Sunday, August 2, 2015

Trends - #HisTruthreveals

Twitter account ownership differs in many aspects compared to Facebook account ownership.  Twitter requires increasingly more attention in order to stay in the know.  Each minute a new Tweet appears from those you follow or those following you.  Individuals can begin following you without permission; wherein, you are asked to follow them back. 

Twitter page layout offers suggestions, as does Facebook, on who/what to follow based on information provided and current list.  With the click of a button, you follow a specific group or person.  Instantly, the last few Tweets appear on the timeline. 

Twitter provides a trends section revealing the most popular Tweets.  You can then click on it, read the Tweets and add to the sea of opinions if desired.  The # following a post determines appearance on the trends list.  The # must contain the same words as all other posts. 

Twitter only allows a specific number of characters, as opposed to Facebook allowing endless, within each Tweet.  The line need be catching, followed by # worth retweeting or sharing.  Pictures definitely help when catching attention of social media.  If sharing a recipe, take a picture; if sharing a moment in the day, take a picture; if sharing an opinion, add a picture to emphasize your side. 

Twitter will often contain a Tweet without # but in place will have a link to follow and read the rest of the story.  Therefore, the line need be catching in this situation as well. 

Okay, Okay. . .so, I do have a point to all this gibberish about Twitter and Facebook.  These two sites offer the greatest traffic in social media, reaching millions across the globe.  Both provide great means of communication; but, each with a different spin on means of travel.  Both serve great purpose in society today and offer free ways to keep in the know. 

So, what if God had a social media account?  Which do you believe He would use the most?  In Facebook, He would have to wait and be accepted in order to be your friend.  In Twitter, He could follow you regardless of your acceptance.  In Twitter, He could see/hear your opinions, remain in touch by viewing pictures posted and find ways to reach out by Tweeting intriguing posts.  He could provide a catching line, and then attach a link to a devotion written specifically for your situation.

Yeah, I think God would use Twitter more often to reach more individuals.  But, what would He say?  Would He provide the most popular Words He wrote. . .

Beautifully and wonderfully made - #youare
One and only Son given to provide Eternal life - #allforyou    
Need a plan and a purpose?  I got one - #createdwithyouinmind
In a bind?  I can work it out for good - #allyouneedisfaith

Or, would He reveal deeper Truths. . .

Trouble cannot be taken away in this world.  I have the answer. -
Give thanks in ALL situations.  How? -
Love one another daily by sharing Good News. -
Forgive endlessly. -

As Christians we strive to be like Christ.  Looking to Him for guidance provides clarity in all situations.  Follow His example to share the Good News.  Though we live in this world, we need not be of this world.  Yes, we must embrace the technology and become like others by engaging in social media.  Post with a kind spirit, Truth filled heart and reveal His goodness available to those who believe.  Avoid harsh words.  He did not intend His Truth to be used as weaponry toward each other; only toward Satan in order to kill his attack with Truth.  Keep words and actions aligned.  May the words shared reflect the pictures captured in our lives.

Let’s Tweet a line that will intrigue those around, creating a desire in their hearts to know more about our God.  Let’s share pictures amongst social media that reveal the peace, joy and love felt because God is alive and active in our lives.  Let’s follow others in social media in hopes they will become a follower of Christ based on comments/posts.  Let’s embrace social media with the intent of discipleship!  I believe God would use social media as such.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.


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