On what seemed like a day long journey, my husband and I
traveled miles without stopping. Our
hopes were to arrive home in the least amount of time predicted by some lady
talking from the iPhone. We popped in an
audio book; kept snacks close by and ventured off - homeward bound. The book kept us entertained, conversation
flowing and hours to pass by quickly.
Since becoming a nurse, my bladder received conditioning and
training to hold onto to large amounts for extended periods of time. That time limit had been reached. We chose the next rest area for a stop off
(thankfully, only a few miles ahead).
I paid no attention to anyone, only looked at the door and
gauged the shortest distance to get there.
But, on my way back out, I scanned the parking lot and the hustle and
bustle of individuals gearing up to get back on the road. No destination appeared similar, for license
plates varied in location. Some may be
going to a vacation spot; while others may be heading to begin their work week
away from home. Regardless, most desired
to get in and get out.
Some decided to take advantage of the sunshine and time out
of a vehicle. I noticed dogs being
walked, couples walking hand in hand on the sidewalks and even some doing
exercises to get the body moving. It is
interesting how one rest stop can serve multiple purposes.
Do you ever feel like a rest stop would be nice along this
curvy, bumpy and long journey called life?
Just a quick get in and get out kind of rest would be better than
extending the travel beyond limits of sanity.
Since becoming a Christian and maturing in relationship with Christ, my
spirit received conditioning and training to handle tough situations without
losing all strength. Now that the Holy
Spirit actively participates in daily trials, strength seems to sustain.
There are moments along the journey when limits have been
reached and giving up seems the only answer.
I fall flat on my face, hitting rock bottom and realizing surrender must
take place. It is then when God comes in
offering a rest stop. Taking full
advantage of the rest area, I will stretch spiritual muscles through prayer,
exercise faith muscles through reading His Truth and strengthen trust muscles
through walking hand in hand with God.
While hanging out at the rest area, I scan through the past
moments leading to such a meltdown. Come
to find out, I somewhere along the way took matters into my own hands. I asked God to sit passenger while I drove. Ask my husband, you don’t want me
driving! Recognizing such an event occurred;
I now realize how things went haywire. I
focused on plans created by self, basing decisions on worldly information and
The rest area allowed for a refresh. I emptied self of self and filled with Truth
to bring strength from trial. The time
comes when I get back in the car, this time passenger side. God takes the wheel, veers back on the highway
of life and takes me places beyond imagination.
He uses my story to help others along the road so they too may see that
their place is passenger side.
Have you reached your limit?
Search for the nearest rest area and take the time to be
strengthened. You may see others at the
same stop; but, don’t let their get in and get out action veer you from the
reason for the stop. Many will visit,
but their plans vary from yours. The
cool part about our God; He meets us where we are to take us where He desires
for our lives. Each individual unique
and each story created for a purpose to build His Kingdom.
Take a rest today and refocus on His plan. Are you driving or riding? Stretch through prayer. Exercise through reading Truth. Strengthen through walking hand in hand with
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
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