Sunday, September 7, 2014

Warning: Dense Fog Ahead!

Driving to work typically comes easily; but, one morning a thick fog covered the land just at eyesight.  A few factors increased the danger of such conditions.  I drove a borrowed vehicle exceeding the size of the van I typically use.  Eyesight seemed to diminish in this rather large vehicle.  The windows continuously fogged with defrost failing to assist.  Still dark outside, I took off for my destination.  Prayers released the entire trip for safety and help with clear vision of those wonderfully painted yellow lines.  I hugged them, but not too tightly and drove slow around each curve in the road.

Inability to see more than five feet in the distance filled me with fear.  Anxiety arose in knowing curves existed, but unable to realize the timing until right upon them.  I drove with headlights cutting through the fog slightly praying others did the same.  Coming to the crossroad, I trusted other drivers to use headlights to make their presence known.  I turned praying no vehicle was coming.  A ten minute drive felt like an hour.  My desire to be at work NOW was overpowered by the need to be safe and drive slower.  Careless driving would lead to destruction and pain.  Relying on my strength would lead to accidents and suffering.  My decisions not only affect me, but all others on the roadway.  Cars trailing behind must drive careful as I lead the pack to better lighting and straighter roads.  As I pull into the driveway at work a prayer in appreciation for safety raises. 

Overall decisions come easily and life moseys right along just fine.  But, seasons may appear along the way presenting a thick fog hindering our eyesight.  Factors arise and increase the danger of such conditions.  Some include stress level increased, lack of sleep, malnourishment, failure to spend time with God, self-condemnation, death of loved one, divorce, depression, etc.  Darkness surrounding the situation only decreases ability to see any way out of such fog.  We take off on daily destinations hoping for safety and courage just to get by.  Going through the motions, placing a fake smile on and hiding behind the fog opens doors for our enemy to creep in and work to destroy our spirit. 

The overwhelming circumstances lead to careless ‘driving’ resulting in destruction and immense pain.  We rely on our own strength to see us through resulting in crash and burn situations.  The enemy loves this forecast and works diligently to lead us away from the only Source of help.  Old habits creep back in which we grab hold quickly for any type of relief even for just the moment.  Not only affecting ourselves, we lead others wrongly with each failing decision. 

When the fog of life comes in, remember Who can be the light which leads to safety.  Hug tightly the One providing Truth which to guide the path.  ‘Drive’ slowly paying close attention to each curve the enemy may throw in your path.  Crossroads may appear along the way; rely on others God may send to aide in deciding which way to turn.  Decrease any factors that increase the danger of such conditions.  Reach out for help.  Our desire to be out of this season NOW must be overpowered by His plan for our lives. . .  

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  Isaiah 55:8-9   

One season may seem like a lifetime; but, rest assured God is working diligently to grow faith, increase prayer life and turn all situations out for the good of those who love Him!  Avoid hiding behind a forced smile. . .ask for help and prayer from trusted friends.  Veer away from going through the motions carelessly. . .increase focus as each decision is made.  Rely on Him for strength to lead to the path laid for your life.  You will find then, joy can still remain even through the thickest of fog.   

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

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