Thursday, June 25, 2015

Avoid a Crash

Driving requires much attention toward the road that lay ahead.  Hands need placement upon the steering wheel in order to guide the vehicle properly.  Feet work in sync to maintain safe speeds, halting the vehicle as red lights deem necessary or obstacles along the road require slow/stopped speeds.  Minds focus on route used to get from point A to point B. 

The vehicle which transports requires care and upkeep in order to be reliant.  Tanks need filled with proper fuel type and amount.  Windshield wipers work in sync to maintain safe viewing in times of storms.  Engines must work efficiently to get us from point A to point B.  Multiple safety devices hide within the vehicle:  air bags, seat belts, mirrors to ensure viewing all around, backup cameras, built in car seats, etc.

Countless hours are spent inside vehicles, traveling the roads to various destinations.  Our faith in safe arrival sometimes taken for granted.  Multiple factors go into the equation of safe travels.  The above mentions only a few.  The one factor superseding all others:  minds focused.  Lack of such factor decreases the safety of driver, passengers and fellow drivers.

Nowadays multiple causes exist which steal such a factor from the equation:  texting, kids crying, kids fighting, thoughts of to-do list, cellphone alerts, etc.  These pull our focus from the road which lay ahead, leaving much room for error in driving.  Hands leave the wheel to type, grab a pacifier, breakup a fight, check an email or write a note for a later event.  Feet do not leave the pedal; therefore, speeds remain in times when slowing/stopping required.

Focused eyes and minds bring safety in driving.  Focused eyes and minds increase faith in safe arrival.  Focused eyes and minds allow proper movement along the road as obstacles arise. 

Another road traveled in life requires focused eyes and minds to ensure safe travels.  Obstacles will arise.  Other travelers will make unintelligent moves.  The world will work diligently to distract. 

The vehicle which transports requires care and upkeep in order to be reliant.  Proper fueling, sturdy frame to withstand storms and placing the available safety devices daily will develop a healthy vehicle.  The vehicle I speak of runs one beat at a time.  The vehicle, created in the mother’s womb, was put together exactly how the Maker intended and in working order.  We are not to simply maintain such a vehicle; rather, increase the value, strength and wisdom.  One Source provides all factors needed in the equation of safe travels. 

God’s Word fills our minds with proper fuel to face the toughest of roads.  The Holy Spirit dwelling inside will strengthen our walk and sturdy our feet to plow through the biggest of storms.  Safety devices required daily are found in Ephesians 6:10-18. 

Following the above steps mean nothing if our eyes do not remain on the road.  The road, laid by our Maker, leads to destination only He can provide.  Taking our eyes off Him who holds the map of our lives will end in a crash.  As eyes veer to the right or left, faith decreases, safety diminishes and movement occurs with difficulty.  We spend all hours inside this vehicle; therefore, safe travels can be taken for granted giving leverage to the world and distractions.

Take today to refocus, refuel and repair any damage due to lack of focused eyes and minds.  Get back on the road, moving at required speeds (set by our Maker), wearing the safety gear provided and listen as He guides along the way.  Keep your eyes on Him!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.   


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