Monday, June 3, 2013

A Day You Don't Want to Miss!

Promotion Sunday – sounds fun, exciting, a day you don’t want to miss, right?  These words should flow off the tongue of every child.  Each child advances to the next grade and classroom at church.  Some simply get a change of scenery as they move classrooms.  Others get a chance to now attend worship service just for kids.  While others advance to a deeper, longer worship service for kids and still some move across the church out of the ‘childish side’.  Excitement fills the children as this new journey begins.  Fun exists as new teachers bring about a fresh, age appropriate teaching style.  Change can be great, eliminating the trap of mundane!

My son experienced mixed emotions as we wound around each curve climbing the road to church.  He was excited for a new class led by an amazing guy.  My son liked the idea of moving from childish scenery and into a diner themed room on the other side of church.  He felt some disappointment that my husband and I would no longer be teaching his class (who wouldn’t, right?).  Overall, he was ready.

My daughter’s feelings included scared, frustrated and sad.  One tiny bit of excitement existed in that she would see my husband and me during worship service because the Kindergarten class attends the same as the bigger kids we teach.  Oh yeah, we also were keeping her blanket in the car in hopes to wean her off.  Overall, she was ready – TO GO BACK HOME!

As we received our tags to identify our children, my son did not have one printed for him.  The older kids apparently do not require one.  Huge bonus in his eyes, so that bit of disappointment felt before completely vanished.  He couldn’t wait to get in his new room.  My daughter, on the other hand, grasped my pants tighter with each step toward her new room.  We made it down the hall, entered the room and found a seat for her to sit away from all the kids and just watch (what she typically does).  The tears began falling and the grasp tightened to the point that I could not get away.  Nothing calmed her in this new experience.  So, my heart caved and I went to get her blanket.  When I returned, she was sitting without tears coloring with the teacher.  I snuck in, gave her the blanket and snuck back out.  Leaving, tears began to well up in my eyes as well.  Why do I have to leave my daughter in distress, a place she rather not be and create that anxiety inside her?  Why can’t she stay by my side for the rest of our lives?

Well, she could never grow, experience life, mature spiritually and probably would get tired of me!  Though it is sad to see her so upset, I know she must become independent and face these experiences.  She must process in her own way through these emotions without fleshly comforts (the blanket).  I cannot do this for her.  I must let her go. . .

Just as a mother experiences the same emotions along with her child; God displays empathy towards each of His Children.  He sees the tears, frustration, smiles, laughter, fear, etc. as we face a new season or a trial in life.  He stands beside us, walking step by step, hand in hand.  We must utilize His Spirit and feel the comfort of our Father.  Through the trials and seasons we must go.  Each one brings growth, spiritual maturity and strengthening of faith. 

I would never intentionally put my children in a position or place they cannot handle.  Nor will God ever lead us to a place we cannot handle.  The key is using Him in all we face.  We need Him to guide, comfort, love and provide peace.  He cannot make us choose Him.  He provided free will.  We must choose Him and take those guided steps confidently and faithfully. 

Release the grip of fleshly comforts and replace them with Truth.  Filling up with Truth brings power in any situation faced today and the future.  He will never leave your side.  Experience life with Him, keeping your eyes on the excitement and fun the day will offer.  Trust me, today is a day you would not want to miss.  It is a day given to you from our Father, filled with great plans to further His Kingdom and promote you spiritually.  Fight through the negative feelings and the fearful thoughts and know that the places you will go today are led by an amazing Guy! 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

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