Saturday, November 21, 2015

Ugh, Shopping Stinks!

Confession:  I hate shopping!  Now, before you go thinking I totally do not fit the feminine mold, hear me out.  I hate shopping for me AND I despise shopping for clothes for me.  I love to browse around, gaze at all the newest items, pick up gifts for others and mosey on home.  But, when the shopping trip involves buying clothes for me, dread develops and I postpone the trip.

One exception exists among all the dread/hate. . .purchase of scrubs or workout gear.  If I could wear elastic band shorts/pants along with T-shirt and hoody every day; I would remain one happy girl (may be why I chose nursing as a career).  I love the latest style of stretchy pants with a long shirt and cute boots.  COMFORT!  

My husband recently purchased a gift card to a rather popular department store for me to spend on clothes.  TORTURE!  When walking into the store, I ventured to the ladies section and browsed through the latest styles.  Picking up a few items, I pictured wearing them and to what occasion it would fit.  Remaining in the ‘safe zone’, I stuck with picking out a variety of shirts.  By the time my husband returned, all the items were placed neatly back on the shelf.  His eyes revealed the obvious question, “What have you been doing this whole time?” 

Remember the show on TLC, “What not to wear”?  Well, I would be a perfect candidate for the show.  I lack the whole fashion, well put together, know what matches gene.  Again, the outfits created for ladies holds no comfort in comparison to workout gear.  The other factor which miffs me about the whole shopping for clothes experience; manufacturers cannot get their act together when it comes to that little number (which holds lots of power if we allow it) placed on the tag of pants.  One store reveals a specific size fitting just perfectly; while, venturing to another store only to find that same size will not make it past my thighs.  FRUSTRATING! 

Meanwhile, men can go from store to store and pick up the same size without trying on and walk away with a successful purchase.  Why do ladies have it so difficult when shopping for clothes?  Why make it torture trying on outfit after outfit?  I don’t think I am alone in these feelings.  The whole experience opens the door wide for the enemy to plant lies, working diligently to overpower Truth.

Comparison breeds FRUSTRATION!  Envy breeds TORTURE!  With these emotions stirring around, the enemy plays in our thoughts in hopes we turn to the world for COMFORT!
It all starts with the first comparison.  Our eyes see another lady in an outfit and she is sporting it quite well.  Thought #1 – I could never pull that off.  Thought #2 – My body would not fit well into that outfit.  Those thoughts sit for a while.  They sink into our everyday thinking, growing one negative thought after another.  Pretty soon, we detest looking in the mirror due to constant pointing out of flaws in the reflection. 

The negative thinking grows wildly into envy.  Envy towards others outward appearance consumes our day.  Words appear in speech: “I wish I looked like her”, “I need to change so I can catch the eye of the one I love”, “I desire a better me.”  In order to quiet such thoughts, we run for something to find relief. 

The world offers numerous regimens, temporary fixes and plans that fit everyone’s ‘needs’.  The world provides enticing advertisements hitting the nail on the head for your situation.  The world gives relief. . .temporarily.  The world can bury those thoughts, hiding all the pain.  The world, the world, the world. . .

LIES!  All these things in this world will not provide the comfort, peace, joy and love God plans for our lives.  God does not intend for our eyes to hold envy, our thoughts to build standards with which to compare or for our spirit to find comfort in the world.  In this world, troubles and trials arise; but do not fear, He has overcome this world. 

He created you beautifully and wonderfully.  He touched every fiber in the womb, placing all just perfectly in His Image.  He sees a glorious reflection each time you stand in front of the mirror.  The number written on the tag of your clothing DOES NOT define you.  The number revealed on the scale as you wait (even sending up a prayer to see a specific number) DOES NOT define you.  The number of candles placed on the cake DOES NOT define you.  You are not a number.  You are His daughter.  You are His cherished child. 

Healthy appears differently on each individual.  A number cannot be set as a standard for every individual to attain.  Outward appearance does not reveal our beauty.  Shine His Spirit, wear His Truths proudly and walk in His Love.  Truth breeds PLEASURE!  Love breeds PEACE!  Faith breeds PURPOSE!                                  

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  Sheree Craig

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