Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Need a Facelift?

The process begins by searching local real estate within a suitable price range.  You seek out these homes with a drive by, span the neighborhood and gauge the safety along with travel time to the potential home.  Enthusiasm arises as your mind wraps around the idea of a new home, better yard, safer neighborhood and change of view.  Plans begin to prepare current home for placement on the market.  Work piles up and the ‘to do’ list lengthens as you walk through the hallways. 

Purchases accumulate, such as paint, cleaning supplies, doors, wood and whatever other materials will provide the needed facelift.  You want the house to be presentable and enticing to interested parties.  All this work does not guarantee a buyer, but it sure brings interest to those who view it.  Cleanliness ranks high for the buyer, revealing the history behind the lifestyle of the home.  It shows maintenance for the house over the years and care for the structure.  Organized rooms help the buyer visualize placement for possessions and formulate ideas for themselves.  Limiting clutter better presents the qualities within the home.  Truthful conversations concerning the history of the home create a trusting and confident rapport between buyer and seller.

All this combined gives better chances to selling the home.  Let me throw this idea out to you though; why would you not want to keep your house maintained all the time, no matter the circumstances?  Even if no one is watching, wouldn’t you want to respect your belongings and keep things nice?  After all, the price paid for the home comes from your bank account?

Ever fall into patterns spiritually that veers from keeping maintained, thus turning your eyes from the little repairs needed?  It may not be until a big decision comes to the table that prayer life returns to mind.  It may take a tragic event before realizing change must occur.  Failing to maintain our spiritual life can lead to some dangerous roads.  Maybe not immediately, but gradually paths no longer appear straight. 

So, how could we keep focused on maintenance and continuing the straight path while leading others to know our Lord and Savior?  Begin with cleaning up your home.  Little habits creep into life allowing Satan to dirty up your spirit.  Character begins to be defined by these habits.  “Oh, I just can’t wake up in time to attend service, maybe next week.”  “Just one night out with the guys/girls for a few drinks won’t matter.”  “Forget recovery, it is just too hard and uncomfortable.”  No one will know, right?  My friend, you have no idea who is watching.  These ‘one time’ events accumulate and become habits.  Satan attacks and destroys a piece of your spirit.  Oh, but there is One Who waits to clean and rebuild. 

Next, let us organize and limit clutter within our home.  Focus leaves as clutter and disorganized thoughts enter.  “Keeping up with the Jones’” will lead to conforming to the world’s patterns.  Let us avoid this by organizing our time wisely.  Wake up a bit earlier to start your day with His Word.  This will guide you and provide needed strength for the day.  Take a break when life storms around you and reach to Him in prayer, not this world for answers.  Get rid of ‘things’ which deter you from spending time with Him.  Facebook allows great socialization, but it can overtake your hours, placing Him on the back burner.  Sports bring physical health, learned skills and teamwork experience, but it can deter you from attending church service on His day.  Debt can wash out tithing.  Forget about what everyone else is doing and focus on what God is doing in your life.  In order to see clearly, we must organize and limit the clutter which blocks our view.     

Finally, let us engage in Truth-filled conversations.  The words flowing from the mouth should be pleasing to our God and then backed up by action.  The meditations laid on the heart need match the Truth which our Savior provides.  Living in such a manner allows testimony to occur everywhere you go.  He will use you in mighty ways as a vessel to bring others to know Him.  Be truthful of past circumstances and decisions. . .those are the moments that built your ministry.  You will find others trust what you say, appreciate you for being real and then inquire on how you got to be where you are today.  In comes the chance to share about our Savior, Who died for our sins, washed it all away and consumes our every day with peace, joy and purpose. 

All these combined will bring others to know the Lord, which is our goal as Christians.  Our Home awaits, let us keep it maintained here and interest others to gain the same place for eternity.  Cool thing about this Home. . .you owe nothing - the price was paid by the shedding of His blood.  Only thing needed by you is to accept the deed, then maintain His Home until you meet the Owner face to face!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work. 

Sheree Craig              

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