Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Womb

Due to a medical condition I spent twelve days prior to giving birth in the confinement of a hospital.  Luckily, bedrest was not required.  I could walk around the hallways in spurts throughout the day.  The staff and I became friends as stories were shared to pass the time.  I watched other women come and go with their new babies while I sat nervously awaiting the birth of mine. 

Day by long day went by and a rut formed from my room to the other side of the wing due to all the walking.  Easter came and went during my stay.  My son and husband came to visit and we had an egg hunt on the outside porch in the beautiful sun.  I felt as though I had been released from a prison for that hour.  My birthday came and went as well.  My husband came directly from work with the best dessert ever created to share a few hours of the day with me. 

Those highlights helped get my mind through the overbearing worry of what’s to come.  With every symptom, worry increased.  With every report of increase in numbers, worry increased.  With every decision made by the doctors, worry increased.  The plan included keeping my baby in the womb as long as possible to allow lung development in order to sustain function once entering this world.  Thirty-six weeks was the goal and if labor had not occurred naturally by that mark, inducing would be the answer.  With the date set, we just waited. . .

In the meantime, I went about every other day to imaging for an ultrasound.  The technician took extra time with every visit.  We would scan my belly and watch as my daughter moved around, slept, sucked her thumb, became agitated and kicked or just stretched out in the comforts of the womb.  It was so reassuring to see her move and interact with us.  I smile now thinking about those moments.  She was gorgeous to me already.  I could not wait to hold her and know that she can survive in this world.  The technician provided a printout for me each time so I could show my husband when visiting in the evening.  It was the highlight of my day.

“Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb; you taught me wisdom in that secret place.”
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”  (Psalm 51:6;10)

“From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb.  I will ever praise you.  I have become a sign to many; you are my strong refuge.”  (Psalm 71:6-7)

In the womb, before we came to be, God was present.  Imagine all that takes place in the forming of every part, from the hair on our head to the functioning organs.  God is there in that secret place caring for us and strategically placing every part so to fulfill the plans which lay ahead once entering the world.  Faithfulness must be present in order to grow in strength day by day.  God begins a great work in you, using you from the very start. 

Think about the faith developing in those awaiting the birth.  Concentrating on doing the best possible to keep the baby healthy, the mom and family members take all precautions and diligently do their part.  Meanwhile, God continues doing His part day in and day out.  He takes extra time knitting together, touching every fiber of your being and creating a beautiful, wonderful child.

One piece remains missing in all of us upon entering this world.  One piece which sustains life.  One piece which offers the key to survival in this world.  One piece that requires activation which will place our feet on the path that leads to Eternal life in the arms of our God. 

Activation requires faith, trust and love.  God waits patiently as we develop each of those characteristics.  He sees the gorgeous child He created and cannot wait to hold you in His arms.  He cannot wait to know confidently that you will survive in this world.  He smiles the during those moments you move towards Him, become agitated at the devil and kick the enemy out of the situation and then stretch your arms out to Him.  The moment you approach the cross, lay it all down and surrender is the moment the Holy Spirit activates inside your heart.  A pure heart develops with renewal and clearer vision resulting.  He can now work diligently in your life to be a sign to many of His true power.  Will you let Him?  Will you activate the Holy Spirit in your life today?

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

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