Monday, October 21, 2013

In Need of a Physician? I Know a Great One!

THAT time of year has rolled around again.  Sickness lurks outside everyone’s door.  Buy the tissues, stock up on the cough drops, begin the Ester-C regimen and try to avoid the swarming pathogens.  Hand washing becomes top priority, followed by covering any coughs or sneezes.  We hope for immunity.  Our immune system needs to buckle down and get ready for the storm. 

Often, regardless of our efforts, the pathogen enters without acknowledgement.  Once inside a host, a pathogen seeks a susceptible cell, one for it to overpower and weaken.  After searching throughout, it finds that one little entrance.  Upon entering, the work begins.  Often the process goes slowly, wreaking havoc one symptom at a time.  The pathogen sets up shop and you may not feel any different at first.  Then, as it replicates, invades more and more cells and goes to town. . .an achy body dominates the day.  Progress reveals a slight fever, cough, sneeze, etc.  Denial sets in:  “I don’t have time for this,” “I am fine,” “This soon shall pass.”

It will not go away until you surrender and call the doc!  The invasion of such a pathogen requires the proper antibiotic to kill it and then create a slight immunity to the same pathogen next time it should try to take over you.  Let it go, face the facts and get the medicine, take it until completed and begin to feel better.  Don’t quit mid-prescription or some bacteria remains, only to return with a vengeance.  Go all in and get the pathogen out of your life. 

Enough medical jargon. . .every feel spiritual sickness lurks outside your door?  We buy the self-help books, stock up on a comforting vice, begin searching the internet for prevention tips to avoid this emotional pathogen waiting to overtake your life.  Looking the other way becomes top priority, followed by building walls around your heart.  We hope for it to go away.  Avoidance is key, right?  Suck it up, ignore the feelings and move on, right?

Speaking from experience, I can confidently tell you that avoidance and ignoring do not work.  Actually, both do the exact opposite of healing or protecting.  The sickness remains, the walls grow in strength and emotions take over.  So, why avoid facing our struggles head on, going to the root and begin healing?

My friends, when we buckle down and take one brick at a time from the walls around our heart, that little pathogen releases and searches for a susceptible moment, a weakness in our thoughts.  The pathogen works diligently to overpower our lives.  In our weakness, it takes hold of any possible avenue to bring us down, tear us to pieces so we will quit.  The pathogen desires for us to place those bricks back around our heart one at a time and give it that quiet little place it lived in our hearts.  It was comfortable in our lives, let it go back and remain infecting our spirit. 

The pathogen reveals itself as our worst enemy.  Once released, he goes to town, working diligently to tear you down.  Any weakness, he takes advantage of and grabs tight to the slightest entrance into your thoughts.  So, let’s medicate ourselves with worldly things to get by.  Let’s numb these thoughts and emotions until maybe they will just go away or the season will pass, right?

It will not go away or truly heal until you surrender and call the Great Physician!  He writes one prescription: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  (Matthew 11:28-30)  Truth by Truth, healing takes place.  And though, it does not go away overnight, completing His prescription for your life will bring peace, joy and love.  The past will remain there, the present will bring pleasant times and you will be confident that your future is fixed.  Healing comes: It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”  The strength gained from releasing such a pathogen is indescribable.  God will use this moment in time to build your ministry which then builds His Kingdom.  Stand strong, times will be rough as the past is released and medicated with Truth, but know full well that the battle has already been won!  You can do this with His medication.  Call the Physician today!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig    

Monday, October 14, 2013

Removing the Plank

Our church sends a weekly email on Wednesday to provide information concerning Sunday’s message and a few other announcements.  The subject for the message jumps off the screen.  Oh, I cannot wait for my husband to hear this one.  God I pray You speak loud and clear to him through this message, guide him in the right direction and provide strength needed to change.  I keep the prayer to myself, but chime in a few hints throughout the week to set the tone for my husband in preparation to hear the message. 
Sunday comes and the chaotic morning reveals itself once again.  Finally out the door, I remember the subject soon to be taught.  Again, God I pray You speak loud and clear to my husband through this message.  I sit down, knowing this week does not really apply to me, but I want to hear all the ways to help my husband change.  I move closer to my husband, elbow ready to nudge him should he begin to drift away in thought.  I just don’t want him to miss a thing.  I am looking out for him, right?  I am concerned about his well-being and only want the best for him, right?
As we leave the church, my husband rubs his arm to ease the pain of countless elbow jabbing received during the past hour.  Despite the bruise forming, I am thrilled he heard today’s sermon.  It came in just the right timing.  He needed this. 
I will say it for you. . .WOW, REALLY?
C’mon, I think we all have experienced these thoughts a time or two.  We sit in church listening intently to the message and think, “I wish so-and-so were here for this”, or our eyes continually look to the person next to us while nudging a bit, insinuating to tune in, this pertains to them.
Well, my friend, one Scripture provides the eye opening experience we ALL need. . .“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?  How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3-4)
God provides messages daily. . .not for us to rebuke others, judge His children based on opinions and attitudes or nudge the one sitting next to us.  These messages are for US!  All Scripture pertains to each of His children and applies specifically to the current season.  Too often (I am guilty as well) we want to apply the Scripture to someone else’s life.  We use Scripture as a weapon to change our spouse or loved one.  Scripture is useful to teach US in our own lives, correcting our walk and providing the strength needed to take the next step the path laid for US.  Cool thing about our God. . .once we learn from the Scriptures, He uses us as a vessel.  Not to go and condemn others and make them change to conform to our ideas and thoughts.  But, He uses us as an example.  We when grow closer to God by removing every plank from our eye, we exemplify a true Christian, a follower of Christ and therefore love others towards growth.  No condemnation, no nudging, no prayers wishing a person to change and no judgment.  As children of God, we love, provide grace, encourage others to seek Scripture for themselves and listen to what God wants for their lives.  We are not interpreters for God, we are merely vessels which to shine His light.
Love others each step of the way.  Encourage them to look to God for guidance.  Listen for the lessons He desires in your own life.  Give each plank to Him, one at a time, and He will build a life beyond your imagination.  Dive into His Word today and see how to remove each plank.    
Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig    

Monday, October 7, 2013

There is Power in His Name!

The day begins with one of the most annoying sounds created.  The tempting option to hit snooze tempts exists as I lean over to stop the noise.  Events, appointments, work and life outnumber the hours of this day.  Then, I realize without hitting feet to the floor, nothing will get done.  I lose precious time while debating to rise.  Can I just call in sick for the day?


Okay, up and at it, the coffee pot quits working, the kids refuse to move the morning along and the van sits on E!  Time becomes my enemy, refusing to cooperate during such a time as this.  Chores need be completed before this family steps foot out the door:  dishes in the dishwasher, laundry folded, beds made and lunches packed.  Yet, one child remains in pajamas snuggled tightly in a blanket and the other sits nose in gaming system.  Somehow in the middle of the night both children lost the ability to hear because my voice directs without any action following.  Can I just gain some control here?


Somehow kids arrived at their destination on time.  All is well, for a moment.  News comes via a phone call that illness struck a loved one.  Another call informs of tragedy affecting a loved one.  As I drive along, I notice a homeless, struggling mother.  The radio announces another shooting, drug bust and robbery of an innocent family.  In all this, I recall the suffering of a dear friend.  Each event weighs heavily on my heart.  Can I just take all the pain away?


The day continues in continuous prayer.  My momentary troubles pale in comparison to the sufferings unveiled this morning.  While driving home, I recall the day’s events and count each blessing one by one.  Then, I enter my home and clock in for the evening shift.  Homework awaits, dinner hasn’t even began, showers need taken, laundry accumulated AGAIN, dishes reappeared by the sink and the coffee pot still in need of repair.  Bedtime cannot come quick enough.  Can I retire yet?


Head hits the pillow a few hours later than desired.  Thoughts race and relaxation feels so distant.  My mouth opens, but no words come.  I cannot find the words to pray.  Be it exhaustion or escalating emotions; the heaviness of my heart cannot be expressed.  The minor struggles of the day matter nothing; yet, while in the moment, I allowed them to overtake and cause anxiety.  If only my eyes could remain open all day long to see every single blessing – they would outnumber any trial faced. . .

Continuous prayer keeps eyes open.  The weight of this world can be heavy; thankfully, we have a Savior that carried it ALL to His grave.  He rose from the dead and made a trip here to share the goodness awaiting us in Heaven.  Through our lives, He desires to complete a good work within you to further His Kingdom.  Then, once all is complete, trust remained throughout, faith strengthened each day and a relationship matured to desired level. . .He brings you Home.  Call to Him Who protects, saves, loves, guides and heals.  Just one Name is strong enough. . .


Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig