Monday, September 30, 2013

Deep Cleaning Anyone?

During the school year, the weeks pass with a blink of an eye.  Routine and maxed out schedules keep each family member busy.  We complete daily tasks only to receive the same to do list the next day.  Mundane chores make for no rest time. 

But then, I walk around my home and notice imperfection.  While folding laundry, I notice a cobweb forming in the hard to reach corner.  I open cabinets only to find dust under the contents.  My children’s growth leaves the closet filled with useless clothes.  I don’t even want to begin moving furniture to see the collection of dust bunnies.  Handprints of two little angels smear my front door.  I feel like I clean every possible minute; yet, chores remain incomplete. 

So, I continue on my way, completing high priority items daily.  I look the other way, avoid the space needing attention, keep the furniture in place and grab needed items quickly while shoving useless items to the back.  It works!  My house “appears” clean on the surface and presentable to guests.  I can’t do anymore.  I can’t handle another item on my list.  I need help to spruce up this home! 

Maybe the cleaning fairy will visit, leaving my house to shine.  Oh, I know, mom visits this week, maybe she will complete the chores.  How about I wish it all away?  Nah, I will continue to ignore and avoid.  That plan sounds much easier and feasible.

Ever feel incomplete or spiritually weak?  We attend church, sing loudly in worship, pray daily and invite God into each moment.  Yet, some ‘thing’ halts spiritual maturity.  Moving to the next level, taking the required step seems too difficult.  Our house “appears” clean on the surface and presentable; yet, desired growth remains. 

We see it and our thoughts remind us almost daily.  The one sin, unforgiving thought, angry emotion, haunting hurt, etc.  The wall surrounding our hearts keeps them hidden.  When giving our life to Christ, growth spurts continuously occur; yet, the deepest hurts and emotions hide in the corners of our soul.  We feel no more can be done.  We can’t handle all this and while continuing in daily trials.  We want to ignore and avoid.  We need help sprucing up our home!

Help is on the way!  He waits at the cross for us to lay it all down.  Break down the walls, visit the corners of your soul and bring God along.  No wish will erase.  No fairy will help.  No one else can complete the work for you.  This is a cleaning only you and God can complete. 

It can be difficult to face the buried past.  The emotions shoved aside before now multiplied.  Take each one to Him. . .deep clean one item at a time.  Don’t miss a corner.  Reach to the back, move the wall built around your heart and give attention to every piece of your soul.  God will bless you, allowing a spiritual growth spurt.  A deeper relationship, stronger ministry, overwhelming peace and freedom result with a clean house. 

You are worth it and He will take the worst of pasts in His Hands, using each for His good.  Much of the past, you did not deserve, some came as a result of wrong decisions and few just happened due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  His grace covers ALL!  Find peace and spiritual growth in His Word.  Let Him deep clean your soul. 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Monday, September 23, 2013

Piece Producing Peace

COMFORT. . .such a challenging word to define.  The definition depends on the audience in question.  The process to reach such a state depends on the severity of a situation.  The feeling may be an unattainable goal for many.  But, one thing rings true across the board. . .ALL yearn for comfort.

As a child, crying causes those in the environment to run to rescue.  A pacifier, bottle, blanket, toy, hug or kiss flood the child in comfort.  Very few options exist to provide a safe, calm and hopeful environment for a child.  The simple presence of a caregiver often stops the anxiety or negative emotion in its tracks.  Time moves on and a bottle does not do the trick, a pacifier falls short in bringing comfort and even the presence of a caregiver may not bring the comfort needed.  The egocentric child looks to the world for instant gratification and whatever makes them happy at that particular moment in that particular state of emotion.  This is normal behavior and it is okay.  Food, toys, repetitive actions, exploring in places they should not, hiding under the covers to nap, watching television to bring laughter, etc. all bring comfort to a child.  So, what does a child do?  The minute emotions enter of sadness or anxiety; they reach for one of these to enter a state of peace. 

I compare these ‘things’ to pain medication.  If you read the bottle, instructions clearly state the frequency of a dose.  The pain WILL come back; it is only a matter of time.  The pain numbs for a period to allow rest, temporary comfort.  This is all good when talking about physical pain.  But, when talking about emotions, the past or daily decisions; temporary does not cut it.  We must move from our egocentric child to His submissive daughter/son.  He created our inmost being and touched each and every fiber during formation in our mother’s womb.  He left one space empty.  One desire unmet.  One piece set aside, which He holds in His Hand. 

Lacking, we search this world for completeness.  Some ‘thing’ of this world must fit the empty space, right?  So, each day we grab various foods to fill the space, repeat compulsive actions to fulfill a desire, explore places our hearts should not to feel love, hide under the covers to avoid the emptiness, watch television to fill the space with crude humor or escape or we feed addictions.  We strive for comfort!  At the end of each day, we need more of the ‘thing’ and frequency increases.  The pain comes back.  Temporary comfort allows for rest but only for a moment.

Not until Comfort is recognized, accepted and placed in the empty space will permanent relief appear.  Any emotion entering your path, Comfort will come in and process it safely with you.  No desire remains unmet.  Completeness comes when Comfort places His piece perfectly in place.  His hand sits open for all to grab the piece producing peace.  This leads to the true definition of comfort: a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint; consolation for grief or anxiety.

He offers freedom, easement, consolation, joy and completeness.  Go to Him, the offer stands for all no matter past or present circumstances.  Give Him the pieces which you tried to shove into the empty space inside and He will place the only piece which fits perfectly.  Then, an amazing thing happens with all those pieces laid at the cross. . .He takes each and every one, using it for His glory, creating your ministry.    

Will you go to Him today?  Will you put aside ‘things’ of this world and quit with temporary comfort?

Pay attention today and see where you go for comfort.  It may be that very place or ‘thing’ that needs to be taken to the cross.  His presence is enough!  He is comfort!  Turn to His Word and be filled today with Comfort! 

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig 

Monday, September 16, 2013

THAT Day. . .Be Prepared

School has, is and will present trials and tribulations in my life.  The workload seems near impossible to complete, knowledge too much to process and sleep yet to be desired.  On top of the day to day steps taken toward graduation, one thing remains the worst for this woman. . .test day!  Anxiety hits like a ton of bricks.  The unknown of which questions will be chosen from an endless NCLEX bank increases the pressure.  I study for hours, read, type, read, process information and did I mention read!  Still, never feel prepared for THAT day. 

I decided to approach the mountain differently this semester.  I altered study habits, enhanced listening skills and took advantage of electronic devices.  While examining the reason I choose the wrong answers, I noticed a common denominator.  My gut told me one thing, while my head reasoned and talk me into another choice.  Guess who was right? 

My gut. . .yet, I went with my head; therefore, learned to avoid second guessing myself and choose the one answer that comes first to mind.  It is true.  My grades would increase by at least 5% if I went with my gut.  How can we develop a gut feeling?

Reading builds knowledge.  Observation provides examples.  Listening gives guidance.  Doing enhances skills.

Reading the book, Power Points and materials provided builds the foundation needed to analyze questions and bring the answer to the forefront.  Reading strengthens the feeling in our gut to choose correctly.  Observation provides examples to apply when THAT day comes.  We can take the actions and words observed by an experienced individual and apply it to the question asked.  Listening in class gives guidance in choosing correctly.  Doing a task enhances the skill and plants a concrete gut feeling with firsthand experience to lead to a correct answer.

Maybe the test faced does not come in paper form or require a No.2 pencil to fill in those annoying little rectangles.  A syllabus may not exist to warn you of such a test.  No preparation could come due to the ‘pop quiz’ which blindsided your day.  Or COULD preparation be made?  How can we develop a gut feeling to help us in life’s toughest tests?

Reading builds knowledge.  Observation provides examples.  Listening gives guidance.  Doing enhances skills.

Pick up a copy today of the greatest Book, filled with Truth to build the foundation needed to answer correctly.  Place Truth in the forefront.  Cool thing. . .only One Source exists for life’s answers.  It does not cost hundreds of dollars, can be found at a nearby store and spells out answers clearly.  Reading His Word strengthens gut feelings and overpowers our mind.  Observation provides examples to follow and apply to any test.  God uses people all around you as vessels to teach and guide.  Pray for a mentor to come and provide an example worth following.  Begin by observing the greatest example provided in the Book you just purchased and began reading. . .God’s only Son.  Remember with each question faced. . .the answer is whatever Jesus would do!  Listening to God’s Word and hearing His responses guides the day to day steps leading to completion.  Doing what He commands in the Book you purchased and began reading enhances your skills needed to answer any question faced.  Doing what Jesus would do, found in the Book you purchased and began reading, strengthens our gut feeling when That day comes.

And THAT day will come.  In this world we will have trials and tribulation. . .but take heart, He has overcome this world.  He answered all the questions, completed the test and passed with flying colors.  So, need an answer key?. . .turn to His Word.  Need a gut feeling to override the reasoning of your thoughts.  Turn to His Word and fill that gut with knowledge, examples, guidance and skills to pass with flying colors.  The enemy prowls around, plays with your thoughts and works diligently to convince you of the wrong answer.  Well, get behind us Satan, you are but a stumbling block. . .

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Monday, September 9, 2013

Today Can be Sunday!

“It’s just another manic Monday
Wish it were Sunday
‘Cause that’s my fun day
My I don’t have to run day
It’s just another manic Monday!”

The loud beeping breaks my sleep cycle and begins my Monday.  I feel as though I only took a nap.  The world awaits, numerous tasks lay ahead and no button exists to take return to Sunday.  So, I must suck it up, put my feet on the floor and move forward.  Monday marks the beginning of a week filled with anxiety provoking events, work extending beyond time allotted and a calendar filled with scheduled appointments.  Oh, I wish it were Sunday. 

I realize time extends forward and will not stand still just for me.  I didn’t rest enough, finish enough chores and failed to prepare for this week.  Can someone pass me the ‘easy’ button please?  Oh, I wish it were Sunday.

It’s time to get the backpacks filled, agendas signed and lunches made.  It’s time to gas up the mom taxi, iron clothes and polish up the shoes.  Monday marks the day of adjusting back to routine; back to dragging kids out of bed, begging for cooperation in order to arrive at school on time and then arguing the after school routine as well.  Oh, I wish it were Sunday.


The artist above hit the nail on the head.  I don’t think the artist’s meaning in the above lyrics coincides with my thoughts. . .but, here they are. 

I am certain 99% of Americans can relate to the above description of Monday morning thoughts.  The situations faced, schedule requirements and hindrances may differ somewhat; but, the underlying thoughts harmonize.  Avoiding a manic Monday appears top priority at the sound of the alarm.  We could roll back over and tuck our head under the covers; that sounds like the perfect solution, right?  How about calling in sick to the world today? 

The weight of the world can weigh heavily on our shoulders.  Oh, if every day could be Sunday!  No running here and there, no chores, no preparing for the day. . .just a nice, peaceful day filled with family and relaxation.  Nope, that is not the main reason why I wish every day were Sunday. 


Why?  I wake up, bring my family together and head to a warm, welcoming place of worship.  My church family comes together to recognize the reason life exists.  The focus shifts away from work, errands, stress, deadlines, pressures of fulfilling specific roles and it moves to God.  He becomes the center of our thoughts and an overwhelming peace fills our hearts.  All that happened the week prior doesn’t matter.  All that lay ahead for the week to come doesn’t matter.  Our one True King and His plan for our lives is all that matters. 

Surrounding ourselves with fellow believers not only brings joy and comfort but also accountability.  It keeps our focus on God and building our faith, trust and hope on His Word.  Filling ourselves with Truth while focusing on the example set forth by Jesus, Son of God, provides strength and perseverance to face any kind of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Oh, if every day could be Sunday!

Well, it can AND it should!  Just because the calendar says it is Monday doesn’t mean our minds have to go there.  God is not just a Sunday helper.  His protection does not stop 12:00 pm Sunday evening.  No fine print exists in the Bible stating – not valid Monday through Friday!  Take Him with you at all times, use Truth to combat any negative thoughts that steal your day.  He will show the path for the day and oh, the joy and peace which He planned for you is indescribable.  Keep God close with each step, making each and every moment faced easier.  No ‘easy’ button needed. . .only faith, trust and hope in the Word of God.  Take each step today knowing full well that He walks right beside you.      

Roll over, turn off the alarm and jump out of bed. . .it is a brand new day and His mercies begin anew.  He already went ahead of you, protected every hour of this Monday and waits in excitement to walk with you through this day.  Let Him in.  Don’t keep Him in a Sunday box.  Let it be Sunday every day!  Today is our fun day!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.

Sheree Craig

Monday, September 2, 2013

Not too Late

I struggle with trust.  Disappointments layer my past.  I placed faith IN the world.  With each year passing, my confidence in people dwindled.  The ones surrounding my life believed in the saying, “promises were made to be broken.”  Too many times to count, I placed complete belief that others would come through and fulfill all my needs.  I thought my heart would be overflowing with love because on the forefront they appeared so real and truthful.  Promises of forever, kindness, generosity, support, forgiveness, acceptance, etc. seemed to diminish with each day spent in a relationship with a friend, significant other or role model.

According to Erikson’s first stage of development, trust vs. mistrust occurs from birth up to the first birthday.  Basic trust lays the foundation from the very beginning.  He believes the vital stage could make or break the trusting nature of a person.  A child looks to their primary caregiver for stability and care in this newfound environment.  Should the basic needs remain unmet or trusting experiences lack in a child’s life, mistrust develops.  Hopeful results during this stage include faith and optimism.  Faith in others helping through crisis or scary situations; optimism in the surrounding world.  Developing mistrust results in fear.  Fear appears throughout each relationship, diminishing the confidence held in the other person.

The stage ends at that.  So, after your first birthday, no risk exists for trust to be broken or built?  Erikson’s first stage occurred in my teen through late 20’s years.  I am slow to process information and situations; so, I am not surprised that Erikson’s first stage occurred for me much later in life.  My mother provided more love than this little girl could handle.  She accepted me for who I was each day and gently guided me through right and wrong.  No problems there.  But, then, the world came at me and displayed the total opposite.  Each relationship came on strong, fulfilling promises of love, concern and acceptance. . .when life was easy!  I loved to please people, so that got me in and accepted.  A ride always comes to an end, right?  Relationships ended, people left and situations weighed heavily atop my shoulders.  I remained exhausted and lost the real me with each relationship.  Then, I found the one who would stick with me at all times as long as I followed the rules. . .Anorexia.  What a friendship.  It never left, built me up with each starving moment, smiled at each aching muscle and grew closer when life grew tough!  It promised forever and love maximized as the size of clothing minimized.  My faith in Anorexia solidified each time it helped me through a crisis or emotional experience.  I did not have to feel those emotions, it carried them for me.  I regained optimism in the surrounding world while walking hand in hand with Anorexia.  

The relationship lasted too long.  I lost control, became an eating disorder pleaser.  My world revolved around whatever fed this friendship (no pun intended).  All along, people left, rejection appeared and situations too heavy to bear occurred.  Now, I wanted to leave, reject this friend and learn coping skills to bear any situation coming my way.  I felt stuck in this stage of life. . .Then, I found the One who remains at all times!  I fell at His feet in exhaustion.  I finally saw the Hand which had been waiting there all along.  I reached and He pulled me in.  He had never left me. . .He knew my every being before birth.  Every fiber ran through His loving, caring and kind fingers during formation in my mother’s womb.  Although, I kept Him at a distance throughout life, He continued sending angels to plant seeds in my thoughts and heart.  Those seeds were then watered by more angels and eventually grew to overpower the control Anorexia held.  With each growth, one link broke.  Looking back, I have many angels to thank for seeing me through without any acknowledgement at the time.  I have faith that God encouraged them while completing His work.  They planted the seed needed at that time in my life.  My angels said yes even through rejection.  My angels continued to help, pray and love even though the situation seemed too much to ‘fix’.  Thank You God for my angels!

Through the newfound relationship with God, trust builds stronger each day, situations grow faith and He overfills my heart with love.  I now realize (again slow to process) what forever, kindness, generosity, support, forgiveness and acceptance looks like.  He comes through with every promise given.  His Word rings true at all times.  He is the One to place trust in now and forever.  Doing so results in faith so strong it could move mountains and optimism knowing that He holds a special place just for me in Heaven.

This relationship waits for you too.  Look, His Hand is right there.  No more promises broken, no more pleasing others only to be disappointed, no more sacrificing who you are to fit in somewhere IN this world. . .no more, no more, no more!  Seek Him, read His Word and allow each link to be broken of whatever chain suffocates your life.  He created you.  Your worth lay in Him and His grace will cover whatever your past reveals.  You can never do anything that will make Him love you less and you can never do anything that will make Him love you more (awesome advice given to me from one of my most favorite angels in my life). . .He loves you (PERIOD).  Run to Him, lay it all at the cross and begin building trust in the One Who will never leave nor forsakes you!

Keep praying harder than the devil can work.
Sheree Craig