Saturday, August 30, 2014

Construction of a Ministry

With construction coming to an end, I was able to put my house in order.  Cleaning actually lasted for more than one day and décor strategically placed creating a homey feeling.  Excitement filled while walking on the new carpet where drywall dust once laid.  I no longer had to wear shoes in the basement and fear my kitchen being dusted white each night.  The washer and dryer sparkled and I could actually leave folded clothes on it for a short time-frame.  Oh, to have a clean home, no construction in site! 

Although without going through the pains of construction, I never would have enjoyed the transformed basement.  Once open, unfinished, now gorgeous and inviting.  Each wall built allowed for more beauty to develop.  Nail by nail, it all came together and renovation came to an end.  My husband and father-in-law did all the work, but not without my grumbling and complaining each and every moment.  No end in sight appeared in my mind.  The only piece I seen to the puzzle was mess after mess after mess.  I missed my husband each evening and although I love my father-in-law dearly, I dreaded seeing his white truck in my driveway.  Their hard work paid off tenfold.  The basement looks amazing!

This scenario does not reveal the first encounter of grumbling and complaining while under construction.  My past, full of sin, continues to go through periods of construction.  Since becoming a Christian and following prompting of the Holy Spirit, daily messes continue to reveal ready for cleanup!  Thankfully, God provides the means and material to complete such a hefty project.  Without going through the pains of facing past hurts I would never enjoy the peace through forgiveness.  God revealed to me over the years that each sin redeemed builds a beautiful ministry.  He reminds me that nail by nail, He washed all of my past away. 

Days may not go as I intend, pain may arise from the past or health concerns remind me of wrongful choices; but, God overpowers them all and works mightily to create a clean home!  I welcome Him in and rejoice when seeing His mighty hand at work.  I have learned that grumbling and complaining only hinders the process depriving my soul of any learning along the way.  Too bad for my husband and father-in-law that I am a slow learner!  I continue to catch myself grumbling and complaining in this world.  Results never change – frustration, hurt and disrespect.  Oh, but I will learn and God will provide strength to close my mouth and rejoice in progress knowing the end result far outweighs the momentary concerns. 

Just as the Israelites grumbled for 40 years, we may catch ourselves doing the same.  Without seeing the land of milk and honey, only feeling the fleshly pains of hunger, fear and doubt; the Israelites delayed their arrival when failing to trust and keep their eyes on the prize.  Along the way, God revealed Himself numerous times.  He allowed Moses to part the sea to cross on dry land while the Egyptians drowned behind them.  He provided enough manna for daily nourishment.  He presented clean water to ensure hydration.  He kept health among them.  Although revealed numerous times, the Israelites grumbled and doubted.  Slowly, they understood and arrived at the land promised.  Their sins build a ministry to current Christians.  We learn from their story and experiences. 

Let us take this moment and ask for forgiveness!  Ask God to provide strength to combat grumbling and complaining as He works mightily in our lives.  Keep your eye on the prize and this momentary trouble will seem minuscule.  Construction must occur so we can put our home back in order.  Cleanliness will last and your souls will sparkle.  Oh, the day we meet our God, renovation will come to an end!  We will rejoice in His presence.  Let us enjoy the trip!  

Keep praying harder than the devil can work!

Sheree Craig             

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

It is Okay to be Homesick

First grade brings troubles to the days of a precious little girl I love.  Think about it, the day includes coloring pages, drawing pictures, lunch, two recesses and hanging out with some cool kids.  Sounds rough, right?  Well, to my little girl whose mind can only focus on being away from her home for seven hours straight it is rough.  The thought overwhelms and fear consumes.  In no way can she imagine making it through without breaking down and calling home.  Our mornings fill with tears, hiding backpacks, refusing to put shoes on, remaining in pajamas and clinging to the seat in the van for dear life.  I am not exaggerating in the least bit!

So, I have to be the bad guy and sternly inform her that she must get ready and proceed through the morning.  I gently let her know staying home is not an option.  I try every mommy tool in the box; yet, most mornings none works to fix the sadness.  Prayers shoot straight to Heaven.  Sadness, confusion and frustration still remain in her heart.  I call in help from the loving staff at school to peel her away from the vehicle and enter the building.  I then leave in tears, wishing I could take her back home with me and never let go. 

The girls at work gave me a fantastic idea. . .buy something that represents you for my daughter to take to school and know you are with her throughout the day.  I loved the thought.  I presented it to my daughter and she became so excited.  While at the store we decided on matching necklaces.  We ventured to the jewelry department and skimmed through all the boxes containing necklaces in our price range.  One particular box stood out amongst the rest.  It was purple while all other were gray.  I picked it up and there it was. . .the perfect choice.  Two necklaces, each with a butterfly charm; one engraved mother, one engraved daughter.  The only one in a sea of choices; coincidence, I think not?  Special gift from Someone Greater. . .I think so.

Homesickness ranks high on the list of painful situations.  I experienced it many times as a child.  I would not say that I have overcome the pain, but learned to push through it.  I still long for my mom and the comforts of living under her roof; yet, I now have a family of my own and created comforts to satisfy in the intervals without my mom.  Since my new birth and becoming a Christian, another Homesickness developed which I must process daily.  This will last until the day I get to meet my Lord and Savior.

Thankfully my Father provides Truth as a reminder He is with me at every moment.  Trials and tribulations seep into the hours of each day.  Sadness, confusion and frustration dwell in my heart.  The thought of making it through often overwhelms and Satan uses that to flood me with fear.  Refusing to face the day, running away or hiding out never works.  Ultimately, I still must face this world.  Quickly, I remember Who is with me.  God would love for His children to come Home and hold them in His arms.  But, He has work for us to do here to grow His Kingdom.  Therefore, He often calls in help from loving Christians to peel us away from the enemy’s hold and help see clearer.  We then remember this world is our temporary home and Truth promises He waits for us when our work here is done. 

Thanks be to Jesus for dying on the cross so that we now have the Holy Spirit dwelling within to confidently know He is with us.  God holds our hand and guides us through this world.  Cling to Him, wear His Word daily on your heart and spread that Truth to others experiencing Homesickness. 

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever”
John 14:16

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  John 15:5

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”  Hebrews 13:5

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Perfect Location

In our new home my son landed the perfect location.  His room sits on the backside of the home next to a full bath.  He takes full advantage of the space and created his own little “apartment” (too bad his parents are not receiving any rent)!  Most days consist of him hanging out in his loft bed.  It appears to be comforting, relaxing and peaceful. 

But wait, there is more. . .he also recently became a new owner of a fancy scooter that sparks with one slight move of foot.  We now have a yard which allows for baseball playing.  Our neighborhood is safe and my kids can ride bikes throughout the day.  The kids have much to offer throughout the day and I have not heard the phrase “I’m bored” since moving.  As a parent, I fill with joy knowing memories continue to be made daily.  Since moving, the kids actually play together 80% of the day without arguing.  Too much fun occurs to pitch any fits.  My son even invites his sister into his man cave to hang out. 

Oh, to travel back in time and be 6 or 10 again; to have a comfort place, a relaxing environment and a peaceful hour of the day. . .to have a sidekick willing and ready to be there for and with you at any time of the day.  Don’t forget playing; seems there comes an age where the word playing loses all meaning in an adult’s life.  I remember running amuck in my neighborhood from house to house hanging out, riding rollerblades, bikes, playing basketball, creating skateboard ramps, climbing trees, playing baseball, swimming, etc.  Why do joyous, relaxing times have to be buried by bills, work, responsibilities, guilt, shame, etc.?

Guess what, my friend; joy and peace are readily available no matter the age.  Living the Christian lifestyle brings freedom!  God asks that we look to Him for peace in this world.  Do not conform to patterns surrounding you – depression, stress, anxiety, addiction or crime.  But be transformed, by what?  His Word – Truth which stands against all the evils of this world.  Live in the world, but not of the world.  Current times could turn the most joyous personality into sorrow.  But, His Word heals the worst of situations.  Truth replaces all lies, building the strongest faith in the lowest of times. 

In our new home as Christians we land the perfect location – in His arms.  Take full advantage as His son/daughter and create a lifestyle reflective of Him.  Become His hands and feet each day.  In His arms you will have comfort, relaxation and peace.

But wait, there is more. . .He offers blessings beyond imagination, safety to allow His plan for your life to succeed and a life filled with joy.  Don’t get me wrong, trials and tribulations will still occur; but, you now have a new home with which to stand sturdy through the worst of storms.  Your home is built on His Word and daily you put on armor for protection.  Enjoy life here knowing that He waits for you once your purpose here is complete.  Invite all you meet to know Him so they too may build a new home for themselves.      

And always. . .
Pray harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Start Your Day With a Whisper

Okay. . .the day begins with two hours prep work before a six and ten year old can intervene.  Grocery list completed, menu planned for the week, quiet time enjoyed, laundry started, lunch packed and breakfast laid out.  All is well following the itinerary for the day.  An A+ earned so far.  Oh wait, it is not even 7:00AM yet.  Continuing on schedule, I wake the kids and follow the mental list of how the day should pan out.  Well, the two angels I live with have different ideas on how to accomplish the morning routine.  The glowing numbers on our television box mean nothing to my children.  Even though clothes lay in sight, breakfast is served and shoes are by the door; we still rarely make it out the door so as to reach our destination on time. 

Finally in the van, after running around the home continually spouting off demands, begging two kids to move it and threatening to take away pleasures should they not get going; we start to leave the driveway.  Oh yeah, shut the garage door!  Come to find out, the opener/closer has something against getting places on time as well and decides when it wants to work properly.  So, I must get out and go manually shut it, walk through the house and lock the front door again.  Seems pointless to have that lovely remote, doesn’t it? 

Okay. . .at our destination for drop off and my daughter decides to enter a phase of separation anxiety.  Clinging to my leg, screaming that she is going to work with me and I am not allowed to leave her.  Oh how I wish I could grab her up in my arms and take her back home and hang out all day.  But, reality is bills don’t get paid without punching a time clock!  At six, a little girl cannot understand the concept.  To her, mommy is leaving for no good reason.  After ten minutes (seemed like 2 hours) of bribing, coaxing and reasoning she was not convinced.  She went kicking and screaming in the arms of a family member as I left the driveway.  Tears fell and the A+ received before plummeted to an F!

Imperfect, worthless, insensitive, failure. . .

Words Satan whispers as I travel to a place for nine hours away from my children.  Away from the most important role I play.  Every moment prior to the tears falling provided evidence of how I fail to fulfill the mother role.  Satan used each piece of evidence to tear me down in hopes to prevent any good to develop throughout my day.  Thankfully, my confidence does not come from the lies whispered from our enemy.  Thankfully, I know that emotions reflect worldly pleasures/displeasures.  Thankfully, we have a Lord and Savior Who came, dwelt among us and won the battle.  Satan is already defeated.  The moment he tries to show up in our lives, we must quickly remind him to get behind us.  We have a God that will take over every moment and work it out for good!

The children found it difficult to listen this morning, MY itinerary was ignored, time stood against me and my daughter struggled at drop off.  None of this means the day is ruined.  I know God holds mighty plans for each of us.  Let’s look at this day through His eyes. . .

“My sweet child, I enjoyed our quiet time this morning and I appreciate all the planning for the day.  But, dear sweet daughter, I have the day planned already and every moment serves a purpose to the whole picture.  Your daughter is my child as well and I care for her more than you can imagine.  I am growing her in ways you cannot envision at this moment.  I am teaching your son, which is mine as well, responsibility that will build him up to become the great leader planned for his future.  Oh, and you, I am using you mightily to build these kids each and every day.  You may think the morning was a failure. . .I see it as a victory, because in the most difficult of times is when you call on Me the most and I can shine through.  It is then, that faith grows even greater.  Don’t you see, it all worked out for your good?  It does each and every time.  Trust Me!”

Maturing, priceless, compassionate, success. . .

Words whispered by my Savior which override any lies Satan tries to pierce through my heart.  My dear friends, God wants to whisper into your day as well.  Will you allow Him? 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig