Friday, May 23, 2014

Attention Required

I received the opportunity and privilege to attend a field trip with my daughter.  This momma felt excited to make up lost time with her daughter!  Upon arriving at school, the kids put bags away, gave lunches to the teacher and sat at their desks to color a picture while waiting to leave.  The time came to hit the restroom and go to the bus.  Children lined up according to gender and walked quietly out of the classroom.  Something magical must exist in the hallways which create talking, giggling and sharing of personal space.  So, the teachers created an antidote for that. . .“hip and lip”.  Children place one finger on their lip and the opposite hand on their hip.  This brings attention to the rules being broken and results in quiet hallways. 

We made it to the bathroom hip and lip; once finished, the children lined the wall to wait for others.  Again, the hallway took over and magically created talking, giggling and sharing of personal space.  In order to create quiet and organization, the teachers threw out another antidote.  This time, one teacher raised her hand and one by one the children mimicked and became quiet.  Amazing how one simple gesture closes the mouths of 22 excited children.  I cannot even get two children to calm down and be quiet at home.       

Once arriving at our destination, two classrooms combined to go on a hike and the other two classes to a playground.  My daughter’s class went on the hike.  The children did quite well while walking up and down a few hills, listening to their stomach growl and holding their bladder for that length of time.  Then came the end of the trail and excited voices began stirring.  At this point, there were about 44 mouths talking about all they saw on the trail and their desires to eat lunch.  A few adults asked for quiet to no avail.  Then, the guide did an amazing thing. . .he said “if you can hear me, clap once” and he proceeded to clap.  The children directly in front of him clapped once.  He repeated 5 times and then moved on to say “if you can hear me, clap twice” and proceeded to clap twice.  A few more children chimed in and clapped twice.  He continued this up to clapping four times at which point ALL children had joined in the game.  Again, magic occurred, for these children closed their mouths in order to keep up with the game of clapping.  He then had the attention of 44 minds and could continue with instructions of where to go next.     

It never ceases to amaze me how childlike we remain as adults.  I believe God uses some of the same tactics listed above to gain our attention.  Bear with me here. . .

Often times a silent gesture may be used to prevent harm, guide our feet, quiet our soul or build patience.  Ever feel like God raises a hand in order to gain attention?  It may be a simple Scripture placed in front of you at just the perfect time.  A sermon may speak directly to the heart.  The plan of the day may change slightly only to bring better outcomes.  God asks for acknowledgement and affirmation.  He desires to be a part of each decision and walk next to you along the way.  If we allow the world to talk into our spirit and crowd our personal space, we lose sight of our Creator.  When our mouths move and hands grab onto worldly things something magical happens to our ears. . .they quit listening.  Pay attention to those silent gestures from God to get back on track and give attention to the One who has your best interest at heart.

Sometimes it takes a little stronger gesture, one that requires an immediate action.  I don’t believe He asks for “hip and lip” action; but, I do believe there are times when our lips need quieted and our hands need to hug a loved one.  Other times, a person in need enters our path and God asks for us to help.  This requires listening because what He asks may not be what we think is an obvious need of the person.  We must remove our spirits from this world and become like Christ in action.

Oh, then there are the times when a much louder, forceful gesture comes to get our attention.  The world may surround us with such force that deafness, paralysis and muteness overtake mind, body and spirit.  It may take days, months or years before we fall and finally hear a still small voice, saying “If you can hear me, look up.”  He sends those who know Him to surround you.  Your eyes notice their actions and suddenly you hear that still small voice again.  You look up and hear, “If you can hear me, reach up.”  You fall to your knees, extend your hands and begin feeling the Holy Spirit working mightily inside.  Then, your vision clears, ears perk up and your mouth speaks specific prayers of surrender and need.  He says, “If you can hear me, TRUST!”

Listen, my friend for God to speak.  Quiet your soul today and see at what gesture is required to get your attention.  He waits patiently until He feels complete attention is given to Him.  Then, He can safely guide you to the next portion of your journey.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

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