Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Perfect Location

In our new home my son landed the perfect location.  His room sits on the backside of the home next to a full bath.  He takes full advantage of the space and created his own little “apartment” (too bad his parents are not receiving any rent)!  Most days consist of him hanging out in his loft bed.  It appears to be comforting, relaxing and peaceful. 

But wait, there is more. . .he also recently became a new owner of a fancy scooter that sparks with one slight move of foot.  We now have a yard which allows for baseball playing.  Our neighborhood is safe and my kids can ride bikes throughout the day.  The kids have much to offer throughout the day and I have not heard the phrase “I’m bored” since moving.  As a parent, I fill with joy knowing memories continue to be made daily.  Since moving, the kids actually play together 80% of the day without arguing.  Too much fun occurs to pitch any fits.  My son even invites his sister into his man cave to hang out. 

Oh, to travel back in time and be 6 or 10 again; to have a comfort place, a relaxing environment and a peaceful hour of the day. . .to have a sidekick willing and ready to be there for and with you at any time of the day.  Don’t forget playing; seems there comes an age where the word playing loses all meaning in an adult’s life.  I remember running amuck in my neighborhood from house to house hanging out, riding rollerblades, bikes, playing basketball, creating skateboard ramps, climbing trees, playing baseball, swimming, etc.  Why do joyous, relaxing times have to be buried by bills, work, responsibilities, guilt, shame, etc.?

Guess what, my friend; joy and peace are readily available no matter the age.  Living the Christian lifestyle brings freedom!  God asks that we look to Him for peace in this world.  Do not conform to patterns surrounding you – depression, stress, anxiety, addiction or crime.  But be transformed, by what?  His Word – Truth which stands against all the evils of this world.  Live in the world, but not of the world.  Current times could turn the most joyous personality into sorrow.  But, His Word heals the worst of situations.  Truth replaces all lies, building the strongest faith in the lowest of times. 

In our new home as Christians we land the perfect location – in His arms.  Take full advantage as His son/daughter and create a lifestyle reflective of Him.  Become His hands and feet each day.  In His arms you will have comfort, relaxation and peace.

But wait, there is more. . .He offers blessings beyond imagination, safety to allow His plan for your life to succeed and a life filled with joy.  Don’t get me wrong, trials and tribulations will still occur; but, you now have a new home with which to stand sturdy through the worst of storms.  Your home is built on His Word and daily you put on armor for protection.  Enjoy life here knowing that He waits for you once your purpose here is complete.  Invite all you meet to know Him so they too may build a new home for themselves.      

And always. . .
Pray harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

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