Sunday, May 25, 2014

An Adventure

“SIX more mornings and my children begin summer break!” – said with a smile on my face!  Why am I excited?  Doesn’t that mean more fighting at home, scrounging for babysitters daily and higher groceries bills?  Well, maybe, but I choose that over the past few mornings.  Take late nights due to baseball and a tired little girl; add it with early mornings and a few outside factors and you have destructive mornings.  Let me explain a little further. . .

The night before, clothes are chosen, shoes by the door, lunches packed, backpacks ready, showers taken and everything set up for a smooth departure in the morning.  Something magical happens overnight to change all of that.  Once the alarm rings, I begin the process.  One child rises just fine, gets dressed and continues with the routine (that we have been doing for years).  Then, my other precious little one (not mentioning any names) chooses to avoid the alarm and remain like a rock in HER bed.  After speaking her name loudly about ten times, she rolls over growling at me, “I am getting up.”  Which I retort, “It does not appear that you are moving at all.”  Once feet hit the floor, she moves to the couch and sits like a rock; this time I move the process along with a few threats.  Then IT happens.  Excuses fly out from nowhere.  A portion of her outfit doesn’t work out (so we change like three times), nothing in the FULL cabinet sounds good for breakfast and for some reason she does not want to go to school.  Tears flow, persistent foot stomping occurs and frustration boils in me. 

One morning the reason for not going to school was that her regular teacher would not be present.  I tried to empathized but failed miserably.  I had to be the logical one laying out every reason why she must get ready NOW and get out the door.  She cried uncontrollably the entire route to school.  I had to get her out of the van, pry her hands off the entrance doors and hand her off to a teacher.  As I sank back in the driver’s seat, I cried.  Why can’t I just take her in my arms, return back home, eat popcorn and watch movies all day with her?  I want to save her from the sadness, the troubles and stress of going to school.  But, I must be the disciplinary and teach her of responsibilities, working through daily trials and coming out stronger than before.  I am not so sure I read the fine print on parenting before signing up.  I gave this one to God and asked for her protection and that she knows I love her despite the actions of the last hour. 

Parenting is tough!  Oh, but aren’t we just like my child described above?  Once the alarm rings, the process begins.  We really don’t feel like getting up, so we hit snooze and lay like a rock in bed.  Finally, after the tenth nudge from our spirit, we arise.  Once feet hit the floor, we slowly walk through the house dreading the day which lay ahead.  We flood ourselves with excuses.  Our outfit does not fit right or looks hideous once we see our reflection.  Nothing sounds good, or we don’t have time for breakfast; so, we leave starving.  The list of reasons why we would like to stay home is endless.  God watches this take place and would love to intervene. . .but we don’t ask Him.  He would love to empathize with our circumstances and clear our vision for the adventure He planned for our day. . .but we don’t trust Him.  Without the presence of our ultimate Teacher, we cannot function successfully through the day.  Tears flow, stubborn actions persist, stress arises and spiritual destruction results. 

God would love to save us from sadness, troubles, stress, exhaustion and frustration.  Guess what my friend, He can!  All we must do is ASK, TRUST and receive His WISDOM.  Every morning begins anew.  The slate clears and our adventure begin.  We cannot fathom the glorious tasks God laid out for the day.  But, it all begins with us doing our part (which He will not do for us) – waking up, giving nourishment to our bodies, appreciating the body given to us and looking to Him for clear vision.  He will take us and protect each step, love through trials and shine brightly to others through our actions.  Instead of counting down our days, let us live one at a time and enjoy the adventure.  No matter the circumstance, He provides.  Ask Him into your day and trust Him with the plan.  He will provide wisdom to know what to do in any and every situation.  His promise remains. . .He will not take you anywhere that His grace cannot cover.

The next morning went much smoother in the Craig household as I reached up to Him for help with my daughter.  Lessons were learned in a loving environment and she walked into school without tears.  All went well when my attitude changed and I the task given by my Father to love this child I have been blessed with and fulfill the mother role given to me.  Thank you God for trusting me with this adventure - parenting. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig       

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