Tuesday, September 8, 2015

And Go. . .Day 1

The hubby and I began a nutrition challenge together.  It consists of a 24 day regimen, full of various supplements and guidelines.  The supplements provide the body with proper nutrition missing in the day to day hustle.  The guidelines offer opportunity to begin implementation of good, healthy habits in hopes to maintain for a lifetime.   

And we are off. . .Day 1!  The detox phase provides flushing all the toxins out which accumulate as we live day to day in toxic environments.  The skin absorbs numerous toxins as each product used touches it.  The lungs build toxins with each breath.  Foods eaten can build toxins in the system when organs exhaust or fail to function to the best ability in digestion.  As we began, worry arose that the bathroom would become our best friend for ten days.  Not the case.  The process occurs at a pace which the body can handle as to avoid shock, destruction or desire to quit the program.  No harsh factors involved. . .even better, the supplements provide just the right concoctions to aide, support and comfort the body during the detox program.

Count down occurred to day 10, which ended the detox phase and began the refueling phase.  Throughout the program, individuals eat whole foods, avoiding the processed junk in this world (which should stay out of our homes anyway) and drink plenty of water (which need occur on a daily basis to maintain proper hydration every day anyway).  The combination of supplements provided during the refuel day absorb with greater effect due to a clean environment entered.  The organs love and thirst for the nutrients now entering the system.  The lack of such nutrients prior to the new regimen left the body lethargic, malnourished, addicted to processed foods full of sugar and struggling to survive.  See, our bodies, when malnourished, search for temporary fixes just to make it through that particular moment.  Ever find yourself reaching for a soda due to droopy eyes and yawning mouths?  Then, two hours later you receive a crash leaving the body lethargic.  The day still must go on, so you reach for candy or some other sugar source to yet again receive a two hour fix for survival.

The cycle continues daily, all the while depleting our bodies of nutrition required.  We may not realize all this is taking place until finding ourselves in an addictive cycle.  We cannot imagine life without soda, sugar or processed foods.  The path leading to our favorite fast food restaurant occurs daily.  The moment comes when this cycle catches up to us and takes over, leaving physical affects to the body, limiting what we can do on a daily basis.  Our bodies scream for help.  In comes this challenge, no longer conforming to the patterns of this world (stress, malnutrition, lethargy, pain, etc.) and transforming into the healthy you desired for life.

An even more important transformation need take place in our lives.  See, our flesh, when discontent, searches for temporary fixes just to make through a particular moment.  Ever find yourself reaching for that comfort food due to a tough day?  What about those heavy storms crashing into each day?  Do you find yourselves grabbing hold an addiction to hide from the pain?  Or maybe someone treated you wrongly and the phone becomes your savior?

Well, my dear friends, let’s stop this cycle NOW!  No longer conforming to the patterns of comfort this world has to offer; yet, turning to the One Who is comfort.  Let us lay all addiction at the Cross which took all pain for us and offered peace instead.  Let us call upon the Throne, not the phone, in order to extend forgiveness to others just as we are forgiven.  Our spirits are screaming for help.  The only help that is everlasting comes through the Holy Spirit.      

I am throwing out a 24 day challenge. . .one that will begin implementation of good, healthy habits in hopes to maintain for a lifetime.  In this challenge not even ONE pill will be swallowed.  Detox will include flushing all the toxic factors in life which provide the enemy with footholds to bring us down.  This may be tough, uncomfortable and a little rocky at times; but, trust me; the peace which comes by laying it all at the Cross far outweighs the temporary discomfort.  So, for 10 days straight, pray diligently for God to reveal what toxins in life hinder a relationship with Him.

Then, after discovering all the toxins, laying them at the Cross and growing closer through prayer, fill up with Scripture.  Scripture is the only supplement needed to maintain and reach spiritual health.  It will replace every lie the enemy placed in your mind which made the environment so vulnerable to the toxins in the first place.  Daily, take up your cross, delve into Scripture and follow God!  Use this challenge as a lifestyle change and maintain this relationship with God on a daily basis. 

As always. . .
Keep praying harder than the devil can work. 

And we are off. . .Day 1!  

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