Saturday, May 17, 2014

Becoming GRACE-full

Kids make messes. . .simple as that!  Sometimes a mess would be putting the situation lightly; using the term disaster seems more appropriate.  In addition, their coordination fails them often and spills or falls occur daily.  The poor kids seem to spend the majority of the day picking themselves back up, checking for injury, cleaning up messes and receiving discipline as to how to avoid the same situation the next time.  Why couldn’t they just do it slower the first time, clean up messes as they go along and take safety measures to avoid any injuries? . . .because they are kids!

Now, I have little room to talk due to the fact that I spill or drop almost everything touched.  I spend a good part of my day looking for misplaced items, cleaning up spills and recovering from minor injury due my clumsy nature.  The other day, after spilling and breaking a glass full of water, I thought to myself, “I could accomplish much more in the the time spent cleaning up messes, looking around aimlessly for items and healing my pride from careless injury.”  You may think I am joking, but I have three witnesses that will concur.  Let me throw a few examples to help you visualize, or laugh, either way you will understand: busted my chin on a desk while cleaning hurriedly – required stitches; spilled water all over my pants on my way to an event – found a gas station and used blow dryer best I could; hot tea purchased at Starbuck’s spilled everywhere (luckily did not get on anyone else) – spent time to clean it up and thankfully got a second chance with a fresh new cup.  These are just a few of many examples.  So, I have no room to give harsh discipline to my kids when a clumsy event occurs.  I myself need to slow down, think things through and do it correctly the first time.

Oh, but wait my friend, there is more. . .I spend mounds of time cleaning up another kind of mess in my life.  The daily mistakes that causing others to be hurt, lies wreaking havoc in my thoughts or venturing down the wrong path.  These lead to a mess beyond my cleaning abilities.  Like kids, I would have to say that the term disaster would better describe results.  The root of all this. . .failing to slow down, listen to my Guide and step in faith down the path laid for my life.  Rather, I find myself moving hurriedly to where I think I should be in life, using worldly items to combat lies swarming my thoughts and using my words to fix conflict or get things done.  As I strive for control, errors pile upon one another and leave a mess of a trail. I know one thing for sure; if I did it right the first time, I could save everyone lots of trouble and accomplish much greater things. 

Christians make messes. . .it is simple as that!  Often we are like kids, spending the majority of the day picking ourselves back up, checking for the injury and working to heal from the situation.  How nice it could be if we got it right the first time, held our tongue when needed and spent our days walking swiftly down His path laid for our lives.

How can we do this?  Well, it is time to become GRACE-full and clean up the messes.  Listening intently to our Father will clear our vision, clean out our vocabulary and create a life filled of opportunity to love others.  His Truth drowns all lies which try daily to veer us from peace.  His guidance steadies our feet to keep from injury.  His love heals hurt.  His Grace abounds and washes clean any mess which lay before you.  No matter the past mess, current chaos or future dilemma we face; He will take care of it if we have faith in Him.  Let us mature in Him.   

Let us begin today anew, taking time to see His plan.  Let us avoid careless mistakes or unfiltered words that cause harm to others.  Let us sit in silence with Him and His Truth before beginning each day. . .


Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

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