Friday, May 24, 2013

All From One Source

Back in the day, we learned about the human five senses.  Well, surprise. . .seven senses actually exist within the human.  Taste – our tongue, mouth and taste buds allow this sense to function properly.  Smell – our nose takes in various scents throughout the day.  Sight – our eyes work diligently to focus and take in daily scenery.  Touch – the whole body works toward this sense.  Hearing – mechanisms of the ear allow for sound to correctly enter and be heard (some choose to use this one selectively – mostly children and men J).  Then the two not heard of often. . .equilibrium – balance required to sense correct movements; and intuition (proprioception) – the body realizes and feels where each part is located and attached.

Amazingly all work together to accomplish multiple goals – protection, pleasure, knowledge, comfort, stability, etc.  God allowed all of these to keep our bodies in function.  At their best, these senses are truly magnificent.  The brain remains content as each sense fulfills its role daily.  Through processing information entering the body, the brain knows just how to react.  Tangible items appear here on Earth for each of us to fulfill “cravings”, “thrills” or “calmness” to our day.  We reach for worldly input to accomplish these needs and desires of the flesh. 

My stomach growls – I think about what my tongue yearns to taste.  I reach for whatever I crave.
In shopping for an air freshener – I choose a scent which brings tranquility.
Had a tough day, need to regroup – I go for a drive and check out scenes that my eyes desire.
In need of excitement – I crank up the sounds of upbeat music.
A season of storms buries me – I reach for a hug from that special someone.

The other two senses come through internal input.  Unfortunately, seeking to fulfill our senses daily can bring much trouble and set up a huge playground for Satan.  He loves when the tongue continuously craves (or despises) food.  His lies flourish in an unhealthy environment.  Searching for tranquil smells may lead to addictions which destroy the physical body.  Tolerance develops and more is required to reach a calm state.  Various scenes in life provide weapons for the enemy to use and tear apart lives, marriages, careers and health.  The enemy will make the worst of scenes appealing to the eye and our sense will crave those when a tough day comes our way.  Words/language heard depict how we treat others.  Satan loves to build our vocabulary with hurtful, foul language to then flow out of our mouths.  Touch may come from dangerous sources to achieve comfort.  Some can even be physically harmful just to achieve relief from emotional upset.

What does the above have in common?  Temporary fulfillment.  The enemy works in temporary.  But our God works in Eternity.  One Source can complete any thrill, calm and craving your body would ever desire.  He will overflow your senses with love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and forbearance.  Read Galatians 5:13-26.  Avoid the enemy’s temptations to feed the flesh.  Live by the Spirit and be fulfilled beyond your imagination.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig    

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