with each decision and the conversations we have through prayer.  Thank You for providing Truth to follow and guide me in this life.  I am here to be used by You.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.