Sunday, December 23, 2012

Worthy of Forgiveness

Should have. . .Could have. . .Would have.  Have you ever had one of THOSE moments?  Recalling each decision, word and action only brings regret to your thoughts.  If only time could turn back and a second chance existed. 

I have and continue experiencing too many of THOSE moments.  Guilt, shame and regret consume my thoughts.  I set up a perfect playground for Satan to come and have a field day!  Lies speak loudly to convince me that I am a sinner not worth forgiveness, weak and deserving of punishment.  

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24)

Well, I am a sinner, weak and deserving of punishment.  BUT, I know Jesus is my Lord and Savior.  Standing firm on His Truth, I combat the lies, learn for THOSE moments and strain for what lies ahead.  My eyes remain focused on the prize. 

God forgives those who come to Him and believe in Him.  He knows our weakness and uses it in mighty ways to bring others to Him.  And, though we deserve punishment, He gave His only Son to take it all for us. 

Praise God for this free GIFT given and available to all.  With the power of the Holy Spirit working within us, we can be strengthened through THOSE moments and mature in spirit.  When facing the same situation again; decisions, words and actions will change in accordance to His Truth which set us free in the past.  Turn to our Father for guidance, discipline and healing.  He will bring us out stronger.  Avoid the lies of Satan which only create a pit for us to reside. 

As THOSE moments come, and they will come, seek God and know you are worth forgiveness.  As I tell my kids. . .take those lies from Satan and throw them out the window!

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Friday, December 21, 2012


Wrapping presents, parties filled with food, travel, decorating every nook and cranny of our homes, shopping amongst the crowds to find that one special gift, eating plates filled with food, baking, cruising the town to view the lights, unwrapping presents, sending out greeting cards, food and goodies everywhere you turn, singing carols with friends, and did I mention food all around you! . . .

These are just a few “things” of this world which consume our thoughts from Thanksgiving through the first of the year.  Then after all is said and done, we create a list of desired goals.  Some include weight loss (after succumbing to all the surrounding of food for the past couple months), cleaning up our language (after colorful language spewed off our lips while shopping and driving in holiday traffic), seeking forgiveness (after facing that family member at the get together), spending more time with family (after avoiding all events over the past two months due to work or some other bondage), or seeking to help the community more (after draining our account to buy gifts for self, spouse and other family who have more than needed, just to keep the tradition of gift exchange alive). 

What are we doing to ourselves America?  Are we allowing traditions, society, bondages, and this world to steal our reason for the season?  Why put off being a Christian for a couple months and then all the sudden, when the ball drops, decide to change our ways?

I can recall one year that my birthday went to the wayside in my family’s mind.  I am not sure what season of life each may have been facing; but, this I do know, my birthday remained far from their minds.  I experienced hurt, sadness and feelings of insignificance.  How would you feel if your birthday mattered nothing to others?  The day came and went without one “Happy Birthday” song, no cake to blow out the candle or gifts to unwrap?  I envision Jesus experiencing hurt, sadness and feelings of insignificance as He watches us run around trying to fulfill the ways of tradition during this season.  He wonders what happened for us to lose sight of what December 25 represents.  God desires our hearts to celebrate the greatest GIFT He gave us. . .a baby born in a manger – our Savior. 

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 1:2)

Somehow traditions and the ways of the world have come to supersede the meaning of Christmas.  I drive past businesses with the words, Happy Xmas posted on their sign.  I see the parking lots of stores filled to capacity.  I attend parties filled with food, presents and fun; but, lacking any conversation about Jesus. 

Let us be the ones that stand up for our Savior and celebrate this glorious day approaching.  Ask God to break all the bondages over your life so Satan can no longer play in your thoughts, stealing your attention from Jesus’ birthday.  Put aside the gifts, the food, the parties and reach out to those in need, clean out your closet to give to others who may be underdressed for the season due to lack of funds and be His hands and feet in honor of our Lord and Savior.  What would Jesus do during this season?

God, I ask that you watch over all during this season.  Consume our thoughts and keep our eyes on You.  Release the bondage I experience with food in this holiday season and keep my focus on Your Son.  Thank You for His birth and the opportunity to celebrate such a time.  Be in every event I attend and enjoy the true reason for the season.  I love you.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fill’er Up!

The brilliancy of my van warns me as the red little needle nears the letter E.  I recognize the warning but really don’t have time or energy to fill up my tank on the way home tonight.  So, as I park in my driveway I assure the front end is on flat ground.  Therefore, tomorrow morning as I turn my key there will be just enough gasoline to ignite the engine and make it to the gas station down the road.  Had I parked on our mountaintop driveway as I normally do; the tank would tilt in such a way to inhibit gasoline from reaching the proper place to start my van. 

Morning comes and I head straight to the gas station.  I have no choice but to make this my very first stop.  I arrive at the pump and prepare my van to receive fuel. . .diesel, unleaded,  premium, super. . .which shall I choose?  Well, of course I will reach for the cheapest.  In today’s economy and world, who could afford anything else?  My tank tops off at $48.00.  Really?  Now I see why I delay the inevitable.  Without a full tank I would not be able to drive forward or make it to desired destinations.  My tank must be full to accomplish daily tasks and functions.

How many of us, myself included, allow our spiritual tanks to run empty?  The options to fill up exist, but we don’t have time for that today.  We could get up earlier and dive into His Word first thing, but exhaustion overrides the idea.  We could join a Bible study, but the drive to and from would just take up too much of our time.  Plus, sitting with a group of individuals we don’t know is scary.  So, we walk around with our needle nearing E and warning signs going off; yet, continue to push as far as we can.  We attend church on Sunday; isn’t that enough?

Well, I have learned, without daily filling of Truth, we become stagnant.  Our desired destinations, planned by our Father, never quite get reached.  We feel ourselves dragging along, going through the motions and losing passion in our lives.  God waits with open arms to fill us up, overflowing with blessings and His Truth to guide our every days.  Luckily, only one choice exists when seeking to fill up. . .His Word.  He created one Book to turn to for spiritual growth and strength.  Pick one up today and fill yourselves with spiritual fuel.  No more excuses.  Let’s strengthen our Christian walk so we may lead others to Him.  Just as you see vehicles roadside, stranded in need of gasoline to continue on their path; so you will see hurting, lost people stranded in need of His Truth to set them free along your path.  He will open your eyes and provide you with the tools needed to help His Children. 
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
My friends, we cannot afford to choose anything else.  Turn to Our Father and seek His Kingdom so Eternity may be spent alongside Him.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work. Sheree Craig

Monday, December 17, 2012

Heed the Warning

We sat comfortably on a bed watching television and talking about the exciting night which lay ahead.  Suddenly, we heard a loud alarm sounding in the hallway of the hotel.  As each of us turned to look at the other, we quickly made it to the door and progressed toward the stairway.  One child became scared, advancing to an episode of panic.  Seeing this reaction, the other child ran to my arms with shaking voice and determination to go home and escape this situation.  My husband and I eased the children to the outside of the building while explaining the false fire alarm.  All my children could think of was the sound ringing in their ears and trying to find a way out. 

Surprisingly, many residents did not heed the warning and move out of the building.  We spent a few minutes outside before returning to affirm the false alarm.  My youngest took about an hour to calm down and realize we were safe.  I tried to assure her that I would not let anything bad happen to her.  I would protect her through the situations that come our way.

What if the alarm were not false?  Why did the other residents choose to ignore the warning?  Fire spreads rapidly, engulfing anything and everything in its path.  Fire does not choose favorites.  Fire does not care, it simply destroys. . .

How many people live with fire blazing around them, alarms ringing loudly and our Protector holding His hand out to save them; yet, continue on living each day battling the fire on their own?  How many people continue running from the fires in life, escaping through drugs, violence, crime, retaliation and other sins to mask the pain and trial temporarily?  How do we miss the sweet sounding voice of our Father comforting us through the situations we face?

“We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” (Hebrews 2:1)

I missed the alarm ringing for too long.  Satan grabs a hold of those who ignore and further deafens their ears from the alarm.  This fallen world presents consuming fires every which way we turn. . .how can we survive?  By the grace of God!  He sent His only son to dwell among us and save us by the cross.  Our minds cannot even imagine the fires Jesus faced while here on earth.  He was abused, beaten, spit on, falsely accused, and so much more.  All for what?  So we may have life and be freed from our sins.  So we may heed the warning alarms and not veer from the path laid for our lives. 

 “So, as the Holy Spirit says:“Today, if you hear his voice,do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the wilderness,” (Hebrews 3:7-8)

Embrace this GIFT given freely to us and don’t face the fires alone.  Heed warnings and turn to God for rescue, not this world.  He will not let you fall and will protect you through the situations faced here on earth.  Accept Jesus as your Savior, be baptized in the Holy Spirit and renew your life today.  The fires of this world will not go away and sin will still be present. . .but you will have the Key to avoid destruction.  Choose God, not sin to escape.

Sin does not choose favorites.  Sin does not care, it simply destroys.  Choose this day to heed the warnings and avoid sin; choosing to follow the One who saved your life.

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Please Only Him

Failure, defeat, lack of success. . .words we never want heard in the same sentence as our name.  Growing up, I fought for approval from two very important people in my life – my parents.  Approval equated love.  Whatever sport, grade, chore or decision pleased my parents, I did it.  The pressures increased each day to hear an “atta girl” from them.  If not received, failure entered my world.  Guilt, shame and inadequacy followed those thoughts of failure.  A bondage?  Maybe so.  Does a way out exist?  Definitly yes!

A need for approval followed me throughout the years and overflowed to the relationships I encountered.  I desired to be loved and feared rejection.  Ever criticism, disapproving remark or lack of success weighed heavily on my heart.  Each event turned inward.  It progressed to the point where I just gave up.  The bondage squeezed so tightly I could not breathe.  I avoided any situation or relationship that posed a risk of failure or rejection.  I hid behind all the lies, my eating disorder and anything to numb out from the pain of rejection and disapproval.  A bondage?  For sure.  Does a way out exist?  Absolutely!

It took until my mid 20’s to face all this mess created by none other than Satan.  Years I wasted suffocating in lies, depriving God of my service.  I began to peel back the layers of lies and events which consumed my mind and covered my heart.  Trust came back into my life.  I discovered the Way out!  My worth found itself through God, not man.  I realized God created my innermost being and breathed life into me for a reason.  He thought so highly of each of us to provide us with a body and create a plan, pave a path and use us as vessels each and every day. 

Satan never stops his evil ways.  We must keep our eyes on God and activate the Holy Spirit each day and use His guidance for our decisions.  As I began my journey in college, Satan slithered his way into my thoughts and worked very hard to consume it with lies.  I fell into traps of desiring approval from others, feeling the pressure of success and placing my worth in one little letter received or hearing an “atta girl” from my instructor.  Without the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart, I would have fallen deep into the pit again.  Praise God for His willingness to hold tight to my hand and not let go.  His love transcended all the lies. 

A situation appeared late in the semester where the line between right and wrong blurred.  Cheating became a topic to gain the approving grade to equate success.  Well, God sent an angel to clarify that line for me.  Oh, how blessed we are to be surrounded with other Christians to guide us when we cannot see clearly.  The event involved creating a study guide for the final in not the most honest way.  As I stood firm on my decision not to partake, I recalled the bondage I once experienced.  I would probably have not made the right decision years ago.  I would have done what I needed to have the tools to study and gain that grade that would please all around me.  As I mature in my Christianity, I realize how important it is to activate the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  We must have open ears and eyes to follow His Truths in every decision.  Place your worth in Him and He will never leave nor forsake you. 

So, I studied as much as possible, took God with me in the testing room as I had with all the other tests and answered each question to my best ability.  Guess what?  God helped with each question, provided endurance to continue through the 100 question final and I passed by the grace He provided.  I feel so blessed and know that all the work this semester was done honestly.  God will continue to guide, guard and protect each of us as we make each decisions based on the Truth He provides.  I am so thankful for His Word.  Without these Truths, we would be lost and continue making wrong decisions.  Activate the Holy Spirit in your lives today and praise Him for all the blessings which flow into your day.

Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord.  For we live by faith, not by sight.  We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.  So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.  For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.  (2 Corinthians 5:6-10)

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig