Sunday, November 15, 2015

No More Deals

When mom and I were roommates for quite a few years, Saturdays grew to be the greatest day of the week.  Each one consisted of waking before the sun and grabbing the rolled up guide for our morning – the newspaper.  We could care less about results of Friday night football, what concert occurred that evening or who got married.  All we cared about was the lovely section titled Yard Sales. 

I played the navigating role, hitting the hot spots we circled just a few minutes ago; yet, the best yard sales seem to come when we simply followed the blaring orange signs.  Oh, the memories are etched into my heart and each time they surface I smile. 

The typical routine would go as follows: find address of yard sale, do a drive by looking closely to see if any particular item(s) caught our eye, turn around when possible and park if appealing to our needs.  We walked many miles around Owensboro, Kentucky, met wonderful people, built an imagination when discovering how one person’s junk could become our treasure and laughed all along the way.  Of course, a pit stop at Cracker Barrel for breakfast typically existed in the itinerary. 

I do not share such a story without a twist to reveal a greater meaning.  What I did not share is the bargaining, trading and haggling that took place as well.  Most Saturdays resembled the show, “Let’s Make a Deal.”  Price tag says $2, but if you play it right could end up walking away with the item and only losing $1.  Trades could even take place; because, remember one person’s junk is another’s treasure.

In life, this process works out great for all involved.  Cleaning out our homes, selling items for next to nothing and blessing another with a treasure deems a successful day.  In our spiritual life, this process does quite the opposite.  Our human nature loves to catch a good deal, come out ahead on a trade or haggle our way to receive our heart’s desire.  In that mode, we think only of self.  Our focus remains on present satisfaction; yet, the enemy convinces that all is well. 

It has been years since I experienced a Saturday as described above; but, unbeknownst to me, I have continued with trading, bargaining and haggling in life. 

The typical routine goes as follows:  sinful action revealed in prayer/sermon speaking to my heart, doing a few drive by readings in the Bible looking closely to see if the commands given seem worth the change, turning off the current path when possible to then travel a new path leading to greater maturity in my Christian walk.  I have walked many a miles down paths leading away from Truth; yet pleasing the flesh moment by moment.  

Unfortunately, I held my treasures here on Earth.  My walk with God looked like a game of “Let’s Make a Deal”.  Okay God, I will lay down my malnourishing habits, purging actions, negative words and attitude and follow the path you laid for my life.  Yet, unbeknownst to me, my flesh held onto treasures of perfection and following law of the land (society’s opinions).  I simply traded one sin for another; while the enemy convinced such a trade was healthy and lead down the straight path. 

While I planned each day out in complete detail, making a to-do list, buying only the most clean foods, exercising a set amount of time, pleasing others and working diligently to be Superwoman; I missed all the signs God revealed leading to the best treasures.  I felt the need to always feel perfect physically and condemn self when feeling imperfect.  I remained in victim mode for far too long. 

Praise God, my eyes were opened.  I approached the Cross with hands full of Earthly treasures, or complete junk when compared to the treasures in Heaven.  Completely exhausted from holding so tightly to these treasures, I collapsed at the Cross, releasing all to the One Who took such junk on Himself and traded it for Eternal Life for us here.  One trade took place at that moment – my Earthly junk for His Treasure.

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Matthew 6:19-21

I may not have it all together, but the freedom received by living each day with open hands, refusing to play “Let’s Make a Deal” with God anymore and praying harder than the enemy can work keeps me on the right path.  Thank you God for not giving up on me and continuing to provide signs which lead me to the Cross.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

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