Thursday, May 16, 2013

Set Up a Session Today

Throughout my current college career, pages upon pages of knowledge pack into my brain.  Carpel tunnel stands at bay due to writing countless note cards.  Back pain appears due to the weight of thousand page books carried to class daily.  Exhaustion seeps in due to late nights/early mornings filled with homework and studying.  In looking back at the last two semesters, I question how I survived. . .

It is those moments when a patient thanks you for the care provided for the day and when I catch myself understanding a concept or pouring forth information learned which makes the above issues worth it.  Among all the concepts, words and skills learned, one word sticks out. . .DEBRIEF.  It never showed up on a test, never made it into any assignment, no patient ever asked about it and probably not found in the textbooks.  But, the word holds powerful meaning to me. 

With all the confidentiality forms signed, one cannot take any information or experiences and share with others outside the medical unit.  What nurse’s see, hear, perform and encounter daily remains unpredictable.  One never knows what will come as they enter the room of a patient or client.  Many times nothing traumatic occurs and the procedures, examinations, assessments and care run quite smoothly.  Then, you have those days when events stir up much emotion inside.  How can one process all this alone?  How can one cope with traumatic situations without running to a confidant?  The emotions need to be dealt with constructively.  In comes my favorite word. . .DEBRIEF.  Nurses are able to step away from the situation, grab a fellow nurse or manager and pour out all those emotions.  Together, they work through all that just happened in a safe place which still provides confidentiality.  In knowing a source exists to bring relief from all the emotions accumulated throughout a shift brings peace. 

Did you know that a Source exists to help you through all the emotions accumulated throughout each day of life?  This Source offers empathy, listening ears, comforting arms, Truth on which to stand and love to heal.  He never sleeps.  He never grows weary.  He remains always, ready to hear from you.  You do not have to face trials alone.

Who do you turn when you need to DEBRIEF?  A confidant, family member, stranger, counselor. . .  God does provide help, guidance and comfort through these relationships, but He needs to be first and foremost Source for help.  The events we encounter daily remain unpredictable.  As we leave the front door, we have no clue what will come with each step.  Days may fill with traumatic events which stir up much emotion inside.  Days may fill with joys beyond belief.  Days may be mundane without much to talk about.  But, each day we need a debrief session.  Processing through the range of emotions helps in numerous ways.

God cares so much about our days.  Give Him the honor of sharing your most intimate emotions concerning the day you just experienced.  He provides a safe place and provides the highest level of confidentiality.  He loves to hear from you. . .will you share your day with Him?

Tonight, before going to bed, step away from the situations of your day and set up a debrief session with God.  He will open your eyes to healing, celebrate your joys right along with you, dry any tears that may fall and help you see what to do next time should the event occur again.  He is our ultimate Healer, Counselor and Guide for our lives.  Trust Him.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig    

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