Friday, September 18, 2015

Finding Balance

The kids and I passed a home that just received a brand new, shiny piece of playground equipment.  The new paint shone brightly as the sun hit it just right.  I pulled their attention from electronics to gaze at the equipment.  I shared memories of playing on such equipment and the joy it can bring.

When calling it by name – Teeter-Totter – my daughter sat puzzled.  I had to explain it further and describe its mechanism.  She then remembered playing on a knock-off one which never touches the ground due to the spring in the center.  Children simply bounce up and down on the equipment.  Not this one; this was the old classic wooden one.

For such equipment to work properly, children (or adults - don’t judge) teeter back and forth by pushing off the ground with their feet each time their side falls downward.  The most enjoyment occurs when weight of people involved are similar; therefore, both enjoy a flight up in the air as well as coming down after the force of opposing side kicks off the ground.  Should one side be weighted more than the other, the teeter-totter motion can be difficult to achieve.  Even greater enjoyment came when balance takes place and both suspend in the air remaining in equilibrium.  This took much concentration, near equal weight on each end, perseverance, dedication and teamwork.

Life can resemble the mechanism of the good ole teeter-totter.  One side sits the world and all its troubles (pretty heavy in weight).  On the opposing side sits you and all troubles weighing down the spirit.  When gathering all the world issues, disappointments received and living OF this world, more weight drags our side down.  The world becomes higher, something we look up to and strive to become part of its way.  Never able to overcome the disappointments, daily struggles, brokenness or wounds, we strive for some kind of balance.

The balance sought requires some ‘thing’ to be placed in the middle of the teeter-totter in order to help reach equilibrium and rise from the pit creating underneath.  We reach for the world, flesh desires and unhealthy habits.  These work great – TEMPORARILY.  Each time we fall back down from temporary relief, the ground underneath digs a bit deeper, creating a pit.  Implementing such temporary fixes daily in order to survive, leads to even greater disappointment, brokenness and pain.  The up and down motion gains in speed due to the fix lasting less and less time with each use.

The moment comes when the pit below us is too deep to come up.  We remain down.  Crying out for help – the One Who brings balance hears.  The One Who must remain between us and the world hears.  He only asks for faith, belief and acceptance.  All we must do is ask.

See taking Jesus as our Lord and Savior is not a one-time event and done.  We must diligently seek Him.  In this world there will be trouble, trials and tribulations; but, take heart, our Lord and Savior overcame the world and in His last breath said it is finished. He took care of the heavy load this world places on us.  He covered ALL of our sins and released regret, pain, sorrow and destruction.  He became the center placed between us and this world.

With God in the center, life can be balanced.  His Scripture fills the pit we created by living of this world.  His Scripture written for us to soak in daily will lift all who believe out of darkness.  Equilibrium seems difficult when the world spins in chaos and turmoil; but, my dear friends, with perseverance, concentration on His Truth, dedication to serve only Him and gathering together in teamwork efforts, His Power will prevail.

Replace the temporary fixes in this world with His Truth – one by one, laid at the cross.  He will replace each one with Truth.  He will bring balance in life and lead you IN this world; yet, taking you out OF this world.  There is mighty work to be done by you, but remaining in the pit dug by the teeter-totter motion hinders such work.  

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Bound and Determined

“Red Rover, Red Rover, send ____________ on over.”  Remember this fun, outdoor, no electric source required, communicative, active game!  It was a playground must during the elementary and middle school days.  We would hike over the hill at my elementary school and take over the field to play. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, the game could become a bit nasty.  Running full force into a barrier created via locked arms could damage muscles for sure.  We did not care.  Our focus remained on prevention of the enemy to break through and therefore defeating the opponent while capturing each teammate one at a time. 

Careful selection occurred as the captains stood calling out chosen teammates.  The strong, sturdy children provided increased possibility to gain the win as they could break through any barrier.  The interesting spin of the game came when two weaker children bound arms together tightly and with perseverance sent a sturdy child to the ground.  The barrier stood strong when two children bound and determined to defeat the enemy came together, holding on for dear life. 

19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”  (Matthew 18:19-20)

My dear friends, I have come to realize over the years that God did not intend for us to live in this world alone.  He left a priceless Written Legacy as a reminder we are NOT alone.  Daily, we must engage in the Words written.  Daily, we stand at the frontline in battle with our enemy.  The battle can become pretty nasty from time to time.  The enemy runs full force with every fiery dart in his possession, every foothold he knows and every tactic up his sleeve to bring us down.  The enemy works diligently every hour to break our protective barrier.

Protective barrier?  Do you have one?

Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; 22 for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.  23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.  (Proverbs 4:21-23)

 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  (Philippians 4:7)

Daily, build a barrier which the enemy cannot break through – His Word placed in your thoughts will create an environment where the enemy cannot remain.  His lies stand no chance when firing God’s Truth full force.  While building such a barrier, let the walls surrounding your heart crumble and allow others inside.  Carefully select teammates, who will build up, not tear down.  Choose those along the path revealing strength, commitment to Him and abounding love.  Share together, humble yourselves and allow weakness to become your strongest protection and means of connection to those seeking a teammate. 

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.  (2 Corinthians 12:9)

10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.  (1 Thessalonians 5:10-11)

“Red Rover, Red Rover, send the enemy on over”. . .For I am ready to deflect any fiery darts, avoid the footholds, break down the tactics and put the enemy in his place – BEHIND ME!

23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”  (Matthew 16:23)

Be armed and ready daily by studying Truth, building a sturdy team and accepting God’s Grace.  Put the enemy in his place.  And as always. . .

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

And Go. . .Day 1

The hubby and I began a nutrition challenge together.  It consists of a 24 day regimen, full of various supplements and guidelines.  The supplements provide the body with proper nutrition missing in the day to day hustle.  The guidelines offer opportunity to begin implementation of good, healthy habits in hopes to maintain for a lifetime.   

And we are off. . .Day 1!  The detox phase provides flushing all the toxins out which accumulate as we live day to day in toxic environments.  The skin absorbs numerous toxins as each product used touches it.  The lungs build toxins with each breath.  Foods eaten can build toxins in the system when organs exhaust or fail to function to the best ability in digestion.  As we began, worry arose that the bathroom would become our best friend for ten days.  Not the case.  The process occurs at a pace which the body can handle as to avoid shock, destruction or desire to quit the program.  No harsh factors involved. . .even better, the supplements provide just the right concoctions to aide, support and comfort the body during the detox program.

Count down occurred to day 10, which ended the detox phase and began the refueling phase.  Throughout the program, individuals eat whole foods, avoiding the processed junk in this world (which should stay out of our homes anyway) and drink plenty of water (which need occur on a daily basis to maintain proper hydration every day anyway).  The combination of supplements provided during the refuel day absorb with greater effect due to a clean environment entered.  The organs love and thirst for the nutrients now entering the system.  The lack of such nutrients prior to the new regimen left the body lethargic, malnourished, addicted to processed foods full of sugar and struggling to survive.  See, our bodies, when malnourished, search for temporary fixes just to make it through that particular moment.  Ever find yourself reaching for a soda due to droopy eyes and yawning mouths?  Then, two hours later you receive a crash leaving the body lethargic.  The day still must go on, so you reach for candy or some other sugar source to yet again receive a two hour fix for survival.

The cycle continues daily, all the while depleting our bodies of nutrition required.  We may not realize all this is taking place until finding ourselves in an addictive cycle.  We cannot imagine life without soda, sugar or processed foods.  The path leading to our favorite fast food restaurant occurs daily.  The moment comes when this cycle catches up to us and takes over, leaving physical affects to the body, limiting what we can do on a daily basis.  Our bodies scream for help.  In comes this challenge, no longer conforming to the patterns of this world (stress, malnutrition, lethargy, pain, etc.) and transforming into the healthy you desired for life.

An even more important transformation need take place in our lives.  See, our flesh, when discontent, searches for temporary fixes just to make through a particular moment.  Ever find yourself reaching for that comfort food due to a tough day?  What about those heavy storms crashing into each day?  Do you find yourselves grabbing hold an addiction to hide from the pain?  Or maybe someone treated you wrongly and the phone becomes your savior?

Well, my dear friends, let’s stop this cycle NOW!  No longer conforming to the patterns of comfort this world has to offer; yet, turning to the One Who is comfort.  Let us lay all addiction at the Cross which took all pain for us and offered peace instead.  Let us call upon the Throne, not the phone, in order to extend forgiveness to others just as we are forgiven.  Our spirits are screaming for help.  The only help that is everlasting comes through the Holy Spirit.      

I am throwing out a 24 day challenge. . .one that will begin implementation of good, healthy habits in hopes to maintain for a lifetime.  In this challenge not even ONE pill will be swallowed.  Detox will include flushing all the toxic factors in life which provide the enemy with footholds to bring us down.  This may be tough, uncomfortable and a little rocky at times; but, trust me; the peace which comes by laying it all at the Cross far outweighs the temporary discomfort.  So, for 10 days straight, pray diligently for God to reveal what toxins in life hinder a relationship with Him.

Then, after discovering all the toxins, laying them at the Cross and growing closer through prayer, fill up with Scripture.  Scripture is the only supplement needed to maintain and reach spiritual health.  It will replace every lie the enemy placed in your mind which made the environment so vulnerable to the toxins in the first place.  Daily, take up your cross, delve into Scripture and follow God!  Use this challenge as a lifestyle change and maintain this relationship with God on a daily basis. 

As always. . .
Keep praying harder than the devil can work. 

And we are off. . .Day 1!  

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

You are Puny

The event filled the calendar for weeks now.  Sunday afternoon booked due to a church outing on the river.  The means of travel did not include a motor, sail or steering mechanism.  A raft big enough to fit the Craig family kept us afloat.  An oar backed by my right and left arm kept us advancing forward in the river.  Oh yeah, we received some help from my hubby as well.  ;-)

The two guys filled with excitement as time drew near; meanwhile, the girls remained a bit hesitant.  See, as shared in other posts, I do not like water unless taking a hot shower; especially unclear water without knowledge of underlying items (or creatures).  Plus, the fact that our safe return relies on two puny arms pushing against a mighty river increased the fear inside.  Seriously, the odds are not in my favor here.

Upon arrival, I worked diligently to convince self that the next three hours would be filled with fun, laughter and good memories.  A bus shipped us to a landing to choose a raft and power source – a plastic oar.  Seriously?  Can I have a small motor please?  My poor family had to take me as the driving force instead. 

Off we went into the river.  No turning back now.  Three miles lay ahead which we must conquer in order to return safely to our nice motorized source of travel.  We hit mile one with enthusiasm.  Working as a team to progress forward came with difficulty.  One side weaker than the other (I won’t mention whose side that was), often found us turning in circles instead of moving forward.  Numerous times, I felt no progress being made creating an intense frustration and desire to give up. 

We stopped off midway on a small island to let the kids get in the water and just chill in the sunshine, enjoying a beautiful day.  Fast forward a bit (trust me, I wish that were an option due to real time feeling slow motion), we began to head toward the vehicle.  1.5 miles lay in front of us.  After 0.5 miles of that stretch, IT began.  One drop fell as my family continued to struggle with the whole progressing forward thing.  My daughter sat content in the middle, husband on one side and my son and I on the other.  Then, another drop fell.  Not a tiny, little sprinkle – these were the Forrest Gump “Big ol’ fat rain” drops.  Okay, this exciting opportunity to create a memory quickly turned into a scene from an intense drama.  Pelting down, the rain picked up in speed and intensity which left my daughter in tears, son filled with adrenaline, husband worn out as I prayed for help!  My daughter stated truthfully that had we not stopped we would be back by now.  Retort from my son – “you had so much fun when we stopped”.  Retort from my daughter – “but I did not know this was going to happen”.

Do we ever know 100% when a storm is coming?  Life continues daily as scheduled, making one decision upon another.  Some days reveal more excitement than the next.  Some paths have better means of travel than the other.  But, all in all, each day makes up our story.  The attitude and way we choose to face each one makes all the difference.  There must be moments in life when we stop to relax, enjoy the scenery and remain out of the water. 

Times will arise when travel through a day, situation, month or year seem quite difficult.  We arrive at the open door placed before us only to fear the mighty waters ahead.  We begin to take a look inside ourselves and deem unworthiness, weakness and impossibility. 

There is only One Power Source that will lead to progress.  There is only One Power Source that will bring survival in the toughest of waters.  There is only One Power Source that will help discern the need to persevere, relax or stall.  Through the storms of this life, the easy flowing waters or the still calm waters; none can be faced upon your own power.  You are puny. . .without Him.
13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

When we laid down to rest my husband said, “Looking back on the situation now, it really was not that bad.”  Being that we now lay cozy under covers in dry clothes.  Life seems impossible when caught in a storm. . .but perseverance, faith, trust and love will see you through to the other side.  It is then, looking back, you will see the meaning of the situation and be strengthened all the more to face the next storm in life. 

Therefore, each day we must. . .

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.