Thursday, October 30, 2014

Made to Be. . .

When the person you are trying to be daily does not coincide with the person you were made to be. . .the result is destruction.  I speak from experience; spending each hour working to be the person others would accept and approve based on accomplishments and looks.  My eating disorder grew each day while working to live up to the standards placed by society and numb from the rejection.  ED (eating disorder) accepted me when eating a few crackers for lunch and rice cake for dinner.  ED approved me when running through the pain on the treadmill.  ED took me in when the world shut me out.  The time came when exercise and lack of food was not enough for ED.  ED found disappointment in this less than perfect girl.  Each day, I ran harder and ate less in hopes to feel approved by ED. 

My wakeup call came from a doctor in Tennessee who saved my physical life and began the road to recovery.  It was December 18th, 2003 and he simply provided an ultimatum; admission or death.  Since I was 20, I had to make the decision.  The world spun around me and my wasting body ran to the bathroom to think, which was becoming quite difficult due to lack of nourishment.  I gazed into the mirror and for the first time in 6 years realized the depth of my sickness.  I did not recognize the image staring back at me.  I stayed in the hospital for 30-40 days, took leave of absence to celebrate holidays in January and then ventured to Wisconsin for rehab until March that year.  I learned so much about health, met some awesome people I will never forget and began the road to recovery. 

I would like to say I never turned back to ED for acceptance or approval; but, life became a whirlwind and disappointments led to striving for perfection.  A downfall sent me back in physical health.  I again reached for acceptance and approval from this world.  Failing to receive it, I turned to ED and knew exactly how to receive it from ED.  Luckily, it did not last as long this time before hitting rock bottom.  I realized this time around that although I knew the physical route to health, my spiritual health NEVER was saved.  Now 25, I realized the past 5 years were simply going through the motions to appear recovered on the outside.   

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10

Surrendering my life to Christ broke the chains of approval and acceptance from this world.  No one can or will be perfect in this world, therefore someone will always disagree with your decisions, looks or words.  The important part is not winning this world’s approval, but working for Christ and walking the path laid for your life.  Do this by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior, meditating on Truth daily and listening for the still small voice to guide your feet. 

I would like to inform you that I got this down pat and never fall back into old patterns.  Well, many times I find myself smack dab in the middle of a storm raging violently and feeling the only way out is to keep pleasing others, working to be someone else and running from it.  I see failing results when daily the person I work to be does not coincide with the one I was made to be! 

God created each of us for a reason, a specific purpose.  He prepared every fiber in your body just perfect to perform the daily work planned for your life.  We cannot change our physical abilities or emotional stamina without worldly alterations.  These will not last or fulfill your true purpose.  Trying to be someone other than planned will lead to frustration, sadness and spiritual death.  Stick close to God, pleasing only Him and you will find peace, joy and spiritual maturation beyond your imagination.  His purpose will be fulfilled and many others will follow you to His Kingdom.  Fix your eyes on Him, not this world. 

I share my story in hopes to inspire you to reach to the One true Healer!  He built doctors, nurses, counselors, and healthcare professionals up in this world to be vessels for healing; but, the true healing begins with the freedom received when accepting Him as your Lord and Savior.  It is then that the Holy Spirit activates and becomes the source of strength for which healthcare professionals can build upon to holistically care for individuals. 

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig                 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Our church held a harvest party following service one Sunday.  The kids stayed with my husband while I drove home to grab Halloween costumes and snacks.  While driving home, I mentally created a check off list to assure everything would return with me.  I drove as always, seat belt on, a smidge over the speed limit, using turn signals and watching the road carefully.  Instinct led me home.  The first item my eyes gazed upon at home was my purse.  Inside that purse was a wallet.  Inside that wallet was my license.  I drove without this license not thinking about it, just moving right along on the journey.  Had I been pulled over, got in a wreck or stranded on the side of the road I would have been out of luck.  I did not realize my wallet sat at home. . .#clueless. 

Well, I would like to inform you that on my way out to return to church that I grabbed my purse and wallet.  Nope, epic fail.  I ventured far enough too far to turn back when realizing the purse and wallet remained at home.  On the journey back, I focused better on the speedometer, assured placement of the seatbelt and prayed no other driver hit me; for I knew the wrongful action existed of driving without a license.  The awareness created a sense of healthy fear leading to better driving.  Knowing I was in the wrong taught a lesson never to leave home without a license again. . .#lesson learned.

This scenario reflects my journey as a Christian.  Since childhood I ventured through life mentally creating a check off list to assure everyone around liked and accepted me.  I continued daily not realizing each step taken led further away from the straight path.  For years, I plunged forward at crazy speeds living dangerously in hopes to reach a happy, calm and peaceful state.  My mission was acceptance, love, attention, sympathy and anyone to take away the emotional pain life pressed on my heart.  The result: I lost myself in the mess created when reaching for worldly ‘things’.  A day came when I hit rock bottom and my physical body could not keep up with the numbing process my emotional body demanded.  A still small voice arose and led me to the Cross.  The first item my eyes gazed upon was an open Hand.  I reached out and the Hand held tightly and pulled me into His arms.  I traveled life’s journey up to this point without salvation. . .#lost.

Well, I would like to inform you that on my way out the door daily I grab His Hand tightly and face each step with His Guidance.  Nope, not perfect!  There was only One Who was perfect and stepped according to His Guidance at all times.  Thankfully, after accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I do not venture too far down the road without realizing something is missing.  The Holy Spirit works within to caution and bring focus back to any situation.  The Holy Spirit provides safety restraints by means of full armor of God.  The awareness of sin and the path which sin leads builds a reverent fear; a fear which brings respect, honor and glory to my Creator.  I am blessed and thank God for His Presence at all times.  He does not hold it against me the years I left Him behind on a daily basis.  He loved me through my addictions, eating disorder, people pleasing and lost years.  Each day I learn a new lesson, strengthening our relationship and awareness to never begin a day without Him. . .#redeemed.

You can have joy, peace, freedom and never-ending love as well.  His Hand waits open and ready to take you into His arms.  Will you reach out today?  Take Him as your Lord and Savior and activate the Holy Spirit inside.  Quit driving through life in danger!  Move from clueless to redeemed!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig        

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Living in Him Never Gets Old

I roll over only to see blinds covering the window. . .I think, “It would be nice to see that sunrise over the ocean just one more day.”  I venture downstairs to see the beauty of the sunrise over the wooded area in the backyard.  A smile presents itself and I am reminded that no matter the location, beauty still remains. 

On the 14 hour journey home, I wish for one more day on the beach to stay away from life for just 24 more hours.  Oh, it would be nice to live in Florida, wake up to the ocean, lay in the sun and rid my closet of winter coats.  But wait, hurricanes may be a concern or droughts may hinder life.  Okay, so what about California.  Oh, then you have earthquakes and high cost of living.  No matter the location, a negative aspect of living there exists. . .too far north, snow; too far south, drought/hurricanes; west, earthquakes; east, hurricanes/floods.  So, we settle in our Indiana home for now and continue living just fine day in and day out. 

The sand between our toes felt awesome, the sunrise indescribable, the weather perfect and life easy (for a moment).  Vacation always appears better than home because the everyday stress vanishes for but a glimpse of time.  My husband’s latest response to statements, “Anything would get old after a while.”  So true!  Living in Florida or California would get old and complaints would spout from our mouths.  Moving does not eliminate stress.  No matter how far we run, life comes too.  YOU go wherever YOU go!  Our mind follows our body and no matter the circumstance surrounding, thoughts still race through 90MPH.  The enemy sneaks into the boxes of stuff and shows up at your new home too.  He invites himself to the house warming party, waiting to take hold of your joy and throw it out with the giveaway pile collected in the move.  Running from worldly thing to another only strengthens the grip of the enemy.  As long as our physical body breathes and our hearts continue to beat, the world will be in our face!

Solution: turn to the One Who knows the route to peace, joy and freedom from the enemy’s stronghold.  Coolest part about our God, He is omnipresent.  He does not invite Himself, nor is He pushy for a relationship.  He loves, waits patiently for you to run to Him and always comes through to break the chains holding you down.  He will not disappoint.  He yearns for a relationship with each child created.  His relationship does not grow old after a while; yet, it always brings excitement, amazement and peace. 

On my 25 year journey working to survive this world my way, I learned a lot about this world.  I learned what life is NOT!  This is not my home.  Thankfully, my Father waits for me, holding a place especially for me in my Home.  Being a Christian for 6 years now I have learned what life IS!  The new journey with Him does not leave me wishing for a getaway from life.  Yes, fierce storms exist with hurricane winds, shaky moments, times of drought and financial strains.  But, no matter the storm or moment in time, God remains constant.  He holds His hand out at all times to guide, protect and love through the toughest of times. 

Rely on Him for He is the only constant in our lives.  Then, life will be amazing no matter your location.  Make the journey Home matter instead of wishing for something else.  Take this moment and give it to God so He can make it all work out for His good.    
“Where can I go from your Spirit?  Where can I flee from your presence?  If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.  If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” Psalm 139:7-10             

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Little Help from Disney

Walt Disney proves to be a brilliant man.  He continues to touch the lives of nearly every human.  “It all started with a mouse.”  Each movie developed creates an unforgettable memory.  Each character spreads joy through the heart of the viewer.  When looking back at the scripts, I found quotes from popular movies that go deeper than just an hour long film.  I would like to share some. . .

“Live every moment as not to regret what you are about to do.”  ~Mickey Mouse
The way to develop this ability is to invite the Holy Spirit inside.  He will guide your steps and nudge your heart.  If you stray, He will lead you back.  Take a moment to think the situation through, pray about decisions and avoid whimsical lifestyles.  We can’t be perfect, but we sure can strive to live like Jesus.  Each moment can strengthen or weaken, develop or destroy, mature or keep stagnate. . .choose wisely.

“Oh yes the past can hurt.  But, you can either run from it, or learn from it.”  ~Rafiki 
We each have one.  You can’t get rid of it or change it.  Why run?  I can give you many reasons because I did it for so long.  The past hurts. . .BIG TIME!  Why would I want to deal with it?  Coming from a broken home, living an eating disorder, using all means to numb out and crashing full force to rock bottom; all I wanted was to run far away.  No matter how hard or fast you run, the past follows.  We must face it head on, pray through the pain and develop a ministry to help others living through the same storms.  God can bless any situation brought to the cross.  Hiding, running or numbing allows the devil to take hold of the reigns and pull you in all directions.  Your head spins wildly and your feet move further from the straight path.  Your past is just that. . .the past.  Lay it at the cross, learn from it and He will work it all out for His good!

“All it takes is faith and trust.”  ~Peter Pan
This statement says it all. . .no need to elaborate.  One thing; faith and trust develops as we get to know our God at a deeper level.  Read His Truth daily to grow and know Him and His promises!

“Look inside yourself, you are more than what you have become.”  ~Mufasa
Sometimes we must look deep inside, for the world buried the one God created.  Peel away the labels the world sticks to you: abused, addict, worthless, guilty, depressed, anxious, obsessive, outsider, unfit, etc.  Go deep to the heart with which you began.  God knit each of us together precisely just the way He desired.  He cared so much to touch every piece and count every hair on our head.  He knew what He was doing and thought it out completely.  The world works hard to negate everything done at creation.  Take a stand and STOP this process.  Use the sword of the Spirit. . .His Word!  You are more than past choices made, more than what others think or say. . .you are His child. 

“Why worry?  If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it any better.”  ~Walt Disney
True Dat!  Coming from one that worries 95% of the day, worry kills the soul.  It steals joy, peace and clarity.  We spend our time worrying about what might happen and when we reach the time in which IT could happen, we have all we need to get through IT.  Often times IT never even comes close to happening.  Therefore, we wasted all that time for nothing.  Take each moment by the hand, working as hard as you have ability and praying for direction along the way.  This assures that the end result will be exactly as it should.  Remember, God will never lead you where His Grace cannot cover you.  Trust is very difficult if the world has only shown you the opposite.  Avoid placing the world’s parameters on our God.  He is bigger, greater and nothing like this world.  He loves, guides and cares more than you can imagine.

Hakuna Matata!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig     

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Late Night Lies

Late night television leaves much to be desired.  Working night shift creates opportunity (not sure if I would use that word) to glance at late night shows.  One night I viewed an infomercial, which consumes night television, trying to convince women to buy a tool which sprays on makeup.  This device turns a face full of blemishes, birthmarks and unwanted images to clean, clear and desired looks in a matter of minutes.  It is so easy to change your looks and only for $19.95.  But wait, there is more. . .if you purchase now, you will receive a second device for free to give a friend (or have for a backup when the first one quits working properly)!  Excited yet?  Ready to call and purchase one?

These infomercials work diligently to convince you of imperfections existing in your life and how they can fix it.  They go as far as to place a price on making you “better”.  My mind experienced a passing thought of “maybe this product would help my looks, possibly increase the attraction from my husband.”  Luckily, it was a passing thought.  I then returned to reality and knew the time it took to put the makeup in the device and spray it on did not exist in my daily routine.  I barely have time to fix my hair on most occasions.  So, on I went with my night and let the infomercial down by not calling to purchase. 

Sad to say, this world works against women and men to convince that a product must be purchased to improve lifestyles, looks or level within society.  It is as if our Creator forgot something when knitting us together in our mother’s womb.  The enemy works deceivingly through magazines, commercials, store advertisements, newspapers, etc. to plant lies which spread like wildfire in our minds eventually overtaking our actions.  We feel the person our Creator made is not enough.          

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.   I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14

Our flesh takes over and we reach for any product to keep up with airbrushed images, photo shopped families and the latest and greatest products on the market.  Our driveways must hold one more toy than our neighbor and the brand on our clothes must scream rich!  All the while debt piles up, spirits sink and the enemy increases his playground in our minds. 

Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”  Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.  Matthew 4:10-11

Let us take a stand today against our enemy which prowls around this world seeking to devour our spirits and lead us away from our Home.  Look in the mirror and see the person you were created to be!  Love that person, for God loves you (JUST THE WAY YOU ARE) so much He gave His only Son to die on a cross for you.  He thought of everything you would need in this life to fulfill the purpose and plan laid out.  All that is needed from us is a willing soul and active feet. 

Is it wrong to have toys, use makeup, wear nice clothes or buy products put on the shelf?  Absolutely not!  It becomes an issue when our thoughts demand these “things” and without them we feel worthless or ugly.  It pushes us away from Truth, takes time from our God and depletes our spirit of energy.  God desires pleasure and joy in our lives.  He needs to be first, and then you will see where all those other “things” fall into place. 

You are beautiful just the way you are!  You are worthy of love because He made you!  You are important and hold a mighty purpose here on Earth!  A beautiful Home awaits in the end for all who follow Him and love Him.  Veer away from the path that leads to this world and remain on the straight path leading us back to our Creator!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Sunday, October 12, 2014

One Stretch at a Time

I absolutely love yoga!  Not everyone enjoys the exercises involved in yoga.  My stress seems to disappear with each stretch.  Deep breathing pushes all the worries, pain and sorrows out.  My mind clears and I feel refreshed for a moment in time.  The body reaps benefit as well; improved agility, increased flexibility and muscle tone.  These benefits lead to better posture, healthy hearts, relaxation and focused breathing. 

Yoga does not require one to be able to touch toes or do the splits; only a willing body, deep breathing and time.  With each passing session, the body adjusts, strengthens and increases level of stretching.  The key is being careful to not exceed your stretching ability too much at one time.  Slow progression allows the body to adjust in a timely manner and prevents injury.  Your body knows the limits. . .listen to it!

Should you fail to listen to your body, stretching beyond ability will cause pain, injury and immobility.  The days to follow bring displeasure.  The experience may even cause you to swear off yoga for life.  Therefore, your body will never adjust or reach its abilities. 

Our bodies have a spiritual side which requires yoga as well.  Stretching outside your comfort zone will strengthen faith as you rely on God to see you through each movement.  The experience may not be enjoyable, but pushing through will always result in maturation, increased peace and fulfillment of purpose.  Your example along the way will touch numerous lives.  God does not ask for more than His grace can cover over you.  He will not place you in a situation beyond your spiritual limits.  He only asks for a willing soul, calm spirit and time.  Everyone is different, but ALL have a plan and purpose for life!  One may be at the level of flexibility to begin a ministry, build a church, teach a group of children, spread the Gospel in the workplace, visit the sick, pray over a troubled friend, etc.  The key is listening to our Guide and knowing our spiritual limit to avoid stretching too far. 

Failing to listen will result in spiritual damage, unfulfilled plans and disheartened people.  Stretching too far may even cause one to give up overall and quit trying to mature in Christ.  One may hide back in their comfort zone and lose faith. 

The only Way is to meditate on Truth and reach the Life He desired for you!  Wake up this morning and begin stretching immediately. . .see what the day will bring as you face the hours with flexibility, faith strengthened, peace and purpose.  Careful not to stretch too far. . .He will lead you further as your spirit adjusts and maturation proves ability to handle the situation given. 

 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  John 14:5-6

“And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.” Luke 2:40

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Prairie Life

Okay, so I know I am not alone in this one. . .I tuned into Little House on the Prairie the other day!  Took me way back and I loved it.  Watching closely to responses to trials and tribulations, I felt shocked.  The images were foreign to my eyes.  No cellphone existed for the person suffering to run and call a friend for an opinion or shoulder to cry.  No vehicles owned to drive to local bar and drown in sorrows.  No television to trade your drama for another’s.  No internet to Google – how to solve _______ problem? 

These individuals relied on family support, nature’s beauty and hard work to see them through each day.  Financial strain remained minimum due to processing own food, keeping up own land and less STUFF; pressure to keep up with the “Jones” rarely ruled any lifestyle due to distance between one another and lack of social media telling how you should live; moral values solidified within the family unit due to quality time spent together, quiet moments for self-evaluation and love surrounding them daily.  Families fought, but worked it out.  Siblings disagreed, but stuck beside one another.  Life wasn’t easy then either, but they worked through rather than escaped.  Oh, to live on the prairie!

Okay, so it is television and the individuals are actors/actresses. . .but seriously, it is sad to see how our society now relies so much on the world for peace.  We rely on fleshly desires for comfort.  The media decides the next step for our lives.  Addiction feeds our troubles yet feels like the solution.  Electronics steal time away from those who provide support, love and good advice.  Financial strains continue as we live beyond our means just to have STUFF to please our flesh.  It is a rotating problem with one solution. . .take yourself out of this world and into Christ.  Living in Christ brings peace to every situation, solution to every concern, strength to every relationship and freedom from every burden laid upon you. 

I don’t always get it right by any means.  I fall victim to the world and begin digging a hole for the enemy to bury me.  My flesh becomes unhappy, times get overwhelming, decisions lead to trials and the struggle seems too great.  I find myself running to this world for comfort; something to numb my emotions even for just a little bit.  The result comes out the same every time. . .temporary relief.  The problems do not leave, people do not have the answer, tears continue to fall, frustrations grow in strength and there I sit without peace or hope. 

Luckily, with each trial maturation occurs and I don’t fall too deeply before realizing I am reaching the wrong way.  Reaching upward is the only solution.  Turning to His Word, believing the promises within His Book and living daily in the hope provided in Him will conquer any trial.  Live simply through Him.  He provides the prairie life each of us desire and need: simple, filled with love, hope, meaning and purpose!  He holds great plans for you and for me. 

Let us start today and live in Him, not the world. . . 
 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

“Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
    my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
    he is my mighty rock, my refuge.” Psalm 62:5-7

My dear sweet friends. . .
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

And always. . .

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Remain in His Presence

THEY say, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”  Well, I think I would like to tweak that a bit to say, “Absence makes the heart grow sad leading to weakness.”  My life exemplifies the latter saying.  Since childhood, homesickness became a label I carried anytime my mother and I were apart.  I loved being near her and felt comforted by her presence.  Apart, I felt scared, alone, sad and sick to my stomach. 

Now as an adult, homesickness continues to strike.  My mom lives four hours away and often I long to see her when storms rage, advice is needed or when a mother’s touch will heal the hurts.  Thankfully, I have been blessed with a fantastic husband and two kids who overflow my heart with love.  I often long for more time with them as well. . .quality time that is!  Not time spent signing agendas, doing homework, picking outfits for the day, daily chores, etc.; I long for time to sit and talk, color, play a game, etc.  Same goes with my husband.  I long for time to just be with him without heavy burdens weighing us down. 

Since beginning a night shift career, the quality time with my husband diminished.  It seems more tasks are done while together than hanging out.  Homesickness strikes again due to absence from one another.  My heart is not necessarily growing fonder. . .it is growing weaker with sadness.  I see my kids, but often too exhausted to be the mom they have come to know.  Therefore, sadness strikes again for absence makes my heart become weaker leading to sickness. 

I strive to mature as a Christian with each passing day.  I have come to realize that “Absence makes the heart grow sad leading to weakness” in this area of life as well.  When life throws daggers every way you look deterring you from time with God, your heart slowly weakens.  With weakened hearts, we try to battle the storms raging around our lives.  Sadness develops and a foothold forms allowing the enemy to build a wedge to drive us further away from the one true Source of strength.  We tend to reach for security, help and hope in whatever may be near to find relief from such sadness for even a moment in time.  The things of this world offer only temporary relief: food, money, drugs, alcohol, people, entertainment, etc.  Yet, we come to a point where any relief is worth the cost because we are so weak and sick.  The core of the issue remains the same in every situation; absence from God has made our heart develop sickness.  The only way to heal is through His Word and giving Him time He deserves.

I have been there many times and can now sense when I begin drifting.  The Holy Spirit will act quickly when the drift begins and open my eyes to the situation.  Getting caught up in a storm often pulls me away from time with God.  My excuse: I am so busy, tired and just can’t do it all!  The reality: If I would give my time to God, study His Word and pull my strength from the only Source needed, I would find life quieted, restful and He would do it all for me!  Too often I turn to this world for help from such struggles and quickly see relief only occurs temporarily.  Thankfully, our God overflows with grace.  He scoops me up, accepts me where I am and takes me places unimaginable. 

Don’t let absence from God cause sickness within your heart which will spill over to every area in your life.  Begin this day giving Him the time and attention deserved.  He provided this life for each of us; the very least we can do is give ourselves to Him.  Let Him carry out the precious plan He holds for you.  You will be amazed and stand in awe of what He does daily!     

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.  See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.  For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.” Colossians 2:6-10

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig