Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Free Falling

A person waits 3500 feet above ground to jump aimlessly out of an aircraft.  The parachute deploys automatically during the first few jumps.  After completing those, the person qualifies for a free fall jump.  The aircraft reaches heights of 4000 feet or more for this jump.  The person falls and is responsible for pulling the ripcord.  Falling aimlessly can bring anxiety as a sense of control is lost.  Gravity, wind and weather are in control.  As the out of control feeling overtakes the person; they quickly remember the knowledge taught in classes leading up to this point.  Also, they remember at which point the parachute deployed when the static line released the ripcord for them.  Quickly, the jumper reaches for the ripcord and pulls to deploy the parachute.  Anxiety leaves because they now have protection surrounding them and assistance in landing.

A trembling person stands upon a structure standing hundreds of feet tall.  1...2...3...JUMP!  The initial fall seems thrilling and exciting for passersby.  But, the person jumping may be thinking, "What did I get myself into now?"  Anxiety increases as the fall brings a sense of powerlessness and weakness.  The fall continues and the person has no control over when it ends.  The jumper reaches for something to grab a hold of, something to clinch for reassurance that all is okay.  They remember the process before jumping required hookup of many harnesses and cords.  Some anxiety leaves, knowing the safety gear is connected to them and should not let them go.  Should not?  Oh yeah, the risk remains of the harness and/or cord breaking.  At about that time, the cord pulls tightly and the person bounces back up.  Then, the process continues until stopping and just hanging there.  Ahhhh. . . safely done.  The cord did not let the person down (no pun intended). 

I have experienced some crazy rides and simulators to present the feel of skydiving or bungee jumping, but never the real deal.  I cannot imagine doing the real thing.  Or can I?

Well, in life, I often feel like a skydiver or bungee jumper.  My world is spinning fast, storms in life throw me this way or that way and no control seems to be had by me.  My steps seem aimless.  I hear myself screaming, "What in the world have you got yourself into?!"  The lack of control scares me, the unknown results lying ahead of me scares me and anxiety rises up in me.

Recently, I experienced this very thing.  Taking on new endeavors in life brought much anxiety.  I tried to grasp the whole picture and figure out how each detail would play out.  I could not get the pieces to line up as I thought they should.  Confidence in my future vanished and defeat entered my thoughts.  I, one person, could not do this all by myself.  I do not have the tools, knowledge, reassurance or understanding of how this will work.  I needed the help of others, but my hard head and need for control struggles with asking for help.  The famous what if? questions enter my thoughts.  These give all kinds of room for Satan to begin playing with my emotions. 

Amongst all this, I finally remembered the lessons taught leading up to this point.  I remember these ugly, sneaky schemes the enemy played on my before.  So, I quickly reach for my Protector, Leader and Healer.  I grab a hold of His Word and immediately feel assurance that all will work out for His good.  I know our God will not let me fall.  He will catch me and walk me through each step.  I cannot look at the big picture; it is too much to handle.  God holds all of it in His hands because He knows exactly how to handle any and every situation.  I am right in saying I cannot do any of what lay ahead of me.  I cannot line the pieces up so to build a perfect picture.  I do not have understanding, knowledge or answers for all the what ifs?.  But, I do have the tools to take me one step at a time.  His Word will guide my moves, take my anxiety away and allow me to focus on the task at hand.  He will provide enough time for everything to get done and send help at all times.  Thank You God!

So, when life becomes chaotic, you begin to fall aimlessly, feel out of control and anxiety rises up inside; reach for your Protector and Guide.  Grab a hold of His Word and feel the hedge of protection surround you.  He will slow down the thoughts of defeat and anxiety and you can enjoy the ride.  He will pull you close and never break the grip He holds on you.  Reach for Him.  He promises to work all things out for the good of those who love Him.

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for leading me and bringing peace to my anxious thoughts.  I give my future to You and feel confident You will take care of it all.  I have faith in the path You laid for me.  Thank You for loving me so much to plan these great adventures for me and surround me with loving, helping individuals.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Sunday, June 24, 2012

God is Speaking, Listen Closely

As I returned from my Memaw's 90th birthday (YAY!), I recall what I learned over just two days.  It seems God always takes advantage of every opportunity to teach me and speak to my heart.  God cares so much for each of us and speaks daily to guide us in our journey here.  We must take the time to listen. . .

It began with a road trip, about four hours, with my children and my sister's children.  I felt blessed to spend time with all of them and catch up on what's going in their lives.  My children also loved having a new group of faces in the vehicle.  I was reminded of the importance these children hold in my life.  I discovered the power of influence; the way children absorb everything and mimic the example leading them.  As adults, we must set a loving, caring, patient example while having all kinds of fun.  We must pay attention to the influences our children encounter.  Some we cannot control, others we can; but, we can always take opportunity to teach them right from wrong through the situations they encounter daily.  How do we accomplish that?  We engage in their lives, talk with them constantly and open arms of love to them.  They may do something wrong or say a foul word; don't get mad, they may not realize the action or word is bad.  These precious children are trying to navigate through this world.  Let's help them.

I learned that children know how to have fun, laugh and enjoy the moment.  Being stuck in a car for four hours sounds pretty boring.  But, these children did not let boredom strike.  I learned all kinds of new car games, heard jokes, listened to future dreams each held and the four hours felt like ten minutes.  As adults, we can learn from them and enjoy the moment.  Make the best of the situation given to you and shine the light of Jesus to all.  See the cup half full!

Upon arrival, more lessons poured in.  I heard God telling me to let go of control and the itinerary I created.  I have recently felt overwhelmed and completely out of control.  So, to counteract these feelings, I try to take charge over my life and those around me.  I create schedules, keep my house "perfectly clean" and obsess over every detail of my days.  And when all that does not work (which it never does), my anxiety rises and I feel defeated.  God was telling me to chill; He has my back and will work all things out for the good of those who love Him.  He told me that enough is enough.  So, I gave Him my itinerary and it looked nothing like mine.  But, guess what?  It was perfect and I had so much fun.

After sleeping a good night's rest, I got to wake up with my beautiful mother (we stay at her house).  Oh, how I miss her.  That is a blessing in and of itself just to spend some time with her.  Thank You God for providing this wonderful woman in my life and creating a bond between us that shall never be broken.  My mom experiences that joy I spoke of before.  She has a blast everywhere she goes because she cares for people, enjoys conversation and takes time to listen to them.  I see, through her example, the important things in life do not include: a clean house, perfect clothes, stylish hair or status.  The important things include: relationships, setting an example of a Christian and loving people.  Don't get me wrong, my mother's house is spotless, perfectly decorated, her hair is beautiful and she dresses with style.  But, that is not the focus of her every day.

Reflecting on my Memaw's 90 years of living, I see so much to strive for!  She shined Jesus' light with every step.  She appreciates people.  She loves unconditional.  She relaxes and enjoys the life given to her.  Our God never stops using her to further His Kingdom.  Thank You God for providing this woman in my life to influence and lead my mother and I.  May she have many more years here with us.

God sends all kinds of people in our lives; those who lead us and those who we lead.  Pay attention and learn from every person you meet.  Be a vessel for God and shine light into the day.  Take the example you received and pass it on down to others needing direction.  Point them to Who will bring them where they need to be!

"In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us." (Titus 2:7-8)

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Resemble your Father

Disciple  Attend  Develop

Remember the day you first laid eyes on a squirming, crying, red, slimy little baby?  Yes, that day brought in a rush of multiple emotions.  At times, you may not have known whether to smile or cry!  Your life completely changed in a matter of minutes (in some cases hours). 

Questions fill the minds of fathers all around the world:  Will I be able to provide for this family?, How can I teach them the lessons in life?, What will they think of me?, How do I change a diaper, feed and hold this tiny baby correctly?!  The questions never end.  They may change overtime, but we never feel satisfied and confident in decisions because our kids are unpredictable.  They defy our teachings, give attitude and do not like our authority. 

Hang in there; you are not what your kids think of you.  They are learning so much throughout childhood and all of this may become overwhelming.  They begin navigating through the world on their own and may fall from time to time.  Be there to pick them up, forgive and teach them the way to go.  Nothing they do should destroy or decrease your love in any way.  Nothing they do should increase your love in any way.  Love them unconditionally.  They are blessings given from your Father above, entrusted to you for the life span here on Earth and they need you each and every day (whether they act like it or not).  Your children rely on you for comfort, survival, wisdom, safety and love.  Your Father presents this courageous job with confidence in you.  He commands that you reflect Him in actions and words.  Seek Him for counsel.  His Word will direct and rescue in every situation.  He covers all of it in His Book.

Three aspects I would like to focus on: discipleship, attention and development.  Children need the example of a disciple leading them each day.  Seek God and become a disciple by following His Word.  Many factors attribute to this way of living.  First and foremost; accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Become part of a church family and be surrounded by fellow believers.  Engage and plug into the chosen church.  Attend Bible studies, help in the children's program and go to retreats or events which feed you His Truths.  Spend daily time with the Lord.  Pray with your family, be real about the problems you encounter daily and listen to those your family encounter.  Place God in the center of your home. 

 ". . .But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)

Children need attention.  In the beginning it seems pretty simple: change diaper, hold for a little while, make silly faces to get a laugh (really, they just passed gas which brings the smile to their face), lay them down at night and place a kiss on their forehead.  As time moves on, the challenges of giving attention arises.  Life gets busier with work, extracurricular activities, school functions and homework.  But, they still need that one on one attention.  Sit with them while they do their homework, push them on the swing before supper, be front row at a sporting event, really examine the recent artwork created and then hang it on the fridge.  Congratulate them on a job well done in every challenge they tackle.  Turn off the cell phones, computers and TV; then, enjoy an evening of conversation to catch up on the latest.  Be your child's biggest fan!

Here comes the most difficult aspect of being a father; development!  Bringing a child from birth to adulthood seems impossible.  But, with God all things are possible.  Relying on God is a must in all areas of parenting, especially development.  Just as God disciplines, so should you.  Stand firm even through the crocodile tears.  Learning is not easy.  This is where the defiance comes in to play.  You become enemy #1 when discipline occurs.  That is okay, you are teaching them right from wrong.  There is a time and season for every activity under the heavens.  Sometimes we must be their enemy to help develop good morals, respect and safety.  You are loving them through discipline.  Then a time comes when parenting shifts to friendship.  They still come to you for advice, but now have all the lessons you taught them to help make decisions. 

Only one perfect Father exists.  Turn to Him!  Trust in Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight! (Proverbs 3:4-6)  He is there to lead your every step in parenting.  Get up each morning and give 100% to parenting and where you lack, He will provide. 

Parenting is the toughest job here.  Approach it with courage.  Feel honored that your Father trusts you with the task.  Love wholeheartedly, laugh loudly and live each day in effort to resemble your Father!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank you for providing Earthly fathers to help grow us up.  We know that we turn to You, our true Father at all times.  But, You have built up vessels here to be a father with skin on.  Thank You for providing a father for my children whom follows You each day and works to serve You in his parenting.  Thank You for providing a leader of my home to set the example for us to follow.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Goodbye Apathy, Hello Zeal

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.  Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:10-12)

The alarm blares.  Its 5:00 AM and time to rise.  Two feet hit the floor, three snoozes later.  The rush begins to get cleaned up, start the coffee, wake up the kids, dress them (hopefully matching), run a brush through their hair (and yours), grab the quickest item possible for breakfast and head for the door.  Put shoes on, lock the door (make sure keys are in hand) and leave the driveway.  The rush continues as you venture to drop kids off at babysitter, drive to the office/workplace and finally clock in (five minutes late).  

The day keeps on as the clock ticks away the seconds encompassing the day.  You work hard and complete all tasks presented.  Then, the clock strikes 5:00; quickly, you veer to the door.  Traffic turns a 30 minute drive into 50 minutes, kids wait anxiously by the door for pickup and a menu for supper does not exist yet.  Once you hit the door, the kids 'let their hair down' and turn to meltdown mode.  It seems that supper will be late AGAIN tonight due to all the distractions.  Oh, and did I mention, baseball practice is at 7:00 and dance at 6:30.  Rush, rush, rush.

Okay, take a breath. . . everyone returns home about 9:00 to get baths, make lunches for the next day, fold at least one load of laundry and maybe get to the dishes.  Your head hits the pillow around 11:00 PM only to get up and start over in six hours.  

We tend to fall in the same, mundane patterns of everyday living.  The lifestyle brings apathy.  Apathy, by definition, means absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.  Completing the same sequence of events daily and encountering all the stress that comes with it can definitely steal one's excitement and passion.  We begin to form a rut and continue going through the motions; lifeless!

Yes, the everyday activities keep us busy, work piles up and needs attention and life just keeps happening; but, avoid the excuses which steal your joy.  If only. . . I could have a vacation, switch jobs, the kids were older, etc.  These thoughts keep us from living the life God intended and shift our focus on the life we think would be best for us.  All the while, our joy diminishes and apathy sets in.  Well, guess what my friend?  God has you exactly where He wants you and asks for you to give it all 100%.  Scripture tells us what attitudes must be and the results of our following His plan for our lives.  Seek His Word and you will find reason for your life - to be His servant everywhere He leads.  Listen to Him, get your head out of the rut your feet created and bring zeal into your heart and soul!

Zeal, by definition, means fervor for a person, object, or cause; eager desire of endeavor; enthusiastic diligence.  Each day may consist of the same schedule, but never are any two the same.  You woke up this morning, breathing in fresh air and able to stand on two feet.  You are able to read the words on this computer.  These two factors, in and of themselves, should be enough to bring zeal into your day!  God has blessed you with another day to serve Him here on Earth.  We must open our eyes to love the people presented in our path, the world happening around us and the attention our family and loved ones need.  Those encountered daily will learn from our example, see God through our words and actions and seek Him because we displayed His love to them.

The Scripture above warns us to never lack in zeal.  Seek His Word daily, pray faithfully, hope in Him and be patient.  He will guide, protect and use every one of His children to further His Kingdom.  Whatever you do, wherever you go; He can use you.  So, as the day continues in a whirlwind, remember to reach up to Him.  Avoid tunnel vision and being determined to complete YOUR plan for the day.  Seek Him and submit the day to Him.  He may have something totally different in mind for your day.  Guess what?  His plan will bring joy and fill your soul with zeal.  

So much opportunity exists throughout your day to pray and seek His Word.  I can guess what you may be thinking; yeah right, I barely have time to breath.  Well, listen closely.  While driving to the babysitter - turn off the radio and pray with the kids, engage in their lives and enjoy their little stories.  While driving to and from work - pray, listen to a sermon on CD or even play the Bible on CD.  At work - be in constant conversation with God, take a struggling coworker to lunch and present a smile to everyone you meet.  At home - bring the kids into the kitchen to help cook supper, read a devotion with the family before going to bed and pray together.  You will see and feel His presence at a greater, deeper level as you seek to know Him more.  Ask Him into your day today and the mundane will vanish.  Apathy will be no more!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for making each day exciting and with purpose.  I submit this day to You and will follow the plan You created for this day in my life.  Thank You for caring so much to plan out my every day and every moment.  I am here to serve and honor You.  Bring others into my path that need to know You.  Give me the words and actions which are pleasing to You.  Here I am, use me to shine Your light to all.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  
Sheree Craig 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Servant, Not Pleaser

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

"when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.  Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight." (1 Peter 3:2-4) 

God recently opened my eyes to the Scriptures above with a greater understanding.  Too often I get caught up in trying to look a certain way or act in a way which others will approve and accept me.  I fall into the trap of focusing on the clothes I wear, the way in which my hair falls or the lack of makeup I apply.  Slowly, I shrink back and lose all confidence.  My demeanor shifts to reserved and jealousy arises.  Satan acts quickly and feeds lies into my thoughts.  He informs me that performance and appearance determine my importance in this life.  The clothes I wear, the hairstyle I choose and the makeup applied will bring fulfillment.  My performance brings others into my life and I will be accepted.  I must be perfect and conform to the patterns OF this world in order to 'fit in'.  

Really?  Satan, these may have worked in the past and allowed you to create bondage in my life; but, no more will I believe these lies or succumb to your schemes.  I have found the Way, the Truth and the Life.  He will save me from the battle within my mind.  He already won over Satan.  My outward appearance means nothing.  God created me perfectly in His image.  He placed every hair on my head just right and the way they fall is beautiful.  God blesses me with a wardrobe that goes perfectly with my character and allows me to be comfortable.  He takes care of each detail for me.  Relying on Him and walking the path laid for my life has brought fulfillment to my days.  Don't get me wrong; Satan still tries to throw daggers my way and trip me up from time to time.  But, I know Who to turn to for help.  God's Truths bring me back to where I need to be.  I realize I do not want to 'fit in' here; for this life is temporary.

Guess what, my friend?  This ALL applies to you as well.  You are beautiful/handsome and created perfectly in His image.  No matter what clothes or hairstyle you wear; God created beauty in you.  He created a plan and purpose specific to you.  How amazing!  He loves and cares so much for our lives that He planned out every second of our days with an important purpose.  God desires a relationship with us and for us to live as servants.  Our performance must not be directed toward pleasing man.  We are here to be servants of our Creator, our Father in Heaven.  Look to Him for guidance and seek not the approval of man.  Doing so brings unspeakable joy into each day.  Failing to focus on Him and seeking the desires of man keeps the void inside our hearts.  Others will always find fault in you somewhere, at some point in the relationship.  God will not.  He does not judge on your appearance because He knows His creation is beautiful and perfect.  He does not reject you due to mistakes; yet, covers it with His grace.  

Seek His Truth.  He placed it all in one nice, neat Book.  Pick one up today and begin renewing your thoughts.  Kick Satan out and stand firm on His Word.  You are His child.  God protects His children and leads them in the way they should go.  He will not leave you to be destroyed by the ways of this world.  Remember this life is only temporary.  Keep focused on your Eternal Home!  He has big plans for you here; do not let the focus of appearance and performance get in the way.  Take a stand today and become a servant to God, not a pleaser of man!

God, thank you for another day.  Thank You for filling me with Truth and kicking Satan out of my thoughts.  He continues to try and defeat me with traps found in this world.  Keep my eyes open so I may recognize them and quickly turn to You.  Lift me over and past his evil traps and schemes.  May I not conform to the patterns of this world but continue to be renewed daily with the Truths You provide.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig    

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

On Parenting

And so my lessons continue in parenting.  Wait a minute; aren't I supposed to be the one teaching, not learning?  Well, I must have it wrong because each day I learn from my children.  I see my little blessings as angels whom God speaks through.  God uses them as vessels to teach me patience, perseverance, love and laughter.  As a mother, my heart softens and selfish ways leave my thoughts.

When being called to become a mother, I had no clue as to what it all meant.  I envisioned lots of playing, changing a few diapers, laughing hysterically at television shows, cooking wholesome meals, sitting at the dinner table every night and tucking them quietly into bed with a kiss and hug.  Yes, all this occurs, BUT many pressures, stress, discipline and decisions come along too.

How can one handle the latter?  Only through God can one find strength to take on the role of a parent.  God will guide every move and help with decisions, actions and words.  He trusts us with our children and believes in us to fulfill the role He intends for parents.  He never dishes out more than one can handle.  Trust Him to bring you through any situation arising in your house.

Whether it be illness, attitude, joy, sorrow, pain, heartache, etc.; God builds parents up to become a vessel for Him and help our children.  We must stand strong in our faith and set by example in every situation.  Our actions and words must show our children Who to seek for help.  He will carry us through illnesses, change attitudes to become pleasing to Him, share in joys, catch tears and bring glory from pain and heartaches.  Turn to Him every day and our children will follow.  They will feel the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling inside as God carries them through difficulties and teaches them the way to go.

As my children age, the difficulties and hardships change.  Before; a bottle would fix the crying, a changed diaper brought comfort and a little rocking eased my baby's mind.  At the time, I thought those years were difficult and exhausting; now, I see they were the easiest.  My children now try and discover who they are, what interests them and begin to develop skills for survival.  Now finding ways to heal, comfort and guide seems difficult and requires patience.  I must be patient as my child begins development of character and learns right from wrong.  I cannot fix everything for my child and must let them learn some things through experience.  I held their hand as a baby and helped them walk; directing their path to avoid danger; but, now must let them walk on their own.  Guess what?  God can hold their hand and help them along their path.  So, I lift them in prayer and ask God to be with them always, guiding their every step.  He promises to watch over our children. 

My children teach me perseverance.  Some days, I feel like a failure and see no way out of the current season of attitude, heartaches, trials and constant discipline.  I become exhausted and often doubt my role as a mother.  I reach up and ask God for help.  He answers with one word - perseverance.  Persevere through the tough seasons, stand strong in faith and know that this too shall pass.  The things they experience, the required discipline and the attitudes all develop their character.  It is a season they must go through.

A deeper love develops when parenting is concerned.  It is an unconditional love.  One that does not dwell on wrongdoings, try to control the other or give up easily.  Our children will do things we do not like, say hateful words and veer in directions we did not approve.  Let them be who God created them to be and love them through it all.  They are offspring of us, but do not have to act like us, pursue the same career as us or share the same passions as us.  Encourage them to listen for God's guidance and become the person He planned.

Laughter remains constant in parenting.  At some point throughout each day, I laugh.  It may stem from something they do or say.  It may just come because they are laughing.  My children bring joys to my life which far outweighs any difficulty we may encounter.  They know how to have fun and enjoy the simplicity in life.  Become childlike and enjoy the blessings God provides each day.  Look on the bright side of life just as our children do. 

I thank God for my two little rays of sunshine.  I am blessed to be called a mother and I pray that I can fulfill that role.  I need perseverance, patience, love and laughter.  I know that all things are possible as I reach to Him for strength.  I can face the trials of parenting only with His hand guiding me.  Thank You God for my children.  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig