Wednesday, March 4, 2015

‘Mary Moment’

I have worked in fast food, retail stores, a newspaper business, banking industry and healthcare.  I encountered countless faces, shook endless hands, delivered numerous smiles and heard each name upon initial greeting.  I truly care about each person met over the years and many prayers have been lifted as I listen to the hardships faced. 

I win the prize for worst memory when it comes to individual’s names.  I cannot remember for the life of me names.  I even encountered the same individuals day after day and still found it tough to recall a name.  I must have a few missing pieces in my memory box.  In contrast, I do win the prize for best memory when it comes to faces.  My eyes prove sharper than my ears. 

I then encounter an individual outside the normal setting.  I smile and greet with a friendly hello; but, too often cannot place where I know them from.  The face seems so familiar, the smile so unique and the voice unforgettable.  The name and place of origin escapes my memory box.  It bothers me to no end that I cannot recall original meeting place or a name.   One of two things eventually occurs: either I let it go after hours of thinking back or I end up recalling where I have seen the person prior.

The above scenario happens often – about every time I leave the house and venture to a setting other than work.  It may take help from my family to remember where we know a face.  Rarely do we not come up with a name and place to attach to a face.

“At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.  He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?”  Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.”  Jesus said to her, “Mary.”  She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”).”
(John 20:14-16)

Mary sat next to an empty tomb in tears curious of the location of Jesus.  She could not recall the promise made just days earlier.  She turned around to find a man standing beside her.  Jesus, obviously knowing the name of this woman, sought out the reason for the tears.  Jesus could not understand why she wept and appeared distraught for He stood right in front of her.  Mary could not recognize Jesus nor could she place a name to His face. 

She frantically desired an answer from this man, thinking Jesus was a gardener whom felt the need to move the deceased from the grave.  Her memory box must have been wiped clean of the prior day’s events and promises. 

How often do we forget His name?  How often do we come to a place in the path and fail to recognize Jesus standing there calling our name?  Jesus arrives daily to guide, protect and comfort.  His death and resurrection allows for the Holy Spirit to be active in our lives.  We live because He died.  The problem occurs when we have a ‘Mary moment’ and fail to recognize Him.  Somehow our memory box purges all Truth and Promises while in the mist of turmoil or a difficult decision. 

To recognize Him we must take time to get to know Him intimately.  An intimate relationship with our Father brings strength allowing for bold steps in the right direction.  To recall Truth we must study Truth.  Taking time to read His Word instills proper tools required to face this broken world.  To remember His Promises stand true since the beginning of time we must listen and soak in His Story.  Knowing He never fails leaves or forsakes His children increases God-confidence.  Having God-confidence keeps our eyes open and focused on Him.

Let us fill our heart, soul and mind with Truth in order to know Him intimately.  We will avoid a ‘Mary moment’ the closer we walk with Him daily.  The chances of not recognizing His face minimizes the more we listen and follow.  Come to know Him today and allow His presence to be apparent.  He is there at all times; we just need to see Him.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

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