Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Need a Facelift?

The process begins by searching local real estate within a suitable price range.  You seek out these homes with a drive by, span the neighborhood and gauge the safety along with travel time to the potential home.  Enthusiasm arises as your mind wraps around the idea of a new home, better yard, safer neighborhood and change of view.  Plans begin to prepare current home for placement on the market.  Work piles up and the ‘to do’ list lengthens as you walk through the hallways. 

Purchases accumulate, such as paint, cleaning supplies, doors, wood and whatever other materials will provide the needed facelift.  You want the house to be presentable and enticing to interested parties.  All this work does not guarantee a buyer, but it sure brings interest to those who view it.  Cleanliness ranks high for the buyer, revealing the history behind the lifestyle of the home.  It shows maintenance for the house over the years and care for the structure.  Organized rooms help the buyer visualize placement for possessions and formulate ideas for themselves.  Limiting clutter better presents the qualities within the home.  Truthful conversations concerning the history of the home create a trusting and confident rapport between buyer and seller.

All this combined gives better chances to selling the home.  Let me throw this idea out to you though; why would you not want to keep your house maintained all the time, no matter the circumstances?  Even if no one is watching, wouldn’t you want to respect your belongings and keep things nice?  After all, the price paid for the home comes from your bank account?

Ever fall into patterns spiritually that veers from keeping maintained, thus turning your eyes from the little repairs needed?  It may not be until a big decision comes to the table that prayer life returns to mind.  It may take a tragic event before realizing change must occur.  Failing to maintain our spiritual life can lead to some dangerous roads.  Maybe not immediately, but gradually paths no longer appear straight. 

So, how could we keep focused on maintenance and continuing the straight path while leading others to know our Lord and Savior?  Begin with cleaning up your home.  Little habits creep into life allowing Satan to dirty up your spirit.  Character begins to be defined by these habits.  “Oh, I just can’t wake up in time to attend service, maybe next week.”  “Just one night out with the guys/girls for a few drinks won’t matter.”  “Forget recovery, it is just too hard and uncomfortable.”  No one will know, right?  My friend, you have no idea who is watching.  These ‘one time’ events accumulate and become habits.  Satan attacks and destroys a piece of your spirit.  Oh, but there is One Who waits to clean and rebuild. 

Next, let us organize and limit clutter within our home.  Focus leaves as clutter and disorganized thoughts enter.  “Keeping up with the Jones’” will lead to conforming to the world’s patterns.  Let us avoid this by organizing our time wisely.  Wake up a bit earlier to start your day with His Word.  This will guide you and provide needed strength for the day.  Take a break when life storms around you and reach to Him in prayer, not this world for answers.  Get rid of ‘things’ which deter you from spending time with Him.  Facebook allows great socialization, but it can overtake your hours, placing Him on the back burner.  Sports bring physical health, learned skills and teamwork experience, but it can deter you from attending church service on His day.  Debt can wash out tithing.  Forget about what everyone else is doing and focus on what God is doing in your life.  In order to see clearly, we must organize and limit the clutter which blocks our view.     

Finally, let us engage in Truth-filled conversations.  The words flowing from the mouth should be pleasing to our God and then backed up by action.  The meditations laid on the heart need match the Truth which our Savior provides.  Living in such a manner allows testimony to occur everywhere you go.  He will use you in mighty ways as a vessel to bring others to know Him.  Be truthful of past circumstances and decisions. . .those are the moments that built your ministry.  You will find others trust what you say, appreciate you for being real and then inquire on how you got to be where you are today.  In comes the chance to share about our Savior, Who died for our sins, washed it all away and consumes our every day with peace, joy and purpose. 

All these combined will bring others to know the Lord, which is our goal as Christians.  Our Home awaits, let us keep it maintained here and interest others to gain the same place for eternity.  Cool thing about this Home. . .you owe nothing - the price was paid by the shedding of His blood.  Only thing needed by you is to accept the deed, then maintain His Home until you meet the Owner face to face!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work. 

Sheree Craig              

Friday, January 10, 2014

But a Mist. . .

Vacation requires preparation.  Typically, a family member will stay with our children at home while my husband and I sneak away for a weekend.  Before leaving, we plan outfits according to weather, try to shove all into one suitcase, create an itinerary, choose the quickest route and prepare our children for our absence.  Much effort goes into establishing a wonderful getaway only to have it pass by quickly.  Even more effort goes into creating a home filled with comfort, cleanliness and completely stocked with needed items.  My goal is for my children and whatever family member comes to wake up and simply enjoy their days.  I want no effort needed to find food, hygiene needs or clean laundry.  So, before departure, I strive to make meals, clean beds, turn off unnecessary electronics and keep the place neat and tidy.

We go through a checklist of kid’s events and make lunches for school, lay out outfits for the week and explain what is to be expected of them to keep our home nice.  We do not anticipate them to go hog-wild and get caught up in the temporary absence of “parents”.  Upon returning, the kids did as told, kept to the rules and had a blast the entire time.  We confidently tell them, “Well Done!”

In life we need not get too caught up in preparations for this getaway called the world. 
. . .”What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”  (James 4:14)
The life here cannot become comfortable.  We must not conform to the patterns here, but live daily in the Truths of our Father.  Just as a vacation must not become so comfortable that we push aside our longing to return home, the world cannot overpower our longing to return Home!  Jesus went ahead of us, creating a place for us in Heaven.  It is filled with comfort, cleanliness and completely stocked with needed items.  You will not want for anything, simply enjoy each moment.  Before Jesus departed this world, He paved a way through example and told of the Promise yet to come.  In faith, we know this is not our home, only a getaway which will pass quickly. 

In order to know what we shall accomplish here and how to prepare ourselves for our return to Home, we must read the Bible daily.  God will speak to us of our checklist to complete His plan for our lives.  He lays it all out for us, goes ahead and paves the way.  He sets the ultimate example of how to live here and strengthens our longing to see Him.  We cannot go hog-wild in this world, getting caught up in the temporary absence from our Father in physical form.  Cool part is, just as our children keep us in their hearts while we are gone. . .the presence of our God remains in our hearts through the dwelling of Holy Spirit inside.  He loves us so much that He did not just abandon us to live here; but, created each of us with a purpose in mind, sending His Holy Spirit to guide us through that plan.

Upon returning to our Father, I long to hear Him confidently say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  Welcome Home!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig             

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Facing the Furnace

With such frigid temperatures this season many turn to electric heaters for warmth.  These little inventions pack some heat and bring comfort quickly to the room.  Heat from another source keeps the furnace from running continuously and the electric bill payable.  It makes sense to use such a device.  Benefits do not come without risks.  I will never forget the evening I got the call. . .

My night itinerary consisted of hourly tasks needing completion ASAP.  Well, I arrived home from work and the phone rang.  The call altered my itinerary completely.  My dad’s trailer caught fire and crews rushed to try and save it.  Dad’s phone remained on vibrate while watching a play; but, finally after receiving a third call from an unknown number, he answered.  I don’t remember who got there first; all I remember is seeing the flames burning violently.  Never have I witnessed such a thing.  Being a trailer, it burned quickly, moving throughout with full force.  The culprit: an electric heater fell over.  His intentions were simply to be warm when returning from the play. 

Now, I can sit here and tell you all the items lost or damaged by the flames, but I want to take a deeper look into the situation.  In a book I own, “What if. . .” a question asks, What if your house caught fire and you could take three items with you, what would those items be?  We begin to think about our most prized possessions, right?  Scrapbooks, jewelry, memorabilia, family heirlooms, etc.  In really thinking through the question, I guarantee each answer would change quickly when taking into consideration family living in the home.  Luckily, my dad only used this trailer when visiting; but, a family member was present during the fire.  His dog, chained to the trailer, no doubt felt the heat of the flames.  Firefighters worked quickly and saved Sasha, taking her to the local shelter for safety.  Dad could care less about the items lost/damaged that night.  Knowing Sasha survived unharmed is all that matter in his mind.  Everything else could be replaced. 

Relating this to a story I recently read in the Bible. . .Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego not only watched flames burning violently, but they were placed inside the flames due to their faith in our God.  Standing firm on His Word, Promises and Love, these men trusted in God and as a result experienced a blazing furnace.  I cannot imagine the emotions consuming these men as they approached the furnace, ropes trapping their hands and feet, knowing what’s to come.  The fire burned to such degree that the men leading Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego died due to the heat.  Imagine standing in the distance witnessing such a thing. . .

The story does not end. . .King Nebuchadnezzar checked on the furnace expecting to see none of the men.  To his amazement, FOUR men roamed the fiery furnace unbound and unharmed.  The strength of their faith, the trusting in their hearts and the loyalty shown to God kept them safe.  God sent an angel to protect each man from the fire, moving them to safety.  The king praised God Who sent an angel to save these men and commended their faith!

Ever walk in a fiery furnace in your life?  Ever feel as though you witness pieces in your life burning violently without an extinguisher?  Don’t fear the furnace.  Fires will occur; a call concerning your health, meeting with a boss only to hear cutbacks need be made, sickness strikes your child, bills pile up without income to pay, etc.  But guess what my friend, we have a Firefighter Who will quickly rescue and save us from any fire this world dishes out.  His only concern is bringing you to safety leaving behind anything that bound.  See, often times while in the fire, Satan works against our Savior to keep us bound, hoping to singe our faith and destroy our spirit.  Letting go of “worldly items” and “worldly advice” while in the fire will bring you out unharmed and unbound.  Fires can be a good thing. . .we leave behind the grip we hold on this world and look to our Savior, relying only on Him to see us through.  His story does not end here. . .much waits for us when leaving the fiery furnace – the world! 

No matter what you face, trust in Him, let go of the world and hold tightly to your Savior!  Your survival is all that matters to Him.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig      

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Keeping Stable

Another encouraging word I found helpful in solidifying the commitment list created. . .

“Commitment means staying LOYAL to what you said YOU were going to do long after the MOOD you said it in has LEFT you!”


In comes the exact reason resolutions fail year after year.  Beginning anew on January 1st creates a sense of fresh start throughout our bodies.  We enter a mood of starting over, pushing all the vices behind and moving forward in a better condition than ever before.  Well, as the days pass and life continues with trials and tribulations appearing here and there, our mood quickly fades in the background.  Loyalty breaks and the shred bin receive our resolution list.  Strength fails, leaving us to slowly slip back into old ways.  We find ourselves picking up each and every vice we vowed to leave behind. 

The cycle continues.  Such a cycle overtook my life.  Once committed to recovery, physical health restored pretty quickly.  The emotional health comes with more difficulty.  Being a woman, moods come and go rapidly; depending on situations, conversations, people and itineraries.  I could have a tough day emotionally, feeling beat up each hour and consumed with eating disorder thoughts.  Exhaustion strikes and times come when I give into those thoughts, finding comfort for just that moment.  When I wake in the morning, regret hits. . . moving to guilt . . .then to hatred for my eating disorder.  The mood for a fresh start, completely saying GOODBYE to my eating disorder arises.  This is the day!  I will not succumb to patterns of this world; I am on the road to recovery and will not veer to the right or left AT ALL!

I boldly step out into the day.  At work, a conversation arises concerning weight loss tactics.  At school, a failing grade appears on an exam.  At home, the kids bring awareness to shortcomings as a mom.  My husband remains too busy that evening to talk.  A friend disapproves of choices made that day.  Mistakes pile up at work displaying imperfection.  The list continues and new situations arise to steal my mood of commitment.  I fall into the second part of the cycle with the temptation arising to find control, accomplishment, perfection, friendship, approval, comfort and love through my eating disorder.  When the mood to stay loyal diminishes, it becomes easier to submit to temptations.  Oh, my friend, this is the moment in the cycle where the devil rejoices. . .he won that moment and chalks up a point for himself.  The losing side, ME, receives shame, guilt and only temporary joy.

So, how can we quit the cycle and remain in everlasting JOY no matter the situation, conversations, people or itinerary?  “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”  (Lamentations 3:22-23)  Our God loves us so much!  His grace will cover the years filled with such a cycle as described above.  He will deduct every point the devil accumulated and call you by name to His team.  Remaining on His team will provide the tools and strength required to remain in the mood of loyalty.  Each moment the mood begins to slip in the slightest way; God will come in as you reach for Him, ask of Him and believe in His power to keep you stable.  Take a stand on His Truth and push aside the moody cycles.  Take His Hand and remain loyal to Him. 

God, I ask for your help and guidance in each of my days.  Give me strength to remain loyal to commitments and keep my eyes on You!  Help me to hate my eating disorder so much that any temptation the devil throws in my path will not look enticing in any way.  Remind me that remaining loyal brings everlasting JOY even in a world full of trials and tribulation.  In You I find peace, comfort, approval, accomplishment, friendship and love.  Only You are perfect and I give all control to You!  Thank You for graces which took/takes/will take care of all my shortcomings and boldly tell the devil to move over!  I love You.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig   

Friday, January 3, 2014

Hand Over the Pen

Last summer I decided to create a list of commitments to push aside a few lingering eating disorders thoughts working diligently to creep into my thoughts.  Prayer guided each commitment; I lifted each one to God once established.  My flesh is too weak to stick to these alone.  I also shared them with my husband to obtain an accountability partner.  He willingly took this position and loves me through those “tougher” days.  He neither hovers nor harasses.  He remains by my side to provide strength and space.  Daily prayers remind me to look to the One Source able to accomplish listed commitments. 

In searching for encouraging words to post on the list, I found two in particular I would like to share. . .

“You can’t start the next chapter if you keep re-reading the last one!” 
Over the years, we all take pictures; some create an elaborate scrapbook while others organize them on computer or in a file at home.  Looking back on all the pictures produces smiles, laughter and joy.  Recalling funny statements, crazy wardrobes or obstacles encountered can bring entertainment to the family.  Unfortunately, pictures also exist which stir up negative emotions, sadness and regret.  But, all write the story of our lives. 

I look back at pictures portraying a story of one sad little girl who turned to the world for comfort, love and help.  Looking closely, you see all the pain and sadness in her eyes.  The smile cannot hide such emotions derived from all kinds of twists and turns.  Each chapter led to another filled with turmoil and tainted character.  The story continues, chapter after chapter, ending with this girl completely weak and unable to proceed.  She fell to her knees, lifted hands and surrendered the life written in previous pages. . .in comes the sequel!

Typically, sequels fall short in my mind.  I feel the author created a great book and should leave it at that.  Well, the Author of this little girl’s story actually created a sequel worth reading; one that supersedes the first in all aspects.  See, the Author of the sequel actually was given the position of co-author in the first one.  In lay the problem.  The little girl believed she could write well and knew how the story should play out.  She was wrong!  By the grace given from her Author, a second chance occurred.  The sequel begins by repairing the consequences from the first book.  Each chapter restores strength, courage, joy and health.  When the correct Author writes the story, the ending always turns out perfect. 

So, in making my commitments, I must place the first book in a position on the shelf, labeling it History!  I need to hand over the pen, quit re-reading MY writing and daily read the writings of His story for my life.  Opening the first book leaves me feeling unworthy and hopeless.  Reading His daily writing leaves me feeling worthy of service and overflowing with hope for future chapters.  Time to close the chapters of MY past, seeing it only as a tool to help any others I may encounter.  My Author will open those chapters only when useful to another one of His children.  And when re-read, He will hold my hand, support and encourage. 

Is re-reading your past hindering your future?  Who is writing your story?  Commitments are possible when given the correct tools and situations.  God provides the tools and letting go of the past allows for the situations to be right, to begin anew.  Put down the pen, lay aside the chapters of before and begin a sequel filled with newness, strength and joy!  One by one, the chapters will accumulate and then looking back you will smile, laugh and praise Him who provided such joyful living.  He holds the plans and purpose for each of our lives. 

The next post I will share my other encouraging word that I found. . .

Until then,
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig