Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Mountain to Pebble

Spring cleaning often extends into summer cleaning; well, at least for me.  The list grows day by day as dirty, unorganized and broken areas of the home come into view.  Tasks weigh heavily to the point of crumbling underneath such weight.  Giving up, ignoring or delegating creep into play as I observe the situation at hand. 

Giving up will lead to frustration as my eyes see undone work.  Ignoring will lead to bigger issues as current ones do not get fixed.  Delegating will lead to decreased funds in the pocketbook as the bills pile up of services rendered.  This is only a mountain, I need not fight my way around, but simply tackle it one step at a time, right?

Okay, so let’s do this!  I create a daily list in hopes to decrease overwhelming thoughts of failing to complete all required tasks!  Once done, at the end of the day I feel accomplished due to checks placed next to tasks on the smaller list created for the day.  Tomorrow will begin a new day and a new list.  I can do this, right?

Well, as I begin to climb the mountain, I lose footing.  I begin tackling a chore only to find the mess bigger than originally appeared.  How in the world can such a mess occur when I daily keep the house in order?  The attention required for this task causes my lovely little list undone for the day; therefore, deeming me a failure!  Great, now the undone must move to the next day and crowd the list causing more work than hours available.  I lay my head on the pillow defeated, dreading the next day. 

Ever face a mountain in life blocking the way to peace.  Day by day, the mountain seems to grow as chaos, brokenness and unclean areas come into view.  Does giving up, ignoring or delegating (blaming) feel like the answer?  Take one step at a time, right?  Well, what if we stand at the foot of the mountain without proper gear to take the first step?

First, we must ask for help.  God holds the proper gear needed to face any mountain.  He will guide step by step, leading us to the other side.  Once there, we will look back and see the mountain crumbled down to a tiny little pebble in the path. 

Difficulty comes as we begin the climb and find the situation bigger than originally appeared.  How in the world could life develop into such a mess when daily we pray, read Scripture and maintain the vessel provided here on Earth?  We feel stuck.  We cannot see the next footing alongside the mountain which to climb and continue.  This spot creates prime opportunity for Satan to hover over and speak lies.  His lies throw daggers into our spirit, speaking of defeat, deeming us a failure.  This spot also creates prime opportunity for God to shine.  In our weakest moments, God uses us the most.  His Truths combat any lie Satan uses to trip us up or bring us down.  His Truths strengthen faith, maturing our Christian walk.  His Truths create the next foothold for which to climb safely and securely. 

I stand currently in a position with the next foothold hidden in the fog ahead.  I see it slightly, but Satan works diligently to thicken the fog.  My decision is to remain, soak in as much Truth as possible, and grow in faith and strength at this moment in order to finally crumble the mountain in my life.  I take hold of His Truth once and for all; leaving behind the past which damages, defeats and delays any progress.  I will not forget what I learned from the past, but I will no longer allow it to determine who I am and my value.

That being said, is this easy?  NOPE.  This mountain holds years of hurt and emotions ignored.  This mountain stands solid; therefore, each time it came in the path, I gave up on advancing.  This mountain provides power to Satan who diligently creeps in with lies of delegating blame to others deeming them responsible to crumble the mountain.

One day at a time, God reveals a list of emotions to work through, pieces of the past to surrender and lies to place at the cross.  It is then, Truth overpowers and the fog thins slightly.  Patience required.  Faith demanded.  Mind renewed.  Let us work one day at a time to clean out our lives, face the mountain before us and walk boldly with God by our side.  Today, care for what is revealed, focusing on Truth to heal, build and steady your feet.  Tomorrow will have enough trouble to face and a new set of repairs; do not look at those or the important lessons of today will be missed.  Lay your head down at night in thanksgiving for the strength built and the progress for the day.  

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Avoid a Crash

Driving requires much attention toward the road that lay ahead.  Hands need placement upon the steering wheel in order to guide the vehicle properly.  Feet work in sync to maintain safe speeds, halting the vehicle as red lights deem necessary or obstacles along the road require slow/stopped speeds.  Minds focus on route used to get from point A to point B. 

The vehicle which transports requires care and upkeep in order to be reliant.  Tanks need filled with proper fuel type and amount.  Windshield wipers work in sync to maintain safe viewing in times of storms.  Engines must work efficiently to get us from point A to point B.  Multiple safety devices hide within the vehicle:  air bags, seat belts, mirrors to ensure viewing all around, backup cameras, built in car seats, etc.

Countless hours are spent inside vehicles, traveling the roads to various destinations.  Our faith in safe arrival sometimes taken for granted.  Multiple factors go into the equation of safe travels.  The above mentions only a few.  The one factor superseding all others:  minds focused.  Lack of such factor decreases the safety of driver, passengers and fellow drivers.

Nowadays multiple causes exist which steal such a factor from the equation:  texting, kids crying, kids fighting, thoughts of to-do list, cellphone alerts, etc.  These pull our focus from the road which lay ahead, leaving much room for error in driving.  Hands leave the wheel to type, grab a pacifier, breakup a fight, check an email or write a note for a later event.  Feet do not leave the pedal; therefore, speeds remain in times when slowing/stopping required.

Focused eyes and minds bring safety in driving.  Focused eyes and minds increase faith in safe arrival.  Focused eyes and minds allow proper movement along the road as obstacles arise. 

Another road traveled in life requires focused eyes and minds to ensure safe travels.  Obstacles will arise.  Other travelers will make unintelligent moves.  The world will work diligently to distract. 

The vehicle which transports requires care and upkeep in order to be reliant.  Proper fueling, sturdy frame to withstand storms and placing the available safety devices daily will develop a healthy vehicle.  The vehicle I speak of runs one beat at a time.  The vehicle, created in the mother’s womb, was put together exactly how the Maker intended and in working order.  We are not to simply maintain such a vehicle; rather, increase the value, strength and wisdom.  One Source provides all factors needed in the equation of safe travels. 

God’s Word fills our minds with proper fuel to face the toughest of roads.  The Holy Spirit dwelling inside will strengthen our walk and sturdy our feet to plow through the biggest of storms.  Safety devices required daily are found in Ephesians 6:10-18. 

Following the above steps mean nothing if our eyes do not remain on the road.  The road, laid by our Maker, leads to destination only He can provide.  Taking our eyes off Him who holds the map of our lives will end in a crash.  As eyes veer to the right or left, faith decreases, safety diminishes and movement occurs with difficulty.  We spend all hours inside this vehicle; therefore, safe travels can be taken for granted giving leverage to the world and distractions.

Take today to refocus, refuel and repair any damage due to lack of focused eyes and minds.  Get back on the road, moving at required speeds (set by our Maker), wearing the safety gear provided and listen as He guides along the way.  Keep your eyes on Him!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.   


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Oh, the Comfort We Will Find

Traveling a very familiar led me to a place of rest, joy and healing.  This path I traveled for years and could probably arrive safely blindfolded; yet, I still took comfort knowing a smart device guided every move.  The device whispered which direction led to a beautiful little home in the country.  The distance in miles remains too much for my heart to handle from time to time; yet, when traveling, the anticipation causes the drive to seem pretty quick. 

The kids and I talked, played car games and transformed into superstars as we sang loudly alongside the radio.  Beautiful scenery made for the perfect drive.  The one and only pit stop to Starbuck’s brought even more joy to the trip.  Over the river and through the woods (literally) we continued to Nana B’s house!

My mother always creates a place of rest, joy and listens while healing all the hurts inside my heart.  She provides any and all desires from hugs to favorite foods.  Never do we leave her home empty. 

Nearing the town, I thought time came to turn off the smart device and confidently thought, “I got this.”  Guess what?  I so did not have this. . .

Minutes away from my mother’s house, roads became unfamiliar due to construction.  New roads existed turning in a variety of ways; some alternate routes while others now took place of the ‘old way’.  I veered toward the direction thought to lead to desired location.  Instinct did not match up with the knowledge of the smart device.  Anxiety began and admittance of being lost proclaimed. 

Oh, wait, I found a familiar landmark, turned on a familiar road and BAM! – Road closed due to construction.  Great!  Now what to do?  I would turn on the smart device; yet anxiety overpowered ability to find the device and reactivate the app. 

After traveling 5-10 minutes (seemed like 30) in circles around the desired road, I found it!  As we turned, guess what?  Work vehicles lined the path.  Luckily, the only work taking place was resurfacing; therefore, we could travel the road slowly and reach the destination.

Upon arrival, anxiety subsided, joy entered as I place the vehicle in park and the moment I hugged my mother, the last scene erased.  Oh, the comfort found in a mother’s hug, smile and love. . .

An even greater comfort exists for all to receive.  A place of rest, joy and healing.  The path leading to a beautiful scene may bring rough travels, construction along the way and a few circles around mountains.  The distance may appear too much for our heart to handle; yet, keeping our eyes on the intended destination causes the travel to be so worth it. 

Along the travel, loving individuals come alongside and plant seeds to aide in the transformation of a new creation!  Pit stops may occur, some difficult, some joyous; but, all aiding in the shedding of the old!  Over the mountains, out of the pits and through the storms we continue to the cross!

Jesus took it upon Himself to create such a place of rest, joy and healing.  Our Father loved us so much; He gave His one and only Son to die on that cross.  The cross provides a place to lay it all down, open our eyes to Truth and allow a new creation to arise.  Never do we leave empty!

There will be times after the initial visit (the one proclaiming salvation and beginning a new life in Christ) when life will distance us from the cross.  The weight of the world may cause our feet to travel circles around the cross; yet, never quite reaching the foot of the cross.  We may find that the path leading to the cross differs this time around and contains bigger pits, greater mountains and mightier storms; but, take heart my friend, our Father overcame it all.  He will bring us through to reach the cross.  Each trip, maturity grows as faith increases and we leave the cross renewed. 

What is going on in your life that needs to be laid at the cross?  What barrier is preventing arrival at the cross?  Maybe patience need be present as God goes ahead, resurfacing the path to allow smoother travel.  Maybe trust need be present as God constructs new pathways to avoid dangerous territories.  Take a deep breath. . .Tune into Wisdom found in a great resource called the Bible. . .Take one step at a time toward the cross.  The moment God embraces you, all the scenes prior will be erased.  Oh, the comfort in our Father’s hug, smile and love!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.     

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Peel Away

When entering the grocery store with an organized list, I venture to the produce section.  Here, I take much time in choosing the perfect products to serve the freshest of each kind.  From potatoes to tomatoes, I become very selective.  My eyes scan for beauty in color, shape and size.  Then, my hands feel for firmness to assure a solid core exists under the layered beauty.  With selections made, I venture onto the rest of the list and out the door homeward bound.

Few days later, I pull out a nice looking onion purchased for intent to season a favorite dish of the family.  Peeling away the thin skin reveals another beautiful layer, white and shiny with aroma screaming flavor.  Layer by layer, beauty remains and excitement builds in anticipation of a delicious dinner which lay in the future.  All of a sudden, I cut deep into the core of the onion only to find a rotting center.  Disgusting in color, atrocious in scent and mush to the touch; I work diligently to save what portions appear okay and quickly discard the rotten core. 

Had the onion sat a week longer at the store, the rotten core would begin to move outwardly and taint the beauty which drew my eye to choose that one.  Had the onion sat just a few days longer, the rotten core would move outwardly only to a few layers, leaving a beautiful façade outwardly drawing my eye to that one.  Either way, a rotten core does not remain.  Eventually, over time the rotten section moves outwardly and overtakes the once beautiful produce.

Correlation:  the recovery process resembles an onion.  Peeling back the layers of hurt, rejection, disappointment, lack of confidence, etc. reveals the core of the battle.  It is then; true lasting healing can take place.  Beautifying the core will bring peace. 

Is it easy?  NOPE!  I am discovering along this road of recovery that peeling back the outer layers pale in comparison to facing the core.  In the beginning of this journey, the outer layer consisted of my eating disorder and refeeding the body.  At the time, the steps felt quite difficult and impossible.  One day at a time I moved toward physical healing by providing needed nutrition daily.  Recovered, right?  NOPE!  Another layer revealed obsessive compulsive disorder and the comfort of routine.  One day at a time I moved toward going with the flow without accompanied anxiety.  Recovered, right?  NOPE!

Layer by layer, the process continues with each one faced harder than the previous.  Peeling back a layer alone is impossible.  Beautifying the revealed rotten layer alone is impossible.  Healing the damage alone is impossible.  My dear friends, God did not intend for us to face this world alone!

He reveals one layer at a time so to avoid overwhelming our human minds.  He works diligently in each situation when we ask Him in.  Doing so prevents throwing out or burying the rotten core again.  See, the reason for the numerous layers existing in recovery stems from burial of emotions, events and episodes throughout life that seemed too hard to handle.  No matter the amount of layers, God will reveal the next when He knows you are ready to face it. 

He will take your hand, guide you through His Word and begin creation of a new you!  It is exciting what the new creation brings.  The old, rottenness leaves and the new, refreshed you begin to see purpose in life.  You begin enjoying the moments He planned for you.  You begin to see beauty all around.  No more layers.  No more hidden pain. 

Let us peel back the layers and face the rotten core with Him as our guide.  We may not be where we need to be, but at least we have begun the process and do not remain where we used to be.  My dear friends, He will not stop the process of growth and healing until completion.  Trust Him.  Listen to His guidance.

I know I will get to that beauty one day.  I know what I face as I move toward the core of my pain grows in difficulty.  But, I also know my redeemer lives and He will not leave me where I sit today.  He plans to move me toward maturity in Him.  He plans to use all this I learn to help another.  Take me Lord, heal me, use me and demand Satan to get behind as you and I fulfill the work planned for my life. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Which Way?

Confession:  I am directionally challenged.  True statement, there is no way to get around it or stretch it to sound better.  Even with a paper map (yes, they still exist), I cannot get from point A to point B without exploring land off the direct path; thus, arriving well past the desired time.  Without assistance, I cannot drive nor walk the right path of travel at any given time and arrive at the desired location. 

Thankfully I married a man possessing the total opposite characteristic.  And, thankfully, that wonderful man purchased a device which speaks truth and guides a direct path to any destination.  Without these tools in life, I would never leave the city limits of home.  Having the security of a still small voice speaking every turn, street name and point of arrival allows confidence to build and allows me to step out of comfort to complete desired tasks.  Also, having complete confidence in my husband’s directional skills brings peace while I sit passenger and enjoy the scenery. 

I will tell you that although I have the above tools, anxiety still arises the moment traffic becomes heavy, lanes increase from one to two to even four and the exit I need arrives in ¼ mile on the right side while I sit in the left far lane feeling no way exists to transition that many spots in time.  Anxiety arises when hearing fails and the still small voice not heard just spoke a very important direction in the travel.  Anxiety arises in parking downtown amongst tightly packed vehicles.  I will say if parallel parking is required, I rather walk five miles to the building than to attempt such a maneuver. 

On a positive note:  I always know the path home.  Once my handy little tool lands me on the highway, I know the turns to take which lead home.  Though directionally challenged, I will always be able to get back home.  Once on the highway toward home, anxiety decreases, confidence increases and excitement develops knowing home is not far away. . .

In this world chaos, trials and tribulations will arise.  We must remember Home is not far away.  In order to get Home, we must strengthen the lack of ability to see the direction to take.  Humans are directionally challenged.  True statement, there is no way to get around it or stretch it to sound better.  We do not possess the proper skills to navigate this life successfully.  When trying it alone, we veer far off the path leading to missed opportunities, late arrival or no arrival at all.  No matter the means of travel from point A to point B, without the proper tools we will never quite reach desired destination. 

In that, I mean the desired destination for our life; which may not align with human desires and plans.  Thankfully, our Creator sent His Son to live here on this Earth.  He possessed the total opposite characteristic than us humans.  See, He was perfect in all ways.  He knew the path which lay before Him would not be easy, yet followed with confidence in His Father.  Day in and day out, He traveled listening to that still small voice guiding His feet.  He stepped out of comfort numerous times in order to complete set tasks (don’t believe me, pick up the Bible and read the accounts of Jesus).  Jesus knew no comfort zone here on the Earth; yet, He walked in peace daily; for, His peace came through His Father and the perfect skill of direction with which His Driver possessed.  Sitting passenger side, Jesus continued and kept His eyes on the destination which led back Home. 

Let us set aside our anxieties in this life and walk as Jesus did here on Earth.  Gather the proper tools needed to navigate this life.  Read Scripture, sit quietly in conversation with God and walk confidently on the path leading directly from point A to point B.  Life will get tough, chaotic, various opportunities arise, tight spots feel suffocating, grief overtakes and walking miles around a tough spot in the road seems easier than facing it.  Take heart, my friend, there is a still small voice speaking clearly the way to make it through ALL of this.  Going at it alone will lead to veering off and becoming lost.  Turn to Him and He will guide you to the path which leads Home. 

He brought you into this world for a plan and purpose to fulfill.  He will not stop until completion.  It is then, He will gather you in His arms and say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  How do we get there?  Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, listen for the still small voice daily and gain confidence in God as the driver.

And always. . .Keep praying harder than the devil can work.  

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

In Need of Help

My daughter discovered the microphone.  This particular microphone sits behind a fence, atop a counter inside a booth.  Words spoken do not require a melody, rhythm or talent.  Words spoken do require enthusiasm and love for America’s greatest game. . .Baseball!

Yep, she moved from player to press box.  Her voice heard miles away as each batter steps up to the plate (literally, she has yet to grasp the concept that the microphone projects the voice and no need to yell into it).  She carefully pronounces each name, drawing out syllables to mimic major league announcers.  The love behind the microphone brings pleasure in watching the game regardless of our team’s outcome.  She cannot hide favoritism, though announcing for both teams.  A small little voice cheers the home team on between announcements of each batter.  She spreads much encouragement to her brother and teammates.

One particular evening I arrived late to the game.  I heard numerous voices from the press box; therefore, believed all to be running well and assumed adult supervision was present.  After a few mistakes in pronunciations and lineup, I felt the need to check on the status of the press box.  Up the steps I went to find my little daughter running the show alone.  The microphone remained in the ‘on’ position due to occupied hands unable to switch back and forth between batters.  One hand remained on score board function keys and the other hand held tightly to the pitch count keys. 

I asked how it was going.  The beautiful, passionate and wonderful little girl veered her head toward me with a frazzled look.  “I need help,” was the response.  She appeared to be drowning in the requirements of announcer.  Her help bailed on her for various reasons: you know, popcorn smell drew them to the concession stand, a whiffle ball game developed on another field, friends arrived and hanging out sounder better than press box duties, etc.  Being as I was the only breathing body available, she resorted to accepting help from an old woman such as myself!

Reluctant to let go of any duties at first, I had to ask three times before finally receiving an assignment.  I was to keep track of pitch count.  Once assigned, I work diligently to keep track correctly.  While I spend most games in the stands, I had no idea of all that went on in the press box.  Seeing the game from a different perspective increased respect for such a position. 

My daughter sat amongst chaos, list of duties beyond one person’s ability and unable to reach for help.  She could not leave the press box and miss a play or announcing a batter.  She could not scream over the microphone for help for fear of disturbing the players.  She remained.  Stuck.  Drowning.  Frazzled. 

Ever felt like my daughter?  Maybe you are remaining in a situation that once seemed perfect, exhilarating and comfortable.  Maybe you are stuck between a rock and a hard place unable to break free.  Maybe you are drowning and unable to see a hand to pull you up.  Maybe life just keeps you in a frazzled state.  Regardless of the emotion, Hope awaits.  Help remains available.  Though others in this world may leave due to better circumstances, greater opportunities or easier pathways; God will not leave you.  God remains and continues to work with you through all times.

We must let go and allow God to take the pressures weighing heavily on our shoulders.  Lay it at the cross and trust Him to work diligently for you.  Take a step back from the situation; shout to God for help amidst all the chaos knowing that without God the tasks which lay before you cannot be completed.  Without God healing from hurts will not last.  Without God emotions run rampant sending us in directions less than desired. 

Let us discover the cross.  Let us approach the cross.  The cross waits in clear sight representing the One Who died to remain inside each of us.  No need for talent, skills, perfection or answers.  Approaching the cross does require humility, honesty, hope and open hands.  At the cross, we find Love which fills the situation and brings purpose to our lives. 

Make today the day you move from broken and battered to hopeful and healed.  A still small voice stands strongly by your side.  He roots for your team regardless of what the world believes should be the outcome.  He works every situation out for good as you approach the cross.  Let go and let Him help my friend! 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.