Monday, March 23, 2015

Please Only Him

Failure, defeat, lack of success. . .words we never want heard in the same sentence as our name.  Growing up, I fought for approval from two very important people in my life – my parents.  Approval equated love.  Whatever sport, grade, chore or decision pleased my parents, I did it.  The pressures increased each day to hear an “atta girl” from them.  If not received, failure entered my world.  Guilt, shame and inadequacy followed those thoughts of failure.  A bondage?  Maybe so.  Does a way out exist?  Definitly yes!

A need for approval followed me throughout the years and overflowed to the relationships I encountered.  I desired to be loved and feared rejection.  Ever criticism, disapproving remark or lack of success weighed heavily on my heart.  Each event turned inward.  It progressed to the point where I just gave up.  The bondage squeezed so tightly I could not breathe.  I avoided any situation or relationship that posed a risk of failure or rejection.  I hid behind all the lies, my eating disorder and anything to numb out from the pain of rejection and disapproval.  A bondage?  For sure.  Does a way out exist?  Absolutely!

It took until my mid 20’s to face all this mess created by none other than Satan.  Years I wasted suffocating in lies, depriving God of my service.  I began to peel back the layers of lies and events which consumed my mind and covered my heart.  Trust came back into my life.  I discovered the Way out!  My worth found itself through God, not man.  I realized God created my innermost being and breathed life into me for a reason.  He thought so highly of each of us to provide us with a body and create a plan, pave a path and use us as vessels each and every day.

Satan never stops his evil ways.  We must keep our eyes on God and activate the Holy Spirit each day and use His guidance for our decisions.  As I began my journey in college, Satan slithered his way into my thoughts and worked very hard to consume it with lies.  I fell into traps of desiring approval from others, feeling the pressure of success and placing my worth in one little letter received or hearing an “atta girl” from my instructor.  Without the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart, I would have fallen deep into the pit again.  Praise God for His willingness to hold tight to my hand and not let go.  His love transcended all the lies.

A situation appeared late in the semester where the line between right and wrong blurred.  Cheating became a topic to gain the approving grade to equate success.  Well, God sent an angel to clarify that line for me.  Oh, how blessed we are to be surrounded with other Christians to guide us when we cannot see clearly.  The event involved creating a study guide for the final in not the most honest way.  As I stood firm on my decision not to partake, I recalled the bondage I once experienced.  I would probably have not made the right decision years ago.  I would have done what I needed to have the tools to study and gain that grade that would please all around me.  As I mature in my Christianity, I realize how important it is to activate the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  We must have open ears and eyes to follow His Truths in every decision.  Place your worth in Him and He will never leave nor forsake you.

So, I studied as much as possible, took God with me in the testing room as I had with all the other tests and answered each question to my best ability.  Guess what?  God helped with each question, provided endurance to continue through the 100 question final and I passed by the grace He provided.  I feel so blessed and know that all the work this semester was done honestly.  God will continue to guide, guard and protect each of us as we make each decisions based on the Truth He provides.  I am so thankful for His Word.  Without these Truths, we would be lost and continue making wrong decisions.  Activate the Holy Spirit in your lives today and praise Him for all the blessings which flow into your day.

“Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord.  For we live by faith, not by sight.  We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.  So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.  For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”  (2 Corinthians 5:6-10)

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

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